
Reverend Insanity the Final arc- Fan edition

I am a BIG fan of reverend insanity and was so sad that the ending was never finished as the author has been blocked from publishing more, I realllllly hope that he comes back and finish the book but in the meantime, I have been so filled with ideas on where the plot goes I decided hey why not write my own ending for it, why don't I try to pick up what Gu Zhen Ren left, maybe it'll be good, maybe its shit but I really love the Gu world and I hope this inspires other writers to use Gu in their world. I do wish to one day write my own fantasy book but since RI left so much stuff behind it'd be a shame to leave it all. That said please don't take anything here seriously this is a FAN EDITION, not cannon and I am not claiming credit for anything, please go and support the original author I believe he has another series called infinite blood core, and please do go read the original Reverend Insanity.

zulbucks · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
233 Chs

Chapter 2526

Star Constellation nodded, "It appears Feng Jiu Ge is neither entirely on Fang Yuan's nor our side, We must not waste this opportunity, let's move!"

Though they wondered what Feng Jiu Ge could want with Genesis Lotus, they neither had the time nor luxury to find out, only to pray for Genesis Lotus's success.

The trio quickly reached the center of the Western Desert,

There the Peaceful Soil Heavy Mountain Stood in full view, its magnificent size and aura could be seen for miles.

"It looks sturdier than last time," Giant Sun commented, "What did Fang Yuan do to it?"

Star Constellation closed her eyes for a second and when they reopened, starlight swirled within, "Damn."

"That dosen't sound good," Red Lotus said, "What's the gimmick this time."

Star Constellation let out a sigh and waved her hand, using starlight to form holograms that overlapped with the Peaceful Soil Heavy Mountain to display her findings, like and advanced AR system.

"That Gu House is special in the sense that it is a very complex Killer Move that can store any Earth Path Gu worm within itself to increase the power of its defensive properties, the downside being its virtually non-existant mobility."

Giant Sun nodded, "But no matter how powerful of a Killer Move it's still limited by the Gu worms that form it, even if we were only Rank 9s with 3 of us attacking theres no way they can replenish the Gu Worms in time."

Star Constellation's troubled face made no sense to Giant Sun, until she broke it down, "Indeed, if this were the old Peaceful Soil Heavy Mountain Fortress then even just 1 of us would be enough, however, this is anything but the old Peaceful Soil Heavy Fortress."

Giant Sun and Red Lotus had sort of figured that out but they failed to grasp the difference,

"There's two main differences, the first is that it no only takes in Earth Path Gu Worms, but all Element Path Gu Worms."


"But that's impossible!" Giant Sun yelled, "I can only sense Earth Path being emanate from it!"

"That's because the surface is acting like the old Gu House to camouflage it but…" Star Constellation waved her hand and used a Rank 9 Killer Move.

Immortal Killer Move --------- Devestating Nova!

A miniature sun appeared in the palm of her hands, gently she thrusted it foreward at the Peaceful Soil Heavy Mountain.

Giant Sun focused on that miniature Sun, "Although it looks weak and pathetic one shouldn't look down on that Killer Move, despite being the size of a baseball, it has at leas 1/10 the density of the real Sun!"

The miniature sun wobbled it's way to the Peaceful Soil Heavy Mountain, and the moment it made contact,


An earth shattering roar burst forth as the ground shook with fercouity,

The only things that didn't shake were the 3 Venerables floating in the air and The Peaceful Soil Heavy Mountain Fortess!

It was quite a sight to behold, in a world of constant vibration, the Mountain Fortress stood tall and firm.

"How is that possible?" Giant Sun's mouth dropped, Star Constellation highlighted the area she had struck.

"It's been reinforced with Steel Path," as the dust settled Giant Sun and Red Lotus could visibly see steel frames inbetween the hard earth.

Fang Yuan had done the unthinkable once again, using knowledge from his first life on earth, he redesigned the entire Peaceful Soil Heavy Fortress Mountain to make use or modern construction techniques.

He used Earth and Water Path to reproduce concrete, and used Fire, Air and Metal Path to create Steel beams running through each layer for added reinforcement.

The advantage of Mordern construction was its cost to effect ratio.

Not only were Steel and Concreate many times stronger than common earth and metals, but they were incredibly cheap and easy to make once one got the formula right!

The little effort and cheap materials combined to make the Peaceful Soil Heavy Mountain Fortess 10 times harder to deal with.

It not only took more effort to break through the layers but it also meant that the layers could be cheaply and easily restored.

Star Constellation could deduce this much from observing the Peaceful Soil Heavy Mountain Fortress in person, after all even though it employed otherworldly methods they were still using materials from the Gu World, not to mention their ease of use.

"Let me get this straight," Giant Sun massaged his temples, "We are under a time limit and we have to somehow breakthrough an annoying and troublesome Gu House, could things possibly be any worst?"

"..." Star Constellation had a very slight hesitation that Giant Sun noticed.

"What?" He pressed her for an answer, "There's something isn't there!"

Star Constellation let out a sigh, "From the looks of things Fang Yuan managed to leave behind all the Rank 9 Elemental Gu for the Peaceful Soil Heavy Mountain Fortress."


Normally even if Fang Yuan's use of otherworldly tactics was annoying, Giant Sun wasn't actually too worried about breaking through, after all, there is limits behind what mortal methods can achieve.

But having Rank 9 Gus changed everything.


Star Constellation didn't have an exact answer and could only guess, "Probably, right as he attacked the 5 Region's core he sent off his Clones with all his material posseissons as he would be invulnerable during his time of ascension."

"But that's not the worst news."

"There's more!?!??!"

Star Constellation nodded, "Fang Yuan will probably have enough time to do 1 last thing before he's forced out of the 5 Regions."
