
Reverend Insanity the Final arc- Fan edition

I am a BIG fan of reverend insanity and was so sad that the ending was never finished as the author has been blocked from publishing more, I realllllly hope that he comes back and finish the book but in the meantime, I have been so filled with ideas on where the plot goes I decided hey why not write my own ending for it, why don't I try to pick up what Gu Zhen Ren left, maybe it'll be good, maybe its shit but I really love the Gu world and I hope this inspires other writers to use Gu in their world. I do wish to one day write my own fantasy book but since RI left so much stuff behind it'd be a shame to leave it all. That said please don't take anything here seriously this is a FAN EDITION, not cannon and I am not claiming credit for anything, please go and support the original author I believe he has another series called infinite blood core, and please do go read the original Reverend Insanity.

zulbucks · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
233 Chs

Chapter 2380 One Day; Three Autumns

The smell of burning flesh was permeating throughout as smoke wafted through the air.

Ying Guang Xin was the next to arrive: "Hmm, seems a huge fight broke down here, I can sense Strength Path Dao Marks in the air although since we're in Reckless's Grotto Heaven that's hardly surprising."

Immortal Killer Move -------- Soul Breath

A breeze of chilling Soul Path air cleared away all the smoke on the 4th floor.

The Path of Ascension was a Pseudo-Rank 10 Secluded Domain Of Heaven and Earth, it was incredibly resistant to even Venerable attacks, much less that of Pseudo-Venerables.

Hei Lou Lan and Zhan Bu Du's fight left only a few scratches on the floor.

Lying 5 feet away from Ying Guang Xin was Hei Lou Lan!

Her right arm had been severed in an attempt to get away but it was still no use, she withstood half of a Pseudo-Venerable's full strength at point-blank range, even Giant Sun's boost and the Biao armor couldn't fully negate that kind of damage.

Ying Guang Xin investigated if she were still alive or not: "Hmm, she's on her last breath if someone doesn't heal her. Do I save her and enslave her, or do I just finish her off here?"

Before he could decide on an answer, he felt a Rank 7 Blood Path aura descend onto Hei Lou Lan.

It was Giant Sun Immortal Venerable!

Without further hesitation, he activated his killer move.

Immortal Killer Move ------- Soul Flare!

Because the Yin Body contained the Yang Aperture, Ying Guang Xin's Soul Path Dao Marks were all turned to Yin Path and molded onto his body.

He can then consume that Yin Path and turn it into Yang Path moves, but he was not proficient in any Yang Path moves because the main body only had Ordinary Attainment in Yang Path.

Thus, he had to make do with Spectral Soul's methods.

The bluish fire did not just burn the Physical, but the Soul as well.

This was just a little of the results Spectral Soul managed to deduce from his brief research into Yin-Yang Path.

Right now, thanks to Spectral Soul's Supreme Grandmaster attainment in Soul Path, he was able to step into the Master attainment of Yin-Yang Path but without the corresponding Yang Path attainments, such as Light and Fire Path, he could not advance further.

"*Sigh* I need do my part to help the main body's research into Yang Path." The fire soon spread throughout Hei Lou Lan's body and turned black.

Soon all that remained was dust as the Myriad Beast Fusion Heaven consumed whatever was left, her Aperture and remains.

Outside in the Western Desert,

"Friend Giant Sun it's unfortunate that Hei Lou Lan met her end so early, Fang Yuan was too insidious." Star Constellation tried to comfort Giant Sun.

She explicitly left out Spectral Soul's involvement in her ultimate demise. This was to make friends with Giant Sun without completely offending Spectral Soul.

Giant Sun merely nodded and glared at Spectral Soul.

The former just shrugged it off while Giant Sun was actually hard at work deducing.

"Something's not right with the way Hei Lou Lan died, when my Blood Restructure Killer Move healed her, I could feel a connection within our bloodline but as soon as it reformed it was immediately cut again before Ying Guang Xin's Killer Move hit. Something's missing I can't place my finger on it…"

Giant Sun had found a suspicious point in Hei Lou Lan's death, although he had not much to go on, he still decided to keep this news secret to make Star Constellation side with a bit more, while also giving good reason to attack Spectral Soul.

Ying Guang Xin continued forth afterward, finding nothing else on this floor.

Soon others like Light Emperor and Lu Wei Yin arrived on this floor, by this point there wasn't even the smell of battle and thus, they decided to just continue on.

"I hope Hei Lou Lan's fine, she's probably up ahead." Light Emperor thought to himself.

By this point both Feng Jiu Ge and Zhan Bu Du were about 75% of the way to the 5th floor, the pressure was starting to become more noticeable, Ying Guang Xin was close at 50% and Light Emperor and Lu Wei Yin were at the 1% mark.

The other Rank 8s were catching up as well, Wu Shuai, Wu Yong, He Chun Qiu and, Chu Du were in proximity with one another.

They were all within 5% of each other, He Chun Qiu was just at 5% to the 4th floor, Wu Yong and Chu Du were at the 10% and Wu Shuai was at 15%.

Those that were stuck at the very bottom had moved halfway up to the 3rd Floor when after the incident with Hei Lou Lan the Ordinary Abyss receded back down to the 4th Floor.

"Strange why did it go down?" Everyone had the same thought.

