
Rhythm of Fate

Aria, a young musician, discovers she’s the last living descendant of an ancient line of bards with magical abilities. As she explores her powers, she’s drawn to Kael, a mysterious stranger who becomes her protector and potential love interest. Aria’s goal is to master her magical music and uncover the truth about her family’s past.

Sylvie_Gold · ดนตรีและวงดนตรี
20 Chs

Chapter one: “Harmony’s Call”

Aria's fingers danced across the strings of her lyre weaving a mesmerizing melody that captivated the tavern crowd. Her voice, like honey and smoke poured out her hearts deepest emotions. As she performed, her mind wandered to the dreams she'd chased since childhood: to become the greatest bard New Alexandria had ever known. As she strummed the final chord, the taverns' candles flickered in sync with her music, as if the flames themselves were dancing to her rhythm. Aria shivered feeling an unsettling energy coursing through her veins. It was as if her music had awakened something ancient and powerful, something she couldn't quite grasp. As the applause died down, Aria noticed a figure standing at the edge of the crowd, his eyes fixed on her with an intensity that made her skin prickle, he was tall with piercing blue eyes and jet-black hair that fell like a water fall of night. As their gazes met, Aria felt a shiver run down her spine, and then with a graceful stride, he moved towards her, his eyes never leaving hers.

Kael's approach was fluid and graceful, his long strides devouring the distance between them. Aria's heart raced as he stopped before her, his piercing blue eyes locking unto hers. "You have a gift," he said, his voice low, husky and smooth like honey, sending shivers down her spine. "A gift that could change the course of history." Aria's mind raced, unsure how to respond. "What do you mean?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper. Kael's gaze never wavered. "Your music, Aria. It's not just beautiful; it's powerful. And I'm not the only one who's noticed." Aria's thoughts whirled, trying to comprehend what Kael was hinting at. She had always known her magic was special, but she had never imagined it could be powerful enough to change history. "Who are you?" she asked, trying to sound braver than she felt. Kael's smile was enigmatic. "Someone who can help you unlock your full potential. If you're willing to take the risk." Aria hesitated, unsure what to make of Kael's words. But something about him drew her in, something that made her want to trust him, despite the danger that lurked beneath his surface. "Okay," she said finally, her voice firm. "I'll take the risk." Kael's eyes flashed with approval. "Then let's begin."

Kael led Aria through the winding streets of New Alexandria, dodging market stalls and pedestrians with ease. They eventually arrived at a nondescript building, it's entrance hidden behind a tapestry of vines and flowers. "Welcome to the Silver Stave," Kael said, pushing open the door. Inside the air was thick with the scent of books and dust. Shelves upon shelves of ancient tomes stretched towards the ceiling, their leather bindings creaking in the flickering candlelight. Aria's eyes widened as she trailed behind Kael, her fingers itching to explore the shelves. "This is incredible," she breathed. Kael smiled. "The Silver Stave is a sanctuary for those who seek knowledge and power. And you, Aria, are about to uncover a secret that will change everything." He stopped before a shelf, running his fingers over the spines of the books. One tome, bound in black leather, seemed to pulse with an otherworldly energy. "This is the Chronicle of the Ancients," Kael said, his voice low and reverent. "A book of secrets, hidden knowledge and forgotten magic that not just anyone could read. And within its pages, your destiny awaits." Aria's heart raced as Kael opened the book, revealing pages filled with strange symbols and diagrams that she could surprisingly understand. She felt a shiver run down her spine as he began to read, his voice weaving a spell of wonder and enchantment. As Kael read from the Chronicle, the air around them began to shift and swirl, like the whispers of ancient voices. Aria felt a strange energy building inside her, as if the words were awakening a power she never knew she possessed. Suddenly, the room was filled with a blinding light, and Aria felt herself being lifted off the ground. She cried out, but her voice was lost in the tumult of sound and color that surrounded her. When the light faded, Aria found herself standing in a vast, open plain, surrounded by towering mountains that stretched up to the sky. The air was crisp, clean and surprisingly smelled like lavender, but that was not all, Aria could also feel the pulse of the earth beneath her feet. Kael stood beside her, his eyes gleaming with a knowing light. "This is the land of the Ancients," he said, his voice barely above a whisper. "And you, Aria, are the key to unlocking its secrets." Aria's mind reeled as she tried to comprehend what was happening. She felt a strange connection to this land, as if she had been here before, though she knew she had not. "What secrets?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper. Kael's smile was enigmatic, "The secrets of your past, your present and your future. The secrets of your music, and the power it holds. Come, Aria, let us begin our journey." And with that, Kael reached out and took Aria's hand, leading her into the unknown.

As Kael led Aria across the vast plain, the landscape shifted and changed around them. They walked through fields of wild flowers, their petals shimmering like diamonds in the sunlight, now Aria could understand where the scent of lavender was coming from. They crossed rivers that flowed with glittering silver water, and climbed hills that seemed to be made of music itself. Aria's senses were overwhelmed by the beauty and wonder of this mystical land. She felt as though she was walking through a dream, one that was both familiar and yet utterly strange. After what felt like hours of walking, they arrived at a great crystal palace that shimmered like the stars in the night sky. Kael led Aria inside, where they found themselves in a grand hall filled with instruments of all kinds. There were lyres and harps, flutes and drums, and many others that Aria had never seen before. The instruments seemed to be waiting for her, their strings humming softly in anticipation. "Welcome to the Hall of Harmony," Kael said, his voice full of reverence. "Here, you will discover the secrets of your music, and the power it holds." And with that Aria's journey truly began.

As Aria followed Kael through the Hall of Harmony, the couldn't help but notice the grace and poise with which he moved. His tall, lean frame seemed to glide across the floor, his long black hair flowing behind him like a river of night. His features were chiseled and refined, with high cheekbones and a sharp jawline that spoke of strength and determination. And yet, it was his eyes that truly captivated her - those piercing blue orbs that seemed to see right through her, and yet held a deep kindness and understanding. As they walked through the hall, the instruments began to stare, their strings humming and vibrating in anticipation. Aria felt a shiver run down her spine as Kael led her to a great crystal throne at the far end of the hall. "Sit," he said, his voice low and commanding. Aria hesitated for a moment, but something in Kael's eyes told her to trust him. She sat down on the throne, feeling a surge of energy run through her body as the instruments began to play a haunting melody. The music was like nothing she had ever heard before- a wild soaring sound that seemed to lift her very soul off the ground. And as she listened, Aria felt a power stirring within her, a power she had never known she possessed.

As the music reached its crescendo, Aria felt a sudden surge of energy course through her veins. She raised her hands, and to her amazement, a brilliant light burst forth from her fingertips. The light danced across the hall, weaving an intricate pattern of sound and color that seemed to bring the very instruments to life. Kael's eyes gleamed with approval "You have the touch of the ancients," he said, his voice filled with reverence. "The power of music is within you, Aria. And with it, you can shape the very fabric of reality." Aria's mind reeled as she struggled to comprehend the magnitude of Kael's words. She had always known that music was special, but she had never imagined that it held such incredible power. As the music faded, the instruments fell silent, and the hall was bathed in a soft, golden light. Aria felt a sense of peace wash over her, as if she had finally found her true purpose. "Come," Kael said, his voice gentle. "Let us begin your journey. There is much to learn, and little time to waste." And with that, Aria rose from the throne, ready to embark on a journey that would change her life forever.