
Riahna, the spirit warrior

Riahna a civilian of the planet Grainen have limitless power on to her ledge. Lesas, the demon who got captured down by the civilians of Grainen in a war was released by betrayel. Lesas destroys Grainen. On the proximity of the destruction Riahna hits on Earth with no memory of past. She realises some strange power within her. She tries to understand the real Riahna. She wants to perish Lesas with it's roots. But on the other side the Americans try to capture her powers underneath. Will she destroy Lesas or will her powers be invaded by the Americans.Let's see. If you wanna judge the novel according to the given story line well I might as well suggest you to think again cause it's more than that and please let me know if there's any mistakes along the chapter's.

Madcap_Gal · Fantasy
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98 Chs

The hunt for the spirit animal and the most awaited festival

Years after, both of them grew up with beauty and strength.Jayden acquired his spirit animal to be wolf but Riahna till now didn't acquire herself her own spirit animal.Her mother was upset with her due to this but her father was indeed a nice man didn't just bother about any of those.

One day,

"You are a grown up girl Riahna and you haven't yet found your spirit animal. (Riahna sighs)It's not a joke every civilian of this planet must have their own spirit animal and if you're confused where to start I'll always say to start with a dragon."said Emma(Riahna's mom)

"Great I was thinking about making a cat or a rat my own spirit animal."said Riahna.

(Emma sighs with disagreement)

Joseph enters into the scene.

"Whoa is it a mother daughter fight again?"asked Joseph

"Your daughter has not yet found her own spirit animal. Doesn't that even bother you? Your are her father"

"I don't really trust any of these. (Emma looks at Joseph with a slight of anger )Give her time Emma she's gonna get it. Don't worry."

Emma get's out.

"You love when we fight huh"said Joseph.

"Dad I will try when I want to try."

"You are my daughter "

Riahna walks out. Zack comes out nowhere and tries to start a conversation.

"Hey Did your mother knock you off?"asked Zack.

"Shut up Zack "

"Okay , you are angry I get it. Where you going?"

"To get my spirit animal."

"Whoa this must be interesting."

They went off to the jungle, they had to get rest so they sat on a rock.

"What do you want your spirit animal to be Riahna?"asked Zack.

"I don't know , I really don't know."

"My best choice for you would be the dragon cause many of the kings and the queens have their spirit animal to be a dragon."

"I don't know I mean dragon is great but I'll rather look up on more of an animal like a tiger or a reindeer or something like that."

"Well it's your choice. I don't have a saying in that"

Just then they heard a sound. They started following the sound and behind the bushes they saw a mother dragon with her babies. Zack signalled Riahna as if this was her opportunity to acquire her spirit animal. He started pushing her to get a start and in the proximity of the push she fell over infront of the dragon.The dragon started to stand up as it thought that Riahna was a threat to her babies.Riahna tried to stand up real slowly making a clear eye contact with the dragon as if she is communicating with it.

"Don't worry, I'm not gonna hurt you or your babies. Just stay cool okay.''said Riahna.

Just then there was a call from the castle in the form of a horn that went straight for the dragon's ears and were scared if there was a threat. She(the dragon) stood up and fell into rage and wiped Riahna off with her tails which made her hit a really hard rock. The dragon immediately took her babies and ran into the woods.

"Looks like you're never gonna get a spirit animal of your own"Zack told as he offered his hand off to Riahna for helping her get up.

"Thanks for the comment Zack" Riahna sighs.

They went off to the castle and they found that there were a meeting held in the dining room and that it wanted everyone to be presented. They walked towards the dining hall. Every royal men including the king and the queen were presented there.

"So as we all are here I might as well share you the news.

Since the Marik festival is about to happen in atleast three week, I discussed with the ministers and we have made a plan this year. We are going to call everyone to the grand occasion and by everyone I mean everyone.Usually the Marik festival includes all the civilians of Lohov and only Lohov, We thought it'll be more enjoyable if we ask the other planet's civilains to just drop by to celebrate the Marik festival.It'll be a one day case and I hope you all will approve to this as they have helped us a lot even in our darkest times."said Joseph.

"It's a great idea "said one minister and then came all the approvals. Everyone was happy and it was clear that this years Marik festival would be the best.