
Resurgence Of The Violet Overlord:Chronicles Of A Shattered World

^Original Novel By Me, infiniteGod^ In a shattered world, Navir Blackthorn a once young and bright eyed boy emerges as a symbol of resilience amidst desolation, scarred by the haunting horrors of a cataclysmic nuclear war. But Navir is now plagued by unfathomable grief following the loss of his beloved wife and newborn daughter nine years ago, paralyzed and almost disfigured, his once innocent countenance now overshadowed by despair. However, hope flickers with the help of his best friend, a personal nurse and a letter to join the immersive landscapes of virtual reality MMORPGs, where Navir unveils his hidden talents as a strategic mastermind, formidable combatant, and an inspiring leader. With the emergence of prestigious Virtual Reality MMORPG Academies, Navir sees a chance to rise above his wretched existence, meet new people and recalm the rippling waters of his turbulent destiny. If Only It Was Always That Easy.

infinityGod · แฟนตาซี
94 Chs

×Chapter 9×VR-MMORPG:To The 9Ether Realm


*Earth*(Year 3910)

*Center Region*

*Arcane Citadel Academy*

*Two Weeks Later*

It has been a long and eventful two weeks, friends and brotherhoods were made between students, enemies were created and rivals were born, especially with three specific girls.

Having woken up in the library two weeks ago Arrilie and Illise had seen Maria and Navir cuddled together lovingly, Navir even had his arms wrap around her waist.

Navir himself not seeing it as a big deal left Illise feeling sour inside so she made it her special mission to make him see the truth of the evil woman forming a quick bond with Arrilie to bring her down.

Other than that, under the harsh apocalyptic training of their Physical instructor James, their Sword instructor Tommie, General knowledge instructor Claire and their Nurse/Physiologist Michelle they were broken and made anew over and over.

Now their training was finally completed and they are ready to move onto the next step of their journey, the 9Ether realm VR-game.

Everyone was currently in a confused stage of packing up to go to the 9Ether realm, but if they are playing a virtual reality game, then why do they need to pack anything.

But instructions were instructions, they were told by the instructors to gather in the auditorium as the principal wanted to meet them and say a few words personally.

And as usual two specifically naughty children were completely unbothered by everything happening around them, it was Navir and Leon, they were currently in their room.

Navir was scrolling through social media randomly finding some interesting things on the sky, especially something things about 9Ether game, it was almost a mystery to normal people what it looks like.

There were no videos of that gameplay or even images, not one that he could find, all information came from spoken mouth of people that has experienced the game.

.""Hey Navir you want a manly sandwich?"".

Navir looked up from his device at Leon who was in the fridge."I guess, thank you."He said going back to doing his research, he was also getting himself acclimated to the new technology.

Few minutes later Leon with two plates sat next to Navir peeking over into his phone with curiosity."What are you looking at so intently, I never thought you to be the media type."He said giving Navir his snack.

."I never thought you were the kitchen type either."Navir said not looking away from his device with video after video and picture after picture reflected in his eyes, he reached taking up a chicken sandwich.

Leon opened his mouth but paused as he hummed."I see your point, fair enough then, but we don't have much time so don't get too comfortable."He said stuffing his mouth with bread.

."I know."Navir said still not looking at him but he did glanced up at the clock with his mouth dancing with the flavor of the sandwich."This is pretty nice, good job Leon".

Leon puffed up his chest proudly."Of course, you may not know but I have a total of 37 certificates and cooking is one, I studied under a manly woman Velarosa Sous a 5 star chef."He said patting his chest."

."Ok, good for you Leon...."Navir said continuing to ignore him, he glanced up at the clock again and did a double take."Huh, why is time moving so fast, that's weird."

Leon chuckles."Ah amateur, when you're doing something you like time feels to be moving faster, because it doesn't exist."He said as though it was a fact.

Navir paused looking up at him for a few seconds before looking back at his phone again."Don't be ridiculous, of course time is.."He said before stopping again.

