
Reverend Insanity the Final arc- Fan edition

I am a BIG fan of reverend insanity and was so sad that the ending was never finished as the author has been blocked from publishing more, I realllllly hope that he comes back and finish the book but in the meantime, I have been so filled with ideas on where the plot goes I decided hey why not write my own ending for it, why don't I try to pick up what Gu Zhen Ren left, maybe it'll be good, maybe its shit but I really love the Gu world and I hope this inspires other writers to use Gu in their world. I do wish to one day write my own fantasy book but since RI left so much stuff behind it'd be a shame to leave it all. That said please don't take anything here seriously this is a FAN EDITION, not cannon and I am not claiming credit for anything, please go and support the original author I believe he has another series called infinite blood core, and please do go read the original Reverend Insanity.

zulbucks · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
233 Chs

Chapter 2415 Zhao Lian Yun's Love

Within the Stone Continent,

On the Upslope Road, a cold beauty could be seen easily crossing through. Her eyes were an icy blue and she could make snow look black.

Who else but Ying Guang Xin!

She was easily strolling through the Upslope Road because she had Freedom Gu!

Even though it was only Rank 8, it was still a legendary Heaven Path Gu worm. Even a Venerable would frown at trying to hold back someone using Freedom Gu.

That wasn't to say it was impossible, after all, there is no invincible Gu only invincible Gu Immortals.

As long as one had enough time, resources and wit they could come up with a kind of countermeasure against Freedom Gu.

For example, Fang Yuan had deduced an extremely costly, but effective, method which was, Obscure Heavenly Secret!

Indeed, by changing certain order of the activation Obscured Heavenly Secret could be used offensively to trap Gu Immortals!

This worked particularly well against Freedom Gu, a Heaven Path Gu Worm.

But of course, if Ying Guang Xin were given enough time and resources she could engineer a countermove.

But alas, why would Fang Yuan let her?

He purposefully did not tell Ying Guang Xin that he had a method to restrain Freedom Gu.

"It's better to let her live under the illusion of Freedom, a caged beast is most dangerous after all, but if she believes herself to be free…hehe."

Thus, Ying Guang Xin spent her time with Fang Yuan under the guise of this alleged 'Freedom' thinking to herself: "Worst case scenario I can always flee."

She was breezily taking her time on the Upslope Road, while everyone else was struggling, including Feng Jiu Ge!

A bead of sweat began to form at the top of his forehead:

"Hmm?" he noticed the sweat forming: "Interesting when was the last time I had to break a sweat?"

Instant of being discouraged he chuckled to himself and, in his heart, committed himself to getting stronger.

Contrary to his, mostly, carefree demeanor, a petite woman could be seen heavily panting with each step she took.

In fact, Feng Jiu Ge often had to slow down and let her catch her breath.

"*Huff* *Huff* Sen…*huff*…senior…are we almost there yet,"

"Mhm, nearly there just 20 more floors to go."

The woman was of course Zhao Lian Yun who had tagged along in a bid to save her lover, Ma Hong Yun.

Hearing that Feng Jiu Ge said '20 more floors', not steps made her want to cry, but she was so tired no tears came out.

"Let's rest for a bit…"

But Zhao Lian Yun rejected: "NO! 20 more floors? Ok! I can do it Ma Hong Yun wait for me…"

Seeing the determined gaze in Zhao Lian Yun's eyes as she charged forth no matter, the dangerous adversities or struggles, brought forth the feelings Feng Jiu Ge had for his wife and daughter.

He had always loved them.

He loved them before joining Heavenly Court, during the Fate Wars and, even when he chose to betray Heavenly Court.

His heart had always remained true to himself, and he did truly love his family.

But he was true to himself first and foremost.

Fate went against everything he stood for, against him!

It couldn't be allowed to exist.

Did it hurt when he saw Fairy Bai Qing's face, tears in her eyes…of course!

But how could he forsake himself for their benefit?

No matter how much he loved them…could he really continue living his life day to day with no say or control?

Could he really keep his family and his sanity under Fate's grasp?

The answer was before him, his Destiny Song reflected the truth in his heart.


He couldn't

Seeing Zhao Lian Yun struggle so bitterly for her lover made him feel the days of his youth…

Zhao Lian Yun didn't know what was going through Feng Jiu Ge's mind.

But she knew one thing: "Ma Hong Yun is waiting for me I can feel it!"

Indeed, Love Gu had been pulsing nonstop and increasing frequency with each step she took.

