
Reviving Uzushio

James Arrons is sent to Naruto by the Sage of Six Paths as a Champion with gifts given to him and a mission; Make the World better. So that’s what he will do, to the best of his abilities of course.

Foxy_Skies · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs


When awakening, my bleary eyes beheld whispering and shaking leaves above to a light wind while a nightly sky sat above that. I was also very much acutely aware of one thing at that very moment. That thing being a very severe headache. It jumbled my head, my very own thoughts of mind as I reacted very groggily, bleary eyes blinking upward to the forested overhead, the leaves ever billowing in the light wind. This very same breeze ruffled my Uzukage robes.

Getting up and upon my sandaled feet, I gazed around with much emotion. I was now in the Elemental Nations, part of me felt great joy but other parts sadness and frustration all the same. Straightening my satchel given by the great Sage, I opened it and began to gaze through. Finding just as he had said, a large Scroll and what once was my Cosplay Fox Summoning Scroll. I had gotten the scroll as a joke due to my girlfriend being a fan of Kurama. Personally I had preferred Gai due to his hard working nature, considering Kurama a bit of a prick. That is not to say, I hated him, just greatly disagreed with his attitude but then again, I could not speak for the experiences I did not have as he had. He had after all been forcibly used to attack the same village twice against his will, deal with two women who chained him up and forcibly tore his power from him, and then before all of that even happened; He had to watch the one man he ever trusted ,his father figure, die without being able to do anything.

Putting away the Uzushio Scroll of Seals into my satchel once more, I held my new Summoning Scroll. A heavy face upon me as I gazed around and then back to the scroll. If I were to survive in the Elemental Nations, I would need allies. Especially given the important mission at hand. Closing my eyes, I searched my memories. Attempting to remember how the characters summoned their well summons. Opening them once more, I frowned. Deaged hands now both gripping the now real summoning scroll as I let out a rather annoyed groan. I had good reason for such a groan as this would be my first jutsu and it would be a summoning one to boot, one that required great chakra. Given my inexperience, I was likely to use up too much, fearful of using too little.

Breathing deeply in preparation for possibly a very foolish idea of mine, I thought ahead and planned out what to say or do once the summons appear. With plan in mind; I unfurled the scroll, biting my finger with a grunt of pain, and smeared the blood from that finger across the scroll. Then I began doing the handsigns I had seen Naruto himself do many a time.

Unfortunately meanwhile ,just as I had predicted, I felt as if I was losing vast amounts of energy too quickly. Meaning that I was indeed using too much chakra. Luckily this fact would play into my hands in assisting myself in tricking the summons and thus, the world as long as I was able to act that is. Which I could, thank you very much, high school drama club. I was panting in exhaustion ,likely due to exhausting too much chakra in the hand seals, by the time I slammed my hand down to summon the summons.

Though panting heavily, I still managed to get the necessary words out, "Kuchiyose…Kitsune…Jutsu…"

Each word was croaked and came out between pants, each one desperate for breath of air. Three big puffs sounded ,likely the summons coming out, I had collasped to my knees and hands in exhaustion. Face and hair marred with slick wet sweat. All the while, two startled yips and a gasp came from infront of me where the puffs had sounded.

"By the paths…UZUKAGE-SAMA!" One of the voices sounded, it was female by the sound of it and sounded very young.

Panting still, I looked up to see before my eyes, two horrified gazes and one deep grimace upon three animal faces. The two first gazes lie upon two one-tailed foxes, while the grimace lie on a chest-height two-tailed fox. The first of the one-tails was a silver fox, grey fur covering it with a white tipped tail, horrified grey eyes staring upon me. The second one-tail had horrified icy-blue eyes that gazed upon me, it was an Arctic fox with beautiful snow-white fur. The Arctic seemed to be the female while the silver seemed to be male, the two-tailed meanwhile was most definitely male. Speaking of the two-tailed large fox, it was a red-fox in the literal sense. Red-orange fur covered it with maroon socks for each paw, white fur lined it's belly and a puffy white tuff of fur lie upon its tail tip.

"W-who are you?" I asked, sounding scared and childish.

I did this as I planned to make the foxes think my mind was temporarily deaged and then as the days go by, fake getting memories and my well adultness back

The two-tailed frowned deeply at me at that, "We are the personal summons of the Second Uzukage, judging by your…somewhat baggy robes. You must have been the Third before whatever happened…happened… Uzukage-Sama, what happened?"

Panting still, I grabbed from my Emotional Toolbox, a choked sob escaping me and tears dripping as I spoke, "G-gone…destroyed…all gone…!"

The two one-tails gasped in horror while the two-tails looked shocked, "How?"

"T-these things…they attacked us…" -as I spoke, I made my eyes glaze over as if I was recalling lost memories- "They were white, akin to goo or a murky liquid…they attached themselves to so many of us…each one…oh kami…each one attached turned to bones or dust."

