
Rhythm of Fate

Aria, a young musician, discovers she’s the last living descendant of an ancient line of bards with magical abilities. As she explores her powers, she’s drawn to Kael, a mysterious stranger who becomes her protector and potential love interest. Aria’s goal is to master her magical music and uncover the truth about her family’s past.

Sylvie_Gold · ดนตรีและวงดนตรี
20 Chs

Chapter three: “Secrets of the Mystic Realm”

Aria stepped through the shimmering veil, leaving the familiar world behind. Lyrien led her into the Heart of the Ancients, a place where the very fabric of reality seemed to vibrate with magic. The air was alive with whispers, echoes of ancient secrets waiting to be uncovered. "The message you seek is here," Lyrien said, his eyes gleaming with a knowing light. "But be warned, Aria, the secrets of the mystic realm come at a price. Are you prepared to pay the cost?" Aria steeled herself, her heart pounding with anticipation. "I'm ready." As Lyrien spoke, the whispers in the air grew louder, and the ground began to shimmer. Aria felt a strange energy building up around her, like the very fabric of reality was shifting to reveal a hidden truth. Suddenly, a glowing portal materialized before her, pulsing with an otherworldly light. Lyrien gestures toward the portal, his eyes gleaming with an intense intensity. "The message you seek is through the portal, Aria. But be warned, the secrets of the mystic realm are not for the faint of heart. Are you prepared to face what lies beyond?" Aria took a deep breath, steeling herself for what was to come. She nodded, and with a sense of determination, stepped through the shimmering portal…

As Aria steps through the portal, she finds herself in a realm that resembles a mystical, ethereal version of her childhood home. The walls are adorned with memories and mementos from her family's past, and the air is filled with the scent of her mother's favorite flowers. Suddenly, her mother's ghost appears before her, looking as radiant and wise as Aria remembers. But there's a hint of sorrow and urgency in her eyes. "Aria, my dear, I've been waiting for you," her mother's ghost says, her voice barely above a whisper. "Our family's legacy is not what you think it is. We've been guardians of the mystic realm for generations, but a darkness is coming, one that threatens to destroy everything we've sworn to protect. Aria's mother's ghost takes her hand, her eyes filled with a deep longing. "Whaen I was alive, I did everything I could to stop the darkness, but it was not enough. I lost the battle, and our family's spellbook was taken. But before I died I hid clues in the human realm that will help you find the book. You must hurry, Aria. I can feel the darkness closing in." Aria's mother's ghost hands her a delicate necklace with a small crystal pendant. "Take this, my child. It's a protection charm. Always wear it, and know that you have everything you need to overcome this darkness. I believe in you, Aria. You are strong and brave, and I will always be with you, guiding you from beyond." Aria's eyes well up with tears as she takes the necklace, feeling a surge of determination and love. "I won't let you down, mother. I'll find the spellbook, stop the darkness and restore our family's legacy."

Aria opened her eyes, finding herself back in the human realm. Lyrien stood beside her, his eyes gleaming with a soft light. "You're home, Aria," he said, his voice gentle. Aria looked around, taking in the familiar sights of her town. She had been gone for six months, and the world had moved on without her, turns out time flows faster in the human realm than in the mystical realm. Her friends and family had thought she was dead and her return would be a shock to them all. Lyrien handed her a small bag containing her belongings. "Kael remains in the mystical realm, watching over the Heart of the Ancients. But be warned, Aria, Riven has also followed you back to the human realm, seeking to claim the Heart's power for himself." Aria felt a chill run down her spine. She knew Riven would stop at nothing to achieve his goals, and her return had just made her a target once more. After warning Aria about Riven, Lyrien's expression turned solemn. "I must leave you now, Aria. My task was to bring you back to the human realm, but I cannot stay. Riven's influence is growing and I must return to the mystical realm to aid Kael in preparing for the coming battle." Aria felt a pang of gratitude and sadness. "Thank you, Lyrien. I won't forget your help." Lyrien nodded and placed a hand on her shoulder. "May the light of the Ancients guide you, Aria. We will meet again when the time comes." With that, Lyrien vanished into thin air, leaving Aria to face the challenges ahead alone.