In fact, after going down, its ascension rate became even slower.

Since it had happened directly after that big explosion on the 4th Floor of the Path of Ascension it wasn't hard for Fairy Zi Wei to put 2 and 2 together.

"Someone on the 4th floor must have died!"

Everyone was shocked, they had no idea who would be on the 4th floor as they couldn't see up that far, but they knew it would have been a heaven-shaking talent outside.

They began to discuss amongst themselves

"Do you think it was Lady Hei Lou Lan?"

"It's reasonable she is the youngest Pseudo-Venerable."

"Shh, don't curse her."

The Northern Plainsmen had no idea that they were right.

"Could it have been our Hooded Figure fellow?"

"I'm not sure he displayed great might against those natives."

"I mean they're just natives would have been really that hard for a Pseudo-Venerable?"

"You have a point but the brutal way they killed themselves tells me that he is at least not simple."

The party with the most confidence was the Great Love Alliance.

"Bahahaha, one of the Lords must have killed those bastards."

"Hehe, who do you think it was?"

"Hmm, I mean it should most likely be Lord Zhan Bu Du, after all, he has the most strength!"

"True. But it could also have been Lord Wu Shuai, he has knowledge from the Olden Antiquity Era and is a Dragonmen!"

"Nah, it can't be he lacks the strength required to shake the whole Path like that, it has to be Lord Zhan Bu Du the real question is who did he kill?"

It was this point that caused more discussion amongst the Immortals of the Great Love Alliance with some even making bets on who it was.

But while the members were filled with fervor, Fang Gong, Shen Cong Sheng, and Shen Shang were a little worried.

Their faith in Fang Yuan's capabilities had slowly been refined with every victory but there was always that little voice asking them: "What if he loses? He is already willing to discard lives to win in the event of a loss what happens then?"

They decided not to dwell on such depressing topics and continued enjoying some tea and discussion in the Myriad Year Flying Warship.

At that moment Fang Jiu Ge stopped one step before arriving on the 5th Floor.

Zhan Bu Du noticed this: "Friend why do you not want to go on?"

He began to use his investigative moves to scout the area, but Feng Jiu Ge replied before he found anything.

"It is not my destiny to receive this go ahead," Feng Jiu Ge stepped aside and made way for Zhan Bu Du.

This immediately made Zhan Bu Du wary.

"This seems like a trap, but Feng Jiu Ge is not the kind to resort to tricks like this, no matter I will just He Chun Qiu."

He used a secret communication method between the 3 clones.

"Are there any problems if I go ahead?"

"Hmm, from what I can see no. But let's wait a bit."

They waited 10 minutes, but nothing happened, Feng Jiu Ge had just sat down meditating.

"It seems clear, relay your information every 30 minutes if after 3 hours and we still hear nothing I'll activate the Killer Move, One Day; Three Autumns."

That's right the whole reason Fang Yuan let He Chun Qiu go was to make use of the legendary Spring Autumn Cicada!

This Immortal Gu had been refined to Rank 8 by Fang Yuan, who had also modified many Killer Moves to guarantee its success.

This Move, One Day; Three Autumns allowed one to go back to any point in time within the day as long as if it was for a loved one.

But the original version of this move was powerful only because it used Love Gu, to get around this Fang Yuan modified the move to allow the user to go back 3 times and only in intervals of 3 Hours.

This meant no matter what, even if more power was given, this move could only bring its user back to any point within the day, in the past 3 hours from its use.

Of course, this was still a large advantage and he had set up a system around it, the other 2 were not only protecting He Chun Qiu but also relaying information to him, such that if there was any mistake that made, they could rewind and try again.

But this also meant that if any of them were cut off for more than 3 hours it also signified something wrong, which would prompt them to redo as well.

Knowing all of this Zhan Bu Du decided to take a risk and took the first step into the 5th Floor!

As soon as he stepped in the world grew dark and tribulations began to descend.

"Shit, this whole floor is a Predicament!"

The power of Tribulations within a Predicament scaled with its size, to find one the size of this entire floor meant that.

At that moment a ball of Black fire could be seen.

"*Sigh* I knew it, a Chaotic level Tribulation."

Although this Tribulation did contain Chaos it couldn't actually be called a Chaotic Tribulation.

The Black Fire present was even weaker than the one that plagued Shen Shang.

But instead of chasing him the Black Fire just stood there unmoving.

"Hmm? That's odd the Tribulations don't seem to be targeting me instead they seem to happen around the Black Fire almost as if… they're protecting it !?"

Zhan Bu Du began to approach the Black Fire.

Right as he stepped closer a bolt of lightning descended on where he was standing, but he tanked it without even flinching.

"Hmph, if that's the level of Tribulation then this is nothing," as he said that he tried to jump forward multiple steps, but he soon encountered a barrier one step in.

The barrier was incredibly solid, Zhan Bu Du crashing into it left not even a cut.

Right as he landed another lightning bolt stroke where he stood.

"Hmm, it seems that the tribulations get stronger as I get closer and that I have to slowly advance almost as if it's a test."

Ok I finally managed to make an extra chapter in one day, it is incredibly exhausting you guys should appreciate all the authors capable of doing this daily!

zulbuckscreators' thoughts