

Hello, everyone this Reaper.D Zero. Sorry for disappearing for so long. But It’s time for me to begin my main project, if you guys don’t remember or you do remember is that all fanfics I wrote before were in preparation for this one. Basically I wanted to focus on the small aspects of things that this story will have. For example The devourer was created from the concept that if the mc went through the revenge arc. The Free supreme nomad was created if the Mc went through the whole I am OP route. Marvel gourmet restaurant if the Mc wanted to focus on the slice of life aspect such as cooking. Now every story will fuse together to make this current one, The mc’s will be completely different in the way that this one is not your average joe. He will have him moments of idiocy but they are not big reminders, they are just reminder for him to not let his guard down. This will be the one fanfic that will not be dropped. I went in blind with the other, this time I am prepared. Romance will be very real, and it won’t be like a girl will cry just because he is a bit mean to her. Hope you like it, this is inspired by Hammer effect and the The spider. The chapter release will 3-5 chapters a week depending on my mood. Sometimes I might save some chapters and do a mass release Discord Link: https://discord.gg/btqXwwASbn

ReaperDZero · ภาพยนตร์
29 Chs

Chapter 2: Winner in life

I stopped my mental recap of my life that I did for no apparent reason.

(Haha and you never will learn: From Crazy Author having his Chunni moment😂)

I looked around the white void, I mentally thought of all the things that went wrong, yet no matter what.; I still don't know what caused me to be erased from reality. The serum had no wrongs in it.

Suddenly a single thought raced through my mind with the power of thunder and speed of lightning, That mysterious membrane.

Maybe that Key ingredient was the thing that kept me from evolving. But what could it be?

" What if it was some sort of energy" a voice rang out.

What kind of energy could it be though, any type of energy would be way too violent...

My thoughts immediately stopped as they processed the voice.

I turned around like I was going crazy and unlike the same white void I was thinking of. I saw a thing. I don't even know what it is, my brain; just shut down in front of this being like it couldn't even comprehend it's existence.

" I wouldn't look at me too much, my existence is beyond your understanding. Well yet."

"What are you",I asked without any fear because I knew that it didn't want to harm me, because if it did. I would already be dead. Plus I am already dead

" I am a 11th dimensional being , boy" The newly dubbed 11th dimensional being spoke.

" My brain short-circuited as it fires up its memory system to try to learn what the being meant."

(Bit of a rant, I basically researched this, the biggest help was reading a response by Kaiser Tarafdar a physician at Covenant medical group)

We live in four dimensions,Time is the 4th dimension. Our dimensions are defined by space which has three dimensions (the x, y, and z axes), and time (t) which is the 4th dimension. There can be nothing like "4th dimensional beings" exclusive of the three dimension of space. There is no such thing as a 'time-being' really… We are it (along with other life-forms here) as four dimensional beings, so far from the little we know, and within the limitation of the knowledge of the four dimensions mostly. Now what about other dimensions, the so called 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, and 11th, the hyperdimensional manifolds that the string theorists are dealing with ?? Well these have been postulated to exist with us, inside our constituent particles, as inner manifolds that make up everything. It appears now that anything, from a life-form to an object, anything at all is composed of all these dimensions, currently 11 in number ! The 'Calabi-Yau' manifolds are the mathematical hyperdimensional structural entities composed of the extra dimensions that exist within all things according to super-string theory or theory of everything. They must also exist in space and time. The eleven dimensions have to exist together, the four of which are easier to understand, and the remaining seven are highly intricate. Now from the knowledge of Hilbert space, and the Hilbert-Einstein collaborations we know there can be an infinite number of vectors that can exist around the Hilbert space. If the concept is extended to dimensions, theoretically there can possibly be an infinite number of dimensions which we know nothing about. It leads to mathematical abstractions that we do not have the mathematics for, needless to say ! Whether these other unknown dimensions can have their own energetic entities that can criss-cross our known dimensions, from "out of nowhere" to us, or whether they simultaneously exist unseen and unbeknownst to us with occasional intended or unintended overlaps, we do not know. What is also true is that if these other dimensions ranging to infinity truly exist, then our existence may have unknown links to these as well, though we do not know anything about these dimensions or their ramifications with ours… So theoretically and conceptually inter-dimensional beings may be possible, and they may or may not have difficulty interacting with our "sphere" if you will. But forget 11th dimensional beings, humans can't even hope to comprehend how a 4th dimensional being sees reality.

"Ooh, you know your stuff, boy. Each dimensional being is limited to their omniverses. So for example There is the anime omniverse, there is a game omniverse.

They are ranked from least to best. And each omniverse is controlled by 11th dimensional beings. Our omniverse is at the very top, I know what your thinking how is that possible. That how could a bunch of powerless humans be part of the top Omniverse in the world. Well your just a planet. An omniverse consists of a collection of 99 multiverses. A multiverse consists of 99 universes. A universe consists of 2 trillion of galaxies. My omniverse consists of comics and movies. I was lucky enough to be able to get this omniverse." Said the Being

I was overwhelmed with the info but I realized with things like DC comics and Marvel comics. It's not that surprising for it to be that powerful. Anime mostly consists of very powerful and versatile abilities, but they barely go over Universe busting and that including One punch man. ONE, the author One punch man said that Saitama could destroy half the universe with his very best punch.

In Marvel there are beings like the Beyonder, Living Tribunal and the One above all.

In DC there are beings like the Presence,Imperiex,Anti-monitor.

As amazed as I was. I decided to address the elephant in the room.

" So what does the ruler of the omniverse need with a measly mortal like me" I said with concealed bitterness on how small I was.

