
Reviv Company against the World

In a tiny side of the world, they are taken over by Reviv Company where robots are now superior to humans. And thus create a fantasy world filled with magical creatures and abilities. Introducing the protagonist, a couple of college students named Nemriz Elizabeth and Yurina Kanzaki, who was living in this world, get involved with these people for some reason after the announcement of a robot taking over the world. To save humanity from that situation, they got themselves into a fight where she must defeat all the enemies and find out what is going on. Stay tuned and find out. (Hello, my name is Daniel or Tuan, and this is my first novel, so expect some random plots or plots that don't make sense. I'll do my best to fix them as best I can. Thank you to everyone who stumbled across this novel by chance.)

Tuan_Tran_6175 · Others
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Reviv Company against the World Chapter 3: School Time


As the team teleport back to the academy, they are greeted by the secretary of the academy.

"Oh Professor Hionak, you're back"

The secretary greets Hionak and everyone else.

"I heard that you got some results from the trial." The secretary asks with a smile.

"Yes indeed, and hello Ms.Parc."

Hionak nods happily at her.

"The squad here did get quite a result," Hionak said with a smile

Ms.Parc examines the squad and pulls out a book with the ability to create a virtual monitor.

The monitor displays a map of the world, but one-sixth of it is covered in red.

"Well first off, congrats to you guys for passing the trials, and second welcome to "Endovian Academy"

Ms.Parc greets them happily.

She then switches on a visual monitor the size of television from her special watch, which displays a map of the current state of the world.

"As you can see the spot that is covered in red is how much the robots have taken over the last 10 months. If this keeps up we all gonna fall under those robots' hands"

Ms.Parc says with a concerned look on her face.

While Ms.Parc is explaining, everyone is trying to get their head over this matter.

Hionak then steps in and said

"But luckily, somehow the gods have "blessed" us with different abilities to fight against the robots. And also, the company that created them named Reviv Company"

"Wow, so the reason for all these trials is for us to get ready for a battle against the Reviv" Yurina thoughts to herself

Author's notes:

(Of course!! This is so obvious!! HOW DID YOU NOT KNOW!!. Oh wait I create them)

Ms.Parc then throw out 4 different devices shaped like a watch to everyone

"What is this?" Nemriz ask

"This is a watch that shows your stat by scanning your muscles strength, your core, and the amount that store inside your body" Hionak explained

"Now try to activate it by pressing the start button in the center" Ms.Parc pointed at the center of the watch

Everyone activates the watch

The watch generates a visual monitor the size of an iPad that displays everyone's stats.


Yurina Kanzaki's stats:

Height: 5'8

Weight: 110 pounds

Gender: Female

Power: Authority of toughness (Epic)

Strength: 45/100

Mana: 5/70

Abilities: Vertical Slash, Down Slash

Traits: Dumb, somehow smart in battle, fantasize about her beauty

State: Nervous

Hidden skills (WIP): N/A

"Fantasize about my beauty is a trait!? What kind of fucking watch is this!!?"

Yurina said with anger and embarrassment while covering her face


Nemriz Elizabeth's stats:

Height: 5'9

Weight: 120 pounds

Gender: Female

Power: Authority of Divine Flames (Legendary) (Sealed),

Strength: 35/50

Mana: 39/70

Abilities: Flame arrows, rain of fire, flashbang

Traits: Perfection, unmatch beauty, emotionless

State: Normal

Hidden skills (WIP): 2

Nemriz looks at her stats and smiles silently


The other 2 amateurs are named Kiz and Lia

Kiz Hoki's stats:

Height: 6'0

Weight: 130 pounds

Gender: Male

Power: None

Strength: 20/50

Mana: 20/70

Abilities: Run, dodge

Traits: Useless

State: Afraid

Hidden skills (WIP): 0

Kiz frown the instant he looks at his stats.


Lia Bach

Height: 5'5

Weight: 110 pounds

Gender: Female

Power: Sensitive Hearing (Common)

Strength: 10/50

Mana: 22/70

Abilities: Sound map

Traits: Always cover her ears for some reason

State: Afraid

Hidden skills (WIP): 0

Lia puts on her headphones and ignores what is going on around her.


"Now everyone listens up!" Hionak immediately capture everyone's attention

"We've all assigned numbers to your dorm rooms, and you'll be learning new things at your new school from now on. Though I know you just graduate from your high school, consider this as your college from now" (aut's notes: We just kidnapped and force them into this program so yeah.)

