
Reviving Uzushio

James Arrons is sent to Naruto by the Sage of Six Paths as a Champion with gifts given to him and a mission; Make the World better. So that’s what he will do, to the best of his abilities of course.

Foxy_Skies · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
10 Chs

Yasuyomi Tsusa

Shitoro Village Arc, Pt. 1

Night had fallen again, the stars twinkling above while the fire burned, crinkling and crackling as I sat over it, stoking it. Above it sat a pair of rabbits, a dinner for me, Toshio and the hunter foxes as they had caught the rabbits after all. The other foxes ,besides Toshio who sat on the log with me and the hunter foxes who sat on their hunches on the left side next to the log, were off hunting for their own food or in the case of others; patrolling the area to ensure no danger was about. The total number of the pack ,discounting Toshio, was sixteen. Four hunters, and twelve attack/patrol foxes. Each hunter fox had one tail while the other twelve had two to three tails.

As I had learned in our travel to Konoha, the Fox Village had a rank depending on the number of tails that a fox had. One Tail was equal to a Hunter if experience was great enough or the fox was a Learner, a Learner Fox Summon was a fox that had begun to learn the ropes of being a Summon until such a time that they gained enough experience to be allowed to be on their own. Two to Three Tails meant the fox was a Fox Soldier ,except in Toshio's case as he was a Fox Warrior, a Fox Solider was meant for patrolling or attacking in cases that were necessary. A fox with five tails was a Battle Fox, Battle Foxes were exclusively meant to attack and not for patrol. Battle Foxes were mainly used similar to that of Genin or Chunin in the Shinobi villages. They would sometimes lead teams or in other cases, be frontliners. The last four fox ranks were Warrior, Elite Warrior, Master, and Grandmaster. The Grandmaster was the most powerful of the fox village ,essentially their Elder, there had always been only one, though none of the foxes knew why.

Master Foxes, Fox Warriors, and Elite Fox Warriors were the elite of the Fox Village. They ,Elites and normal Warriors, mirrored Jonin level style while the Masters were Kage level in a sense. However the foxes were never strong enough to assist in taking down kages or S-Rank Shinobi. They could only ever be able to assist in battle. A Fox Master however, could still very much wipe out up to two Genin on their own before tiring out. Unfortunately as well, there were very few Masters so they could only be called upon sparingly, it was Konoha after a war in a nutshell.

A shame too or else I would have rapid fired them out to assist in dealing with enemy Genin. Though there was still something bothering me regarding the Foxes…

"Toshio-san, I thought contracts required somebody to sign them before they could summon? How come I could and can still summon you all if I never signed it?" I asked, looking to my left at the Fox Commander

Toshio had the position of Fox Commander of the village due to his experience and skills, despite having only two tails.

He nodded to me at my question before replying, "A very good question, Fusa-kun and one I can easily answer. Take out the summoning contract and open it."

Doing as he said, I took out the scroll from my satchel. Opening it up, I was still confused. It looked completely normal, which still didn't explain how I was able to summon them.

"I don't get it…it looks exactly like an ordinary summoning contact." I spoke confused, looking over to him.

"That is where you are wrong." ,he pointed a paw onto a name near the middle, "Read here, Fusa-kun. See what it says?"

I read the name aloud, "Uzukage?"

"Indeed, your Shinobi Village's first Uzukage found a loophole you see. By signing his title, he guaranteed all future Kage of Uzushiogakure would be able to summon us. The Uzumaki's first Kage and original Leader was indeed quite the conniving bastard. Many kits still bark of laughter hearing how a mere Shinobi was able to find a way to ensure unlimited summoning for all Kage of Uzushiogakure." He spoke, chuckling himself a little.

"Can people do that with the other Contracts including the High Clan ones?" I asked, looking back to him.

At that, he gained a thoughtful look and then spoke, "Possibly but I very much doubt it, it would not do for a summon to be bound to a line of Kage or people. We ,Summons, most usually like to choose our summoners rather than let our Summoners choose us."

I nodded to that, putting away the summoning scroll, and then went back to cooking the rabbits, leaning towards the fire from the log I was sitting on. The smoke billowing high up into the trees while owls and crickets sung their nightly hymns. In the morning ,after clearing up the fire, we headed out. Leftover rabbit sat tucked safely within my satchel as we walked through the woods, soon coming upon a path. I was about to walk out and onto it when I felt a pair of teeth clamp onto my robes, pulling me back.