The two one-tails looked on in horror, the two-tails looking absolutely shocked as I told the tale of "The Fall of Uzushio".

"They were led by it…it…it was horrible…! It was a black creature…it was…it was horrid, akin to evil incarnate…oh kami, it attached to me…! It…it felt as if what made me…me…was…was…sucked away…my Shinobi knowledge…oh kami…it's all gone…!" I cried out, tears falling from me.

The two one-tails were now absolutely horrified, the two-tails muzzled face a look of shock and horror as I balled.

It would be many hours before I had finally "calmed down". The foxes had taken a type of lookout watch, probably as a means to make sure that the "White creatures" or the "black creature" didn't show up again. Foxes as in more than the ones summoned by the way, while I had balled my eyes out, the two-tails had summoned additional foxes to look around. He had summoned many varying tails of foxes, including the Fox Village Leader. Said Leader was also currently talking to me upon being summoned by the two-tails ,Toshio, with said fox being nearby as he was apparently the second in command of the Fox Village where all the Fox Summons were from.

As it had turned out as well, summons could also summon others from their local spaces. It was only the "Three Great High Summon Clans; Clan of Toad, Clan of Snake, and Clan of Slug" that could not summon others of their clan. Though it was unknown as to why that was, even to the lower summons themselves, to my and the Foxes' knowledge at least. Frankly within my mind, I would like to call shenanigans of the writer kind.

"And these creatures were lead by the black one?" The great 8 tailed fox asked, he was six feet tall, much taller than I, so I had to look up slightly to address him.

I nodded with great "sadness" in my gaze before looking down saddened as I spoke, "Yes, Village Leader..."

The great fox frowned deeply, looking to his right and down to Toshio, "It is indeed as you had told me ,my son, this is very much not good news."

Frowning deeply, he turned to me once more, "What is your name young one?"

At that, I looked back up and faked a blush before I spoke quite shyly, "Uzumaki Fusa, sir…"

"Well met, Fusa-kun. I am Dai, leader of the kitsune." He introduced himself, nodding down to me.

I nodded dumbly up at him, awe within my eyes.

"How old are you Fusa-kun?" Toshio asked, likely wanting to wait until after Dai had been told my story.

"I'm 12, sir, or at least I think…!" I said, frowning as I faked being unsure.

"And how old were you upon the attack?" Dai asked of me.

"25 I think…? Yeah…25 sir!" I spoke with childish energy.

He frowned at that as Toshio gained a shocked look and spoke, "By that many? By the Paths…this is unheard of…"

"Indeed…and you say he is the Third?" Dai asked to Toshio.

The younger nodded up to the elder, "Yes father as Sesu is deceased. The contract shows such and given how Fusa-san knows not of our contract…"

"Hmm..this is very much troubling. With Uzushio now gone, Konoha is likely going to be in deep trouble now…" Dai spoke gravely, a frown on his muzzle.

"Huh?" I let out a confused childish noise to that.

"Konoha is at war with one of the five Great Villages and a minor village known as Ame, they've been at it for about half a year by now according to our local scouting parties." Toshio explained to me, frowning just like his father, Dai.

"We must get you to Konoha, they need to hear of what has happened to Uzushio." Dai said firmly to me, a serious gaze upon him.

"But how? Konoha is all the way in Fire Country and we're in Whirlpool." I asked dumbly, looking at the two foxes with much confusion.

I was confused as most maps of Naruto either showed Whirlpool as an island or within the Land of Waves or just connected to Fire.

"The Land of Fire and Whirlpools are connected, we will be able to make it but will have to stop along the way to supply ourselves before making our move for Konoha. The Great Village is deep in Fire Country and we will need supplies to make it through Flame Canyon and ancient Senju forests." Toshio explained, making me breathe an internal sigh of relief that it was the third and we were not an island or in the Land of Waves

"We?" I asked, curiously.

"Indeed. You, my son, and a small Fox Pack shall be making the journey to Konoha. With your Shinobi knowledge all but gone and being so young, it is far too dangerous for you to go alone." Dai explained to me at hearing my question.

"Most especially since we will be stopping at a nearby village near Flame Canyon, a little away from the current the battleground where Suna is active in but dangerous nonetheless." Toshio spoke gravely, frown on his muzzle.

"Battleground?" I asked, looking fearful.

"Indeed, little one. You must make haste if you are to avoid conflict, are you ready?" The Fox Leader asked me, looking upon me intently.

I gained a look upon my face…before looking about and finding my missing Uzukage hat. Finding it, I picked it up from the grassy ground. Dusting off the grassy limbs upon it, I gazed at it. The hat looked every bit like the Hokage hat with the exception of the red being blue and the Kanji for Whirlpools replacing the kanji for Fire. Taking a breath, I placed it upon my head. Now looking every bit like a kage, albeit a very small one.

Looking back towards the two foxes, I spoke, Uzumaki determination shining in gaze and on face.

"I'm ready."