Everyone nods their heads

"NOW MOVE!" Hionak shouts

The squad rushes to their new rooms to begin a new adventure. They had no idea that the next night would be pretty dark.


Yurina woke up in her bed in the dorm room.

She opens her window and looks outside.

Her dorm room is located on the top floor of the dormitory. She looks down and sees the rest of the students doing homework or talking with their friends.

"Morning," Yurina hears someone said

Yurina turns around and spots Nemriz sitting on her desk.

"Hey Nemriz, morning."

"Good morning. I know that this is probably the first time that we meet properly, but I'm really happy to meet you."

"You too. It's nice to meet you too."

Yurina sits beside Nemriz and starts a conversation

"So, I heard that you got a legendary skill, but what kind of ability is it?"

Nemriz smiled and replied

"It's a special ability that is sealed within me. That is why it has no name yet"

Yurina nods and asks

"What's the effect?"

"I'll show you soon"

Yurina smiles widely and Nemriz continues to talk

"By the way, you should take your breakfast. Don't want to get hungry ya know?"

"Oh shoot you're right, let's have some breakfast"

The two ate their breakfast together. After eating, Yurina goes back to her bed and takes a nap. When she wakes up, she starts to hear voices coming from her window

"Why would we have to learn how to fight!?"

"Because if we don't fight, the robots will kill us all!"

Outside, one can hear the irate voices of the students. Yurina shuts her eyes and covers her ears.

"Maybe we shouldn't learn how to fight at all!!"

Suddenly, Nemriz grabs her shoulder and says

"Come on Yurina, you are the only one that can defeat the monsters in the dungeon."

"Are you serious!?"

"Yes, you just need to use your authority of toughness to defeat them."

Nemriz explained

"If it's that simple then I can defeat them easily!"

"No, you won't. I'm telling you the truth."

Nemriz continues to explain

"If you were to defeat them, you will have to kill every single one of them, and that means that you die"

Yurina is shocked to hear this

"How is that possible!?"

"Oh, I forgot to mention! When you kill a monster, you will gain a skill called 'Death Aura' which will make your enemies afraid of you!"

Yurina is speechless

"That's not fair! How come I am the only one that dies!?"

"Because you are weak and fragile."

Yurina is getting mad

"I'm not weak, and I'm not fragile either!"

The conversation starts to heat up. But then the bell rings and breaks up the heat tension between them

"Okay guys, it's time to go to class!"

Everyone rushes out of the room.

Yurina then sighs and says

"I guess I have to deal with this until the end"

Yurina stands up and walks towards the stairs. She climbs the stairs and enters the classroom. There are many students in the classroom, and there is one seat left. Nemriz is already seated in the front row.

Though the tension between them is gone Nemriz words still linger inside Yurina's mind

"Just do what I said, and you'll be fine"

Nemriz calmly said


Yurina just kept silent and continue


The door opened and Professor Hionak walk-in

"Good morning everyone, I hoped you have a great sleep after doing the trials"

Everyone is exhausted, clearly showing that they did not enjoy the sleep at all.

"Anyway, today we will be learning how to use our ultimate weapon and fighting techniques!"

Professor Hionak claps his hands loudly to draw everyone's attention before continuing

"To begin with, we will be using the school's dungeon as our training grounds."

Everyone looks puzzled at him

"What? Do you think that we are going to play around?" Hionak stated while grinning.

"What are you talking about?"

"Well, no one has been going to the dungeon ever since the last year ended."

"Didn't you hear?" Professor Hionak said with a sad look in his eyes

"The dungeon is dead."

All of them just stare at each other

"Alright, first of all, we will split up into groups. Each group will be accompanied by a guide."

"Who will be accompanying us?"

"Me." Professor Hionak said with a smile.

"Why are you the leader again?"

"Because I am the professor," Hionak said with a bright smile as always

"Is that so!?"

The professor walks towards Yurina, and Nemriz starts to follow behind her.

"Follow me please."

"Huh? Why is it me?"

"Because I am the leader" Professor Hionak answered with a smile.

"And I appoint as the guide" Nemriz added

The two of them go ahead of Yurina.

Yurina and Kiz followed the two guides. The three of them then enter the dungeon.