As Aria walked through the town, she noticed the curious glances from passers by. Her disappearance and return had left a trail of questions, and she knew she had to face the consequences. Her guardian, her mother's best friend, who Aria calls Aunt Grace, welcomed her back with tears in her hers. "Aria, we thought we'd lost you forever. Where have you been?" Aria hesitated unsure how much to reveal. "I…I was lost in the woods. I don't remember much." Aunt Grace nodded though her eyes hinted at skepticism. "Well, you're home now. That's all that matters." As Aria settled back into her life, she felt like an outsider. Her friends were hesitant to reconnect, unsure if she was still the same person they once knew. Aria herself wasn't sure if she was still the same person. Riven's presence lurked in the shadows, a constant threat. Aria knew she had to be vigilant and prepare for their next encounter.

The next morning, Aria was still fast asleep when she heard a knock at the door. Aunt Grace answered it, and Aria heard a familiar voice exclaiming, "Oh my gosh, it's true! Aria's back?" Aria's best friend, Sophia, burst into her room, interrupting her sleep. "Aria, oh my gosh, I've missed you so much! I heard you were back, and I had to come over right away!" Aria rubbed her eyes, still groggy from sleep. "Sophia, what time is it?" "It's early, but I couldn't wait! Tell me everything, what happened? Where have you been?" Aria sat up, and Sophia climbed into bed beside her. Aria took a deep breath and began telling Sophia everything - her journey to the mystical realm, meeting Lyrien and Kael, and her encounter with Riven. Sophia listened with wide eyes, her expression changing from excitement to concern. "Aria, that's incredible! But also super scary. What can I do to help?" Aria smiled, grateful for her friend's support. "Just being here for me means a lot, Sophia. But actually, I could use your help. I need to uncover more about the mystical realm and Riven's plans. And...we work at the same place, don't we?" Sophia nodded. "Yeah, we're both interns at the local museum! I can definitely help you snoop around and see if we can find any clues." Aria's eyes lit up. "That's perfect! Let's start digging, and see what we can uncover." And with that, Aria and Sophia began their investigation, determined to uncover the truth and face whatever challenges lay ahead.

Aria and Sophia spent the morning getting ready for work, chatting excitedly about their plans to investigate the mystical realm. Over breakfast, Aria filled Sophia in on her encounter with Lyrien and her return to the human realm. Aunt Grace listened in, offering words of caution and support. After breakfast, they said their goodbyes and headed to the museum, where they worked as interns. Their shift was busy, but they stayed focused, knowing they had a mission to complete after work. Finally, their shift ended, and they began their search for clues. They snuck into the museum's storage rooms, searching for any artifacts or documents that might shed light on the mystical realm. As they searched the storage rooms, Aria and Sophia stumbled upon an ancient tome bound in black leather. The cover was adorned with strange symbols that seemed to shimmer in the dim light. Aria felt an inexplicable pull towards the book, as if it held secrets meant specifically for her. Sophia noticed Aria's fascination and whispered, "Do you think this might be connected to the mystical realm?" Aria nodded, her heart racing with excitement. "Let's take a closer look." As they opened the book, the pages revealed intricate illustrations and cryptic text. Aria recognized some of the symbols from her journey in the mystical realm, and a shiver ran down her spine. Suddenly, the air around them grew colder, and the shadows seemed to deepen. Aria sensed a presence watching them, but she couldn't quite pinpoint it.

Aria then closed the tome and carefully placed it in her bag, deciding to examine it further after their shift at the museum. They continued their search, scouring the exhibits and displays for any clues or connections to the mystical realm. As they searched the museum, Aria began humming a soft tune, a familiar melody her mother used to sing to her when she was little. Sophia noticed and smiled. Suddenly, a nearby artifact - an intricately carved flute - began to glow with a soft, ethereal light. Aria's eyes widened as she approached the display case, her humming growing louder. Sophia joined her, mesmerized by the glowing flute. Just as they reached for it, a voice interrupted them. "Must you always draw attention to yourself, Aria?" Aria and Sophia spun around, their hearts racing, and that's when they saw Lyrien standing before them, his piercing gaze fixed on Aria.