It was one of the patrol foxes ,Takako, she had pulled me back into the brush with a low bark of warning. She was a relatively experienced Fox Soldier, having been active in the First Shinobi War with the First Uzukage. She was leg height and had a brown-white fur mix and dark green eyes with a little silver earring within her left ear.

"You must be more careful, Fusa-Sama." ,she spoke, "We are very close to the battlegrounds. Taking the roads is simply far too dangerous."

I nodded to her, a gloomy look upon my face. Ever since the pack and I had been together, we had talked on the Second Shinobi War quite extensively. I had arrived ,apparently, during its first year. This meant that as of right now, Konoha was at war with Suna and Ame. Heart clenched at the thought of Ame, of Nagato… So many Uzumaki were spread out across the Shinobi World; Some orphan, some adult, some elder, and others very young and someday… Someday I would have to lead them, to bring them home…

This led me to come up with the following checklist:

1. Get to Konoha.

2. Tell the Ninja world of what happened to Uzu.

3. Make Konoha an Uzumaki hub until I am strong enough to truly reclaim Whirlpool for Uzumaki and any others who wish to join my new village.

According to the lore, Uzumaki had been the only clan of Uzushio and that spectacularly backfired. Or at least I theorize. You see, the reason I believe Uzushio fell was because it had just one clan. Since it only had that one clan, that meant that was the only line of defense and with it gone, Uzushio was gone. Thus if I can get more clans in Uzushio then there won't be a repeat. Hopefully…

I felt Orata ,another one of the patrol foxes, stiffen next to me. Soon Takako stiffened and then the other foxes with her.

"What's wrong-"


Hearing the yell, I turned my head left along the road. Before my eyes, I saw a girl. She looked to be six or seven and very scared. She had bright hazel eyes, flowy brown chestnut hair, and she wore a navy-blue dress. Wondering what she was running from, I looked behind her. Seeing a couple of men with small masks on them, they each held a sword. Instinctively ,or rather stupidly, I made a move to go out to help her. The foxes made a move to stop me, letting out alarmed yips but it was too late. Walking out as she ran past me and towards a brush somewhere behind me, while I stood protectively in front. The men stopped before me, all of them leering at me with great gazes of annoyance yet humor as I spoke, though my voice betrayed nothing, inside my heart hammered in great fear.

"You will leave the girl alone." I spoke, attempting my best voice of Hiruzen ordering someone.

Bear in mind I was trying to be threatening, not impersonate the Third Hokage mind you.

"Uh pal, didn't you hear? Uzumaki are dead, get out of our way before you get yourself killed!" The one with spiky orange hair spoke amused to me but also quite threatening.

Getting into a Karate style stance, I spoke back to him with my best attempt of my eyes narrowing, "Not going to happen. You have one final chance to turn away or be killed."

I had learned karate long ago in my youth at an old dojo downtown where I was from. Sadly it had closed down a few years later due to financial problems… Nonetheless, I still held good memories of it and it had taught me much. I could only hope Karate was a useful fighting style in Naruto and wouldn't get me killed here.

The one with the very short blonde hair growled, "Enough of these games, brat!"

He went to swing his sword, swinging it downwards toward me. Quick as bolt ,and unconsciously using chakra to enhance my speed with very inexperienced knowledge, I dodged his sword and swung my right leg, knocking him to the ground. He let out a surprised sound before slamming to the ground with a grunt.

"That's it!" The third and final one ,with a large scar that went over his bald head, growled at me.

He made a blind charge at me, only to quickly regret it when I grabbed his wrist and twisted it, a crack sounding as he cried out and drop his sword. I then moved his body weight hard to the left, making him fall to the ground as well.

"OH SHIT, THE BRAT'S A NINJA!" Orange hair cried out, very pale as he watched the scene with wide eyes.

The spiky haired man got up with a grunt, "Gee ya think, dumbass, the brat is using some sort of Taijutsu! SHONJI! Let's get the hell outta here, a Virgin ain't worth shit if we gotta fight a Shinobi to get to her!"

Scar Head growled at the order to leave before then glaring daggers at me, "This isn't over, Ninja."

Getting up, ol' Scar Head glared before running off with his other two buddies. Leaving behind his sword.