Suddenly, she hears a beautiful love song, the voice was so melodic and ethereal, that it captivated her ears. The lyrics were full of meaning:

"Everlasting love will shine above all else, the art of losing oneself in love's embrace."

Her eyes began to well up with tears as she recalled all the times she spent with Ma Hong Yun, though short, their life was full of struggles.

But looking back, every moment she spent with him was not bitter but full of fondness.

She shed a tear for every moment he stood up for her, every moment he held her hand, every moment they shared.

Her steps began to grow faster as if she was suddenly free from all restraints. 1 floor 2 floors, in no time at all they had reached the 19th floor.

When the singing stopped.

"Huh?" Zhao Lian Yun snapped out of her trance-like state, tears still streaming down her beautiful face: "When did I get so far?"

She could see the last floor right before her eyes.

Puzzled she turned around; shocked.

"*Huff* *Huff*" Feng Jiu Ge was panting heavily she nearly rushed down to help him: "DON'T!"

Feng Jiu Ge said between breaths: "If you turn back now you won't be able to move forward again,"

Zhao Lian Yun stiffened up and kept her foot on the step.

"Keep going, I'll catch up I just need to…rest" Feng Jiu Ge began to control his breathing.

He had expended a lot of energy to assist Zhao Lian Yun.

After all, he knew that every step she took was actually burning her lifespan!

She was born with lackluster talent and an otherworldly demon at the same time!

Even though she had Divine Concealment, it was both a blessing and a curse, Zhao Lian Yun would never be affected by tribulations, but it also meant she couldn't grow her Dao Marks by a lot.

Thus, she was probably the weakest Rank 6 in existence, in terms of Dao Marks, her only saving grace was Rank 9 Love Gu!

Every step forward on the Upslope require, the strength of will and body as the pressure builds up against you.

The road will repel you based on your cultivation so everyone has an equal chance what really seperates people is talent!

When one feels exhausted two options will come forth; give up or keep going.

Most people can keep going but for how long?

No one goes on forever and eventually everyone taps out.

It takes great strength to keep going.

Zhao Lian Yun's will to keep going was being produced by Love Gu!

Her resilience was gained through the consumption of Lifespan.

Feng Jiu Ge felt slight pity for her and decided to bear double the burden of climbing so that Zhao Lian Yun could keep going.

But he underestimated the linear increase of resistance that the upslope road provided.

"*Huff* *Huff* I was careless, it was not just as simple as doubling the pressure." Feng Jiu Ge panted heavily; blood had actually seeped into his mouth, but he swallowed it back.

Zhao Lian Yun grits her teeth as she faced the last 10 steps, herself.

1st step.


An absurd amount of pressure bore down on Zhao Lian Yun!

Just resisting the force alone was causing her knees to almost buckle. Almost.

2nd step.

*Boom* *Crack*

The creaking sound of bones being cracked came from Zhao Lian Yun.

3rd stop.

*Boom* *Pssh*

Blood started spurting out of every orifice in her body.

4th step.

By this point, Zhao Lian Yun was like a walking corpse.

There was blood dripping down every square inch of her body.

It was a miracle she could still stand.

5th step.


Zhao Lian Yun's knees gave in, and she fell to the floor.

But despite all this, she didn't give up.

A voice rang out in her head:

"Is it painful? "

"Yes, excruciatingly so." Zhao Lian Yun responded

"Is it difficult?"

"Impossibly so."

"Is it worth it?"

"Without a doubt."

Zhao Lian Yun circulated all her Immortal Essence into her Healing Killer Move.

She forcefully kept circulating the move to repair her legs and nothing else.

With that, she managed to stand, but each time she took a step, her bones would shatter and then be healed.

This cycle of destruction and regeneration would have driven a normal person insane.

Feng Jiu Ge was watching from behind: "Truly, Love makes one do incredible things…" he sighed and shook his head.

He could not help Zhao Lian Yun for the last 10 steps. Even if the first 19 floors were put together, they would be nothing in comparison to the 1st step here.

"This is her trial to overcome, hmm?" Feng Jiu Ge sensed something and turned around: "It's you?! How did you get here so fast?"

Who else would it be but Ying Guang Xin!

"You look tired, I wonder how much Fang Yuan would give for your head?" Ying Guang Xin's smile was pleasant, yet her words were dripping with blood.

She turned towards Zhao Lian Yun: "Oh? Ah, I see no wonder I didn't see her throughout my journey I thought you left her behind and she died, turns out you carried her all the way here…hehe how nice."