They went through the entrance hall and walked down the corridor.

"Alright, here we are." Professor Hionak stop walking and faced the students. "We have arrived in the hallway."

"So what do we do now?" Kiz asked

"Let's listen carefully to what Professor Hionak has to say"

"Professor Hionak?" Kiz said with a surprise

"Hahaha, sorry I couldn't tell you guys that since I am your teacher."

"Oh, okay"

"But anyway, now that we are in the dungeon, I will teach you the basics of fighting."

"Basics?" Yurina asks confusedly while staring at Professor Hionak

"Yes, basics. You will be taught how to use your abilities against the monsters that we will encounter in the dungeon"

Everyone is surprised at Hionak's words


"This is going to be fun!"

"I can't wait to see how strong we are going to become!"

"I don't know about the rest of you, but I can't wait to see myself being stronger than Yurina"

"I know right!?"

Some students thought to themself

"Let's begin the training"

Hionak snaps his finger as a giant arena appears in the middle of the room.

The students are amazed at the size of the room



"This is huge."

"With this, we can train however we want!"


"Finally! We can take off our shoes without worrying about the dust getting everywhere!"


Nemriz and the others didn't realize that they were talking aloud when they entered the room


Yurina and the others are participating in a team battle.

They are divided into 3 teams, and they have to fight in a specific area. The winning team will be the one that kills the most number of enemies in 60 minutes. The students have already killed a lot of monsters in the past 30 minutes.

Yurina is looking around the area to check if there are any more enemies left. She is looking around when she spotted a strange figure. It was a girl wearing a hoodie and carrying a sword. She is moving like a ninja.

Yurina stares at her for a while before asking the person

"Are you okay?"

The girl looked at Yurina and nodded her head. Then she continued to move forward.

Yurina sighed and continued to observe the students' fight. Yurina realizes after a few minutes that there are no more enemies in the area.

"Guys, we're done here"

Yurina runs towards the area where the battle took place.

To her surprise, the rest of the monster is laying on the floor underneath Nemriz who is just perfectly KO them without many problems.

Yurina looks at Nemriz with jealousy and goes back to the area where the battle took place.


Back in the class, Hionak is showing everyone the results

"Now, let me announce the team with the most monster kills under 60 minutes!!"

Hionak said with excitement

[Author's notes:]

(Yurina and Nemriz are in team B)

"1st place goes to... team B!!!, then 2nd goes to team A!!, then finally at 3rd place, TEAM C!!"

Everyone is cheering and filled with determination. (Undertale Reference??)

"Now now, quiet down," Hionak said calmly

"So, let me explain how the magic system works in this world."

Hionak then turns on the monitor that is as big as a whiteboard

"Magic is divided into many different types. They are; fire, water, wind, earth, light, dark, ice, lightning, poison, and healing. These can all be used to attack or heal the enemy. And thus, there also secondary types too like authority, demi-god, etc.."

"When you level up, you will increase your affinity towards a certain type of magic. For example, if you have a high affinity to fire, then your flame will be stronger and hotter, and so on."

Everyone is listening carefully to what Professor Hionak is explaining.

"Also, you can combine magic with other spells to create new ones. The combination is called a spell combo."

Hionak continues to explain with enthusiasm.

"For instance, if you can control fire, then you can combine it with the ability to control air to create a fire tornado."

"Another combo can be created with the ability to control water and the ability to control lightning. So you can create electric water."

Hionak said excitedly.

"But that's just the basic form of combos, there are many more such as the ability to control both water and fire and create a powerful lightning storm."

"You're right..."

Yurina said while thinking about the possibilities of creating a combo with her ability.

"That's all for the basics, but don't get discouraged because of its complexity."


Yurina is nodding her head in agreement.

"This is not easy at all..."

"Oh, don't worry," Hionak said cheerfully. "I will help you all during the training!"

"And now onto the mana control or you could say the amount of energy stored inside your body"

Hionak explain slowly

"Mana is a type of energy that is found naturally in the world and is needed to perform magic. Humans cannot produce their mana, instead, we can only absorb it from nature."

"By absorbing it, you will gain your mana back. However, certain people can gain mana from manipulating the spells and gaining back their mana from it"

"Like me? But how?"

"Your body has a special organ which is called 'mantra'."

"A mantra allows you to manipulate your mana. It's kind of like a power source for you to use your magic."

