
Return Of The Blue Way

Wings_Of_Emotions · แอคชั่น
2 Chs

The cultivation technique Chapter 2

"Hey aunt what did you use to beat those people, was that martial arts" said Carter "no Carter I am just that much strong because I do so much work, that's why you should do work like me" said the aunt "really" said the cute little Carter with bright passionate eyes, aunt said "u-uh y-yes" with hesitation.

Then they ate food and went to sleep. Then aunt Michelle said him the story of the Blue Way and Carter asked "where is Blue Way now" aunt said with a sorrowful look "umm they might be here with us" Carter said "how I can't see them" aunt said "you will see them when the right time comes" Carter said "uhh ok then aunt why are there no people living here except us" "umm Carter let's not talk about this" said aunt "umm ok" said Carter.

Next morning, Carter went to play with the trees. Then he felt thirsty he went home to drink water from the well in front of the house. He saw his aunt opening a tile of his house and going in. He showed that he didn't see anything.

Then, when his aunt went to cut down wood , he said that he will not come to cut wood today because he is tired. Then when his aunt went to cut down wood he sneaked in that basement he went down stairs, he saw a big room made of rocks and many strange painting and statues. There were few books kept on a table in midle.

Carter picked a book which was named

"The Breathe Of The Endless Sea" then he heard the foot steps of aunt Michelle, then he rushed outside and layed on the ground hiding the book under his back. "Hey Carter why are you laying like that on the ground"said aunt "umm this place is cool that's why" said Carter "huh whatever, wake up now and help me prepare lunch" said aunt "y-yes ok"said Carter.

Then Carter ran out the moment aunt Michelle went in kitchen, he hid his book under a heap of leaves and went to help his aunt in making the lunch. Then his aunt told him to study while the food is being made. Then they ate the food and aunt Michelle went to the farm, which was a bit far away, to grow crops.

Carter again said that he is tired and ditched outside to read the book which he took from the basement. He tried to understand it but he couldn't understand the writing but then he sees the diagram of the technique and he felt like he is familiar with this technique, like it's his own technique. He felt like a big endless ocean under his stomach.