
Reviv Company against the World

In a tiny side of the world, they are taken over by Reviv Company where robots are now superior to humans. And thus create a fantasy world filled with magical creatures and abilities. Introducing the protagonist, a couple of college students named Nemriz Elizabeth and Yurina Kanzaki, who was living in this world, get involved with these people for some reason after the announcement of a robot taking over the world. To save humanity from that situation, they got themselves into a fight where she must defeat all the enemies and find out what is going on. Stay tuned and find out. (Hello, my name is Daniel or Tuan, and this is my first novel, so expect some random plots or plots that don't make sense. I'll do my best to fix them as best I can. Thank you to everyone who stumbled across this novel by chance.)

Tuan_Tran_6175 · อื่นๆ
5 Chs

Reviv Company against the World Chapter 3.5: [More details on the novel] [Funny moments]


Month/XX, Date/XX, Year/XXX

As the sun breaks through the clouds, birds begin to sing, and people going work because they will be fired if they are late. The essence of the academy can be seen everywhere. Endovian Academy is a school the size of the United States, populated by people from various societies, races, and dungeons.

Students were only required to have four periods on Tuesdays and Thursdays, giving them plenty of time to hang out, train, or go on robot scouting missions if necessary.

The day started with Yurina awoke later than usual and dashing into her class as Nemriz was reserving a seat for her. Everyone returns their gaze to Yurina, who has messy hair and a sloppy school uniform. She sits, embarrassed, in silence, listening to the teacher's lecture.

"Hmhm~" Nemriz smirk a little seeing Yurina like that.

[Aut's notes] (As I stated in Chapter 1,3, Nemriz appears emotionless, but she is not. People thought she was emotionless because she could control her heartbeat so well.) P.S I'm not going to make this a yuri-type novel, the two protagonists will have a fitting partner hopefully.


The class bell rings after two agonizing periods, and everyone is now on break. Yurina and Nemriz decided to hang out near the giant grass house in the big grass hills.

Laying flat on the grass, she could feel the softness of the grass and the warm sunlight shining on her.

"Ohh, this is heaven.." Yurina thought to herself.

"You gonna get dirt all over your face like that Yurina." Nemriz said calmly"

"I don't care this feels good~," Yurina said while rolling around in the soft grass.

Nemriz decided to ask the "never-ask-a-girl" question.

"What's your cup size Yurina?" Nemriz said with a straight face.


Shocked by Nemriz question Yurina jumps back and falls down the hills.

"Ah, I'm gonna break my neck" Yurina dumb thoughts flowing into her mind.

Nemriz immediately catches her friend and safely pulled her back. Despise what happen Nemriz keeps questioning Yurina.

"So, what's your cup size?" Saying without shame Nemriz stares into Yurina eyes.

Silently, Yurina replied.

"B..cup" Covering her bright red face.

"Oh, that's smaller than I though-'' Nemriz gets interrupted by Yurina sending a swift and strong slap filled with Yurina's tears, anger, and depression straight into her straight in the face.