Picking up, I looked it over as the bushes rustled. Looking behind me with sword still in hand, I saw the girl come out. She was shaking quite a bit as she looked at me with great fear yet hope and much thankfulness.

"It's ok," -Spoke I to her- "they left."

She almost collasped in relief at hearing that, "Thank Kami…! Thank you for saving me so much from those bandits, Shinobi-san…!"

"Who are you, why were those men after you?" I asked as I slipped the sword onto my back with slightly shaking hands ,though I hid it rather well I think, the weapon easily sheathing thanks to my satchel strap.

"I'm Yasuyomi Tsusa, I'm a villager of Shitoro Village. Those men were after me because I'm well…the adults say it's pure, but I know it means Virgin! I'm a big girl!" She spoke, her hand pumping on her chest and a cute little pout upon her face.

My eyes meanwhile widened at what she said for uh obvious reasons…

"Why would they be after you for that?" I asked her, still quite wide eyed.

"Um, Mommy says it's because they wanna steal my pureness or something, the Mawarada Brothers always try to do that to the women of the village…" She spoke, finger to her chin while her face showed a thoughtful look.

I was about to ask just who these "Mawarada Brothers" were when the fox pack came out and up to me. Toshio frowning deeply as he trotted up to me.

"That was a very foolish thing of you to have done, Uzukage-sama!" The two tailed fox said sternly to me, fur bristling.

"I-I'm sorry, Toshio-san…but I couldn't just let her get…." I said, guiltily as I shuffled my feet.

It had been very stupid of me to do…but I just couldn't let her get hurt…!

Fuseki ,an Attack fox, hmphed at me, "You are very lucky that your muscles were not as affected as your mind when the creature attached itself to you, Uzukage-sama. If your muscle memory hadn't remembered such basic Taijutsu…"

I shivered at that, for he was right in a way. If I hadn't known a fighting style at all, I very much might have dead then and there…

"Your a kage…?"

Turning, I saw the little girl looking at me in great awe…unfortunately Toshio ruined it…

"A very foolish kage!" He yipped, chuckling with a smile at me in small amusement.

"I said I was sorry…!" I whined childishly.

"Apology not accepted. Now come, we must be going." Chinatsu spoke sarcastically, the three tailer Fox Soldier turning towards the woods.

"Eh? Where are you going?" The girl asked as I had turned.

"To Konoha, though we plan to supply ourselves on our way." I replied, turning back to her.

"Oh! You can supply at my village, it's not too far from here and it's very close to Konoha!" The girl spoke to me as I gained a thoughtful look.

"Absolutely not, it is far too dangerous! We will be too close to the battlegrounds!" Takako yipped, jumping back around.

"But my daddy's the Village Elder! He get you and your um…pets, your supplies! It will only be for a day or two!" The girl spoke, trying to convince me ,or my summons, into going with her back to the village.

"Pets!?" Squawked Sanjiro, one of the Hunters.

"Sure, why not." I replied with a shrug ,though this would later come to bite me/benefit me later, which led to her letting out a squeal of joy.

"What!? Fusa-Sama, what are you thinking!?" Cried out Ren, the self-proclaimed Fox Medic of the pack.

Ren was a brown coated fox with green eyes and two tails. She was an experienced Soldier Fox from the First Shinobi War.

"It's ok Ren, like Tsusa-chan said, we'll only be there for a few days." I spoke to her, attempting to calm her down.

Meanwhile inside, I was anything but calm. My heart was still pounding like no tomorrow and I was filled with great fear as I thought of how I almost died because of stupidly going out and fighting with no experience.

Takako let out a huff, "Very well, Fusa-sama but ONLY for a day or two!"

I nodded to her in acknowledgment as I then spoke to Tsusa, "Lead the way, Tsusa-chan."

She nodded enthusiastically and began fast paced walking along the road's right side. I and the fox pack following after her. Toshio and five Soldier Foxes followed me and Tsusa while the others followed us from the woods not far away in case of attack.

"So, Tsusa-Chan, what is Shitoro like?" I asked Tsusa, looking to my left at her.

She smiled brightly and began to chatter away about it. Of the blacksmith, of the seamstress who was her Grandma, of her father, and other wondrous things that were in her village. To me, it was a great chat, listening to her tell me so much about Shitoro. It was my first time hearing of a village other than the currently known Naruto ones.

For the foxes however…it was hell having to listen to a loud hyper little girl…