Ying Guang Xin taunted: "If I attack her now could you stop me?"

Her devilish smile irritated Feng Jiu Ge: "Hmph, by all means, go ahead and try the last 10 steps increase the pressure so drastically that I doubt you would reach her before she reached the top."

Ying Guang Xin just smiled and leisurely strolled up the stars.

1st step.

2nd step.

3rd step.

4th step.

5th step.

She breezed through them with no pressure at all.

This dumbfounded Feng Jiu Ge: "How is she able to…unless she actually succeeded at that time!?"

Feng Jiu Ge was referring to the time he had set Ying Guang Xin's Destiny of refining Freedom Gu into motion.

He caught a glimpse after looking at Ying Guang Xin that one of the many futures Ying Guang Xin obtained Freedom Gu, so he set her on that path.

"Which means…" Feng Jiu Ge began to sing his Destiny Song.

In the time Ying Guang Xin made it to the 5th step, Zhao Lian Yun made it to the 7th, but her progress had slowed drastically, on the 6th step her healing move could keep up with the speed of destruction.

But now, it was being slightly overwhelmed, every step she took her bones would disintegrate and only regenerate 80%.

She had to move forward with less, and bear more pressure as well.

And this was only the 7th step!

What about 8, 9 could she even make the 10th step?

The voice in her head kept going on and on.

But her heart silenced it all.

She knew this was her only chance and that, compared with stealing Ma Hong Yun's soul back from Fang Yuan this was considered easy.

So, what if the pain was excruciating, every second she woke up and Ma Hong Yun wasn't by her side was worse.

So, what if she may never walk again? Walking alone every day was more pain than she could bear.

So, what if she forfeits 40, 50 even 60 years of her life! A life without Ma Hong Yun was not worth living if she could have him back for just a day it would be worth it all!

All this while Love Gu kept beating and pulsing.

But, silently, from behind her a shadow loomed over, it grew longer and longer, the atmosphere dropped colder and colder.

Zhao Lian Yun didn't have the strength to turn around, but she knew it wasn't Feng Jiu Ge.

"Judging by the physique of the shadow it can only be …Ying Guang Xin!" her heart dropped!

This was Fang Yuan's subordinate there was no way he let her live.

"I'm sorry," the sweet, but icy, a voice called from behind: "I really admire your devotion and passion, but I have my own Responsibilities to fulfill if you want to blame someone blame your own mediocrity and weakness."

The shadow of a long icy sword began to appear over her.

She could feel the chill from where she stood.

Never mind that at her peak she wouldn't be able to block this move, at this very moment she couldn't even turn to face it.

But she still kept moving forward!

This shocked Feng Jiu Ge and even Ying Guang Xin were dumbfounded.

Even in the despair of death her loved one compelled her to be just that little bit closer to her lover, to leave no regrets behind.

"Even if I die now, I will regret it eternally if I didn't give it my all!" she was renewed by the threat of death!

Ying Guang Xin was deeply shocked.

There was no point.

It was futile.

A Chasing after the wind.

"So much extra unnecessary pain…for what." Ying Guang Xin shook her head.

Now more than ever Zhao Lian Yun wanted to at least see her lover: "I can't risk using Love Gu! What if it brings me somewhere else? What if I don't get to see Ma Hong Yun? All this, even death, will be worth it if I could just see him one last time…"

"Goodbye Zhao Lian Yun, wait where's that music coming fro,"

When suddenly,


She disappeared.


"Where did she go?" Zhao Lian Yun was extremely confused

"Wherever Freedom Gu takes her," Feng Jiu Ge had rested enough to finally catch up, although his breath was still heavy.

The whole time Zhao Lian Yun did not, could not hear Feng Jiu Ge's singing.

But Ying Guang Xin could!

For some inexplicable reason, this song was calling out to her,

Freedom Gu began to resonate within and in the next second.


She vanished!

"Are you ready?" Feng Jiu Ge asked.

Thanks to the pressure from Ying Guang Xin, Zhao Lian Yun managed to push herself onto the 7th step.

Zhao Lian Yun didn't say anything but cast her gaze to the last 3 steps

She kept walking.

We've reached 80 chapters !!!!

I would like feedback on how the series is going so far, I personally feel, that I am about 1/3ish of the way to completion.

So I would like to reflect on what I could do better.

Thank you everyone for your continued support:)

zulbuckscreators' thoughts