" Because, you my boy are special. You managed to do something that wasn't done in nearly 18 googolplexs"

" Am I starting to go crazy. A googolplex is an infinite number and is the highest number humanity knows exists." I said as my whole world was being turned upside down.

"Not exactly, a googolplex for us represents the number of years it takes for a universe to birth and die again."

"You managed to gain a ton of karma boy, even for me. You actually almost gave me a headache because all the paperwork I had to look through" The being said good-naturedly

I looked at the being with that look you give someone when he says something extremely weird. I mean how could someone so powerful sound so huma.. I stopped my naive thoughts right there, we are talking about a being that's seen actual universe live and die. We have barely been alive for about six million years. That might be a lot but 90 percent of that was being savages with no brain. So it must have been humans modeled after him.

"Boy, will you listen here and stop going on your rants. It's a bit rude" said the being with a little annoyance

So I wised up and shut up for the rest of his explanation.

" Alright now whenever after someone dies completes their life. They go in their universe's heaven or hell. It takes about 500 karma to go to heaven and negative 100 karma to reach hell. Now everyone starts out with 100 karma and depending on the various good things and bad things they do their karma goes up and down. Now about 26 googolplexs ago, Me and the other dimensional beings had a problem. Which was what to do with the middle-men,the people who stayed average their whole life and did things in equilibrium. They did some minor good acts and some minor bad acts, so their karma was in a constant state of flux. Now as you can imagine most people are average in your world, so imagine a whole omniverse like that. Now sure we could have lowered the karma needed to enter heaven, because we both know that no person ever wants to go to hell. But if we did that then it wouldn't be fair to all the truly good souls that all they could to be good that their sacred heaven was gonna be forced to stay as a slum for the middleman. Now the people of heaven weren't so against it, in fact they were glad that they could help so we let it happen and until an average man was consumed with jealousy and he corrupted one of the angels there, and that angel became the first fallen angel known as Lucifer and that human was the first man executed in heaven since the beginning of the omniverse. It was a horrible day, one of the greatest angels fell because of a humans utter stupidity. So we decided to create the rebirth system so that each rebirth a person can exchange a few benefits. Like being a bit smarter, being handsome and stuff." Said the being in one breath

"Am I also going to be reincarnated" I asked a little curious.

" Yes, but not in the regular way. 99 percent of people in the omniverse will always be rebirthed in their world and universe. You will be reincarnated into an another multiverse you know as the Marvel universe."

I wanted stopped again to consider what he just said but I wanted to know what I did to get such special treatment.

" What the hell did I even do that it even made you personally reincarnate me"

" Well we have to go back to rebirth system. So after the 99 percent that is going to get reincarnated to their own world. The 1 percent are people that either have achieved something that was either almost impossible or have such a large amount of karma they could use it in exchange to travel to other worlds. But even then it only be a regular world with no supernatural energy like those slice of life anime your world loves so much.

The people who done the impossible are rated from F-SSS. Rating F would be something like being able to do manipulate a very weak and faint energy that allows you to do "abnormal" things compared to your regular life views and let's just SSS rank would be like creating something like a law. For example if you created the law of fire and water you would get SSS rank.

" I must have scored a pretty high rank then right."

The being looked very amused at that and said" you scored an S rank but are going to get the credit of an SSS rank"

I guffawed are that and asked why the hell would I get an SSS rank

" Remember that small membrane you saw, that was the true limiter of humanity, it would have allowed humanity to become cultivators if it was broken. It would have made humanity soar to the intergalactic era. Can you imagine it, being responsible for the millions of geniuses that would have uncovered, they went on and created laws, concepts, different dimensions. Now that serum definitely would have not broken the membrane, but it would have allowed for it to produce a small crack. And your DNA would start leaking pure life energy. And when the planet feels that, it will look at you like you are it's child. You would be able to manipulate all the laws of earth in untold level. Now normally that would not happen if you were in a cultivation world, but you are the only link. You would be flooded with power of the universe and eventually you will decide to spread an extremely down watered version that would just about to let humanity live at least 100 years more. You would have become the true emperor of mankind"

To say that I was shocked was an understatement. But underneath all the awe and shock was another emotion. When I realized what it was; I was confused but then it felt like molten magma was suffused through my blood.

That meant that I wasn't supposed to die, and that something interfered between me and my future of become immortal and omnipotent. As more and more clarity came to me, the more I wanted to rip the being into shreds

I looked at the entity with Bloodshot eyes


My brain told me on how stupid I was at rushing towards something that could annihilate me.

But It looked as it expected this because as soon I rushed towards it. There was an invisible shield surrounding him. I punched, kicked, yelled out profanity. I lost track of time as strong as my new body was, the barrier was stronger. I broke my bones, shattered my skull feeling pain shooting up from my body, but I didn't stop as how could I.

How could you stop when you realize that you achieved your dream and so much more but because someone didn't like it. They just said no and killed you before you finally accomplished it. That's not even what hurt, it's the part that the entity waited at the very last second, it could have stopped me from having that very thought. But it didn't and it let me waste away my whole life knowing that it was going to erase me anyway.

My brain told me very clearly on how stupid I was being, but for first time in my life I didn't listen and just let my emotions dictate me.

The entity just stared at me, I couldn't see it but I sure as hell could feel it. It took my hatred in stride and I hated it even more.

I stopped and just let my weight fall, I laughed out in tears of blood, mixed with thousands of emotions that threatened to rip me apart

I knew that this truth had broken me and my brilliant blue eyes turned dull as they stared at the cause of it.

That saying really was right.

Sometimes knowing the truth is not always the best. The truth either makes you or breaks you.