"However, the more complex your magic, the more mana it takes to activate it."

"Thus, you need to store up your mana before activating your magic."

"If you fail to do so, then it will cause severe damage to your body."

"But on the brighter side, the longer you can maintain your mana, the stronger you will become."

"But that doesn't mean you can just ignore storing up your mana."

Hionak then shows them a diagram of the human body.

"Mantra can be found in the center of your core body, or the center between your kidneys"

Hionak continue to explain

"For mana, they are stored inside your heart, brain, liver, spleen, and lungs. Now that we have learned about the places of storage for your mana, let's talk about how to store up your mana."

Hionak said with a cheerful expression

"First, you must relax. Feel the tiny particle of energy in the air, like thinking everything around you is a bunch of gas floating in the sky. Once you feel the energy, store it in your mind."

"Then, once you feel that your mana is full, concentrate it on your mantra. Your mantra is located in the center of your core, or the center between your kidneys"

Hionak said while pointing at each person

"Alright, that's it. Let's start the practice"

Hionak snapped his fingers, and a huge arena appears in the middle of the classroom.

The students are amazed by the size of the area

"We will be starting the battle with 2v2"

Everyone is excited to begin the practice.

Yurina and Nemriz are sitting in the front row.

"In the next day," Hionak smirk while saying it

Everyone suddenly disappointed in him but they can't argue

The bell rings and everyone gets out of the class.

"Well, that's it for today," Hionak said with a smile after seeing the students leave. "Have a good night everyone!"

Everyone waved goodbye to Professor Hionak and continue to walk toward their dormitory.


At night while no one is watching, two kids name Hain and Jaik walk out of their dorms to have a look at the academy.

"Huh, it's so big," Hain said with amazement.

"Yeah, I guess we're lucky to be here," Jaik said with a grin

"I wonder how strong the teachers are?" Hain said while staring at the academy building.

"Maybe we should try and test them out."

Jaik chuckled happily while looking at Hain with excitement.

"Wait, don't tell me you have something in mind?" Hain asked suspiciously

"Of course I do!" Jaik said excitedly. "I'm going to beat them to death!"

Hain grimaced and glared at Jaik with anger.

Movements in the bush next to them can be heard while the two are conversing. They both return their gaze to the bush, but there is nothing there. Hain was surprised to hear his friend Jaik gasp for air. Jaik was pinned to the ground by a hand piercing his chest.

"Huh!?" Hain said astonished

A black hooded robot in the shape of a tall humanoid has just killed his friends.

Cover in fear Hain couldn't move

The robot then disappear from thin air leaving Hain confused

"Wha-what!? Where did he g-"

A sudden burst of blood blasted out of his chest

Unable to scream or talk, he looks down at his chest

Hain's chest was ripped open, his mantra is exposed with broken bones and organ spilling on the floor


Hain tries to call for help but no one is nearby. He keeps screaming until his voice is gone. Looking at his chest, Hain can see his organs scattered across the floor.

The robot quick movements pierced his chest in a matter of seconds showing its power and how different it was from other robots.

Hain cries out for help, but no one responds. He screams until his voice gives out. Hain notices his organs scattered across the floor as he looks at his chest. His eyes were wide open in shock, and his mouth was only partially open. He lost his balance and fell to the ground due to his inability to muster any strength. Hain closed his lips before turning to face the remaining robot. His breathing then stopped and his vision blurred.

The robot turned around and started walking towards the academy.

"Ha, hahaha!"

A loud laugh can be heard coming from behind the school building.


Five small buildings surrounded the main academy building.

One of them is the dormitory where the students live in. On the other side of the road, another building contains a lot of vending machines and food stalls.

Following that, there is a garden where students can relax and take in the scenery. There is also a research laboratory with a variety of tools for studying and even experimenting on various creatures. Finally, there is a training area where students can further their education.

There is a rooftop at the top of the academy that overlooks the entire city. The roof is made of glass, allowing students to enjoy the beautiful view below. There is also a robot on the rooftop. It was an unknown mechanical man model. It had the appearance of a humanoid robot, but its body was made of metal plates and gears. It had its arms bent backward and its legs stretched forward. It has two large red buttons on the chest section that look like TV remote controls. It has a long robotic tail with multiple gears wrapped around it from the back. The robot then vanishes into thin air.
