
Return Of The Blue Way

Wings_Of_Emotions · Action
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2 Chs

Little Boy Chapter 1

A place away from the murim plains near a ocean lived a 6 years old little boy named "Carter Blue" with bright and passionate eyes and cute delicate body with his aunt "Michelle" who looked very young but her age was unknown.

"Carter come now the food is ready" said the aunt, little Carter came running home, Carter was very hungry he munched on the food like a monster, aunt Michelle said "Carter so slow down or you might choke up the food" Carter ate the food and rushed to make up the bed because he loved listening the stories which his aunt tells him every night.

Carter rushed and said "hurry up aunty and tell me a story" aunt said him "wait I have to wash the dishes" Carter said "uhh ok" then they went to bed and the aunt said him the story of the prestigious"Blue Way" which was unbeatable, it didn't ruled over the murim but they were strong enough to shake the whole murim plains and the dark ways. The main motive of the Blue Way was to do thing which there heart told them to whether it be evil or righteous. They thought that nothing is wrong, something was right for one or wrong for other. They believed they should do what there heart feels right.

Carter likes the story so much. He asked his aunt whether she knows any martial arts. And pleaded her to teach him martial arts but her aunt always said no. He tried to make his own martial arts but he didn't know how to absorb ki. But he still practiced to make himself stronger. His aunt was always worried about him because she didn't wanted Carter to learn martial arts.

Carter played and learnt to make food because he was interested in cooking. He practiced punching and kicking and many physical exercise and then at night after dinner and before going to bed he meditated to increase his concentration and make his mind calm and composed. Then he sleeps while listening to the story.

He was thinking of creating an art or painting afterwards and started helping his aunt in household works. Then his aunt started involving Carter in study, art, sports, riddle and many other activities, so that Carter would forget about doing martial arts.

Carter went to cut wood with his aunt, a group of people came and threatened Carter's aunt and tried to kill her but his aunt used some very powerful martial arts and killed the people but his aunt's condition were not looking good. Carter asked his aunt whether she is ok "yes Carter aunt is fine" said the aunt.

Then they went home. And ate dinner, Carter asked "aunt what happened to you and who were those people" aunt said "just some bunch of bad people who came to stole our house" Carter said "what is there in this small wooden house" aunt said "you should respect this house" Carter said "uhh ok".