
Returning From Hell After Hundreds Of Years

Lycaon Oberon woke up in his room on a seemingly normal day. However, he couldn't find his family anywhere in the house, his phone had no wifi or signal, and the electricity in his house was not working either. He went outside to see what was going on, only to find that there were no signs of any people in the houses on his street. Not only that, but all the houses were in a state of ruin, and the sky was red. After standing outside for around five minutes, Lycaon saw something that he thought was a human digging through his neighbours bin, until he noticed the green skin. As soon as he noticed this, a screen appeared in front of him.

L_6 · แฟนตาซี
9 Chs

Completely Clean England

Lycaon stood confidently with sword in hand, and shouted as loud as he could to gain the attention of all of the monsters in the surrounding area. Almost straight after this, a large amount of footsteps caused by monsters started to becoming increasingly closer to Lycaon's location.

From every location possible, monsters swarmed towards Lycaon. Every type of monster he had encountered so far was present, as well as a new type standing at the very front of the crowd.

When he saw this new monster, a smile appeared on his face, 'Guess I've found something to name Bigger One.'

The monster stood at around one hundred feet tall, and was covered in huge muscles. Along with this, it was holding what seemed to be an entire tree in its right hand. Its face was completely covered in eyes, with no mouth or nose. However, it did have a mouth in the form of a large circular hole in its stomach that was full of sharp razor like teeth.

Unlike most of the other Boss monsters he had fought, this one seemed to be the type to fight on the front lines and not wait for all of the weaker monsters to weaken their enemy. This would make the battle slightly more difficult as he normally would put himself in the best position possible by levelling up from the easier monsters, but he would have to avoid the Boss' attacks as well when it attacked him during this time.

The huge monster began to charge towards Lycaon and was quickly advancing, not due to its speed, but due to its size. It swung the tree that it was holding, but Lycaon moved out of the way of the attack incredibly quickly. All of his physical attributes were much stronger than when he had first found himself in the corrupted world due to his level being much higher, this was then multiplied by 5X which made him incredibly powerful in all areas.

When Lycaon dodged the attack, the ground where he had moved from had cracks in it and any regular person would not have been able to see his movements. As he was able to move so quickly, Lycaon started mowing down the zombies as quickly as he could with his sword and immense strength.

During the time that he had been fighting monsters, his swordsmanship had become much better than before which, along with his immense strength, made all of the monsters that he previously had to put effort into killing nothing more than ants to him.

After around ten minutes of destroying the hordes of monsters that came at him, Lycaon had almost killed all of the minor enemies. Only one remained, and it was a Skeleton with armour and a sword.

However, despite the forms of protection that it had, this monster was killed just as easily as all of the others had been. Once the monster died, Lycaon turned his attention to the Boss monster.

There was no way for him to become stronger than he was, so he ran directly at the Boss. He used his Barrier skill in a way that he had discovered after a few months of having it, and created platforms underneath him to get closer to the Boss' head.

He jumped forward at the Boss and slashed his sword at the monster's neck in an attempt to cut off its head. However, before this attack could hit the enemy, Lycaon was grabbed by a huge hand. He attempted to break out of the monster's grip, but this was to no avail and he got thrown into the Boss' stomach mouth.

Despite this seeming like a disadvantage, Lycaon actually saw it an as opportunity as the inside of the monster would more than likely be weaker than the outside and it would also be unable to defend its insides.

Lycaon started slicing up the monster's insides and, to speed up the process, he summoned King who immediately joined him in doing this. Much like Lycaon and his swordsmanship, King had become more skilled with all of his forms of attack as well.

This meant it only took around half an hour for a huge hole to be torn through the back of the Boss monster. It was confused at where the attack had been coming from, as it believed Lycaon to be dead inside of its stomach.

Once the hole appeared in its back, the monster immediately fell backwards and screamed in pain. Lycaon and King crawled out of the monster's stomach mouth and walked up its collapsed body until they reached its neck. Once they reached it, Lycaon put all of his strength into a single attack and cut straight through it with only a bit of difficulty.

As the monster had been killed, the entirety of London started to become purified which meant he had finished cleaning the entirety of England. However, this was not what was most important to Lycaon, as he hoped the final Boss of England would have a good skill for him to take.

However, before he could check what skill would come out, he saw King was glowing a dark green colour. This immediately made Lycaon assume he had reached level 100 and King was getting bigger and stronger.

Once the glow had disappeared, King's new form was revealed. He looked similar to before, but he was as big as an elephant and had much more defined muscles as well as looking a lot more intimidating than before.

"You look much stronger now, I can't wait to see how powerful you've become."

Once he had made sure King had finished 'evolving', Lycaon looked for a glowing area on the 'Bigger One' that he had killed. He saw a dark orange glow coming from its chest and proceeded to plunge his hand straight in, and then out again with the orange ball in hand.

'The Skill Lion King's Swordsmanship Has Been Found, This Skill Will Subconsciously Make The User's Swordsmanship Better And The User Will Learn Sword Moves Used By An Ancient Lion King. The Rank Of This Skill Increases Through The Use Of A Sword, As Well As Using The Lion King's Sword Moves. As The Rank Increases, The Level Of Swordsmanship Will Increase, And More Moves Will Be Unlocked. Would You Like To Use One Of Your Skill Slots For This Skill?

Accept / Deny.'

Lycaon immediately pressed accept without hesitation as he knew his own limits. He had gotten better at swordsmanship over the past few years, but he had no real training and only went off of his instincts. If he had swordsmanship used by an ancient King, he would definitely become stronger.

As he had finished gaining the new skill, Lycaon checked his status.

Name: Lycaon Oberon

Age: 16

Species: Human

Death Count: 14


Level: 104

Skill Slots (15):

Conjure Sword (Intermediate. 3%) *NEW, USE SKILL TO OBTAIN NEW FEATURE*

Summon Behemoth (Child. 104/150)

Super-Human (Intermediate. 11%) *NEW, 5X - 10 X*

Barrier (Basic. 97%)

Lion King's Swordsmanship (Basic. 0%)

After looking at his status, Lycaon realised that multiple of his skills had become the next rank, and his Conjure Sword skill had a new feature of some sort which he immediately decided to check.