."Time is what, Mm this is odd, this is old news from 7 years ago, time does not exist even I know that."Leon said looking at Navir strangely, then he puts up his hands."Don't ask me how though, I don't have a clue."

Navir chose smartly and remained silent scrolling through his phone with that nagging thought that maybe he was not suppose to exist.

As they went on with what they were doing 15 minutes quickly passed for the two, Navir was still immersed in his new device and Leon was indulging himself in some television.

Leon was laughing his ass off watching a comedy movie, he had in his life watched that same one from his young age till now but he couldn't get enough.

."Leon too loud, I'm trying to hear."Navir said calmly with a twitching eyebrow as he had his phone by his ear as the sound was being drown out by Leon and his ugly laughter.

As Leon was going to respond he was suddenly interrupted by a angelic voice that brought from him a feeling of lightness and to Navir a heaviness in his heart.

*Navir I miss you, do you miss me?*

*Navir I miss you, do you miss me?*

*Navir I miss you, do you miss me?*

Navir stared at his phone which the sound was emanating from, his eyes were filled with wonder and confusion, Leon on the other hand relaxed realizing what it was.

."What a weird ring tone, your phone was just ringing, that's definitely manly, your lover saying such words."Leon said sighed in dejection as he bit into his now lackluster sandwich.

Navir watched the phone for a little longer listening to Whitney's voice, it has been a few weeks without her support or presence and even he could feel something was a bit off.


.""*Navir, where are you, why did you take so long to answer the phone, who are you with, why aren't you here yet, the principal is getting ready to come*"".

As Navir answered the phone he was hit by a bombardment of questions from Illise from the otherside, but he said nothing only calmly waiting till she finished.


."Finish now, on our way, don't worry."Navir said calmly as he ate the remainder of his sandwich."We were occupied, Mm important things."

.""*Occupied, by what agh nevermind that now, come quickly, I don't want you to get yourself in trouble*"".

Navir nodded."Ok, sorry."He said standing up and going for his uniform, he put them on in record breaking time and in less than a minute was by the door with his bag and eating a yogurt.

Leon who was watching tv glanced up and almost spit out his water."What the hell, so fast, w-wait for me, I'm not ready!."He said hurriedly as he panicked, he rolled off the bed and jumped into his pants.

He was like a ninja and he moved pretty good for a fellow as big as he was, Leon scrabble to find everything he saw earlier before and now couldn't find.

~5 Minutes Later~

.""Haa haa haa I'm ready Haa phew I'm ready"".

Finally after leaving behind what seemed to be a brutal military seach for illegal goods Leon was ready to go with his large bag on his back.

Navir glanced away from his phone."You took long enough, let's go, we are late."He said casually not really caring that much, he opened the door going on his way.



Right now all the students but two were in their seats as they looked upon James at the podium making a speech and was just about finished.

.""Everyone, I hope you don't make the same mistakes I did, thank you for listening, so now I will hand you over to the headmaster Dr. Regi Valcom"".




In the crowd of student Illise, Maria and Arrilie were glancing around at the entrances, not for the principal but for Navir and Leon.

."Those idiots where are they, they're late and it's definitely Leon's fault, corrupting m-poor Navir and leading him astray."Illise said nibbling on her fingers, she doesn't even know why she was so worried for him, even though he was her savior It was still a bit odd.




Suddenly in the hall the sound of heavy foot steps resounded like metal to tile, it instantly caught the attention of every single person present, all the instructors present including James bowed their head in reverence.

Maria frowned as her eyes slit like a cat.'So he's the headmaster of the Arcane Citadel Academy huh, figures.'She thought as she grinned showing her sharp teeth.

.""Hohoho, good day all, I am as you've heard Regi Valcom, the headmaster of the Arcane Citadel Academy and the first 7 star General of the army which I gained in the Shadow War 9 years ago"".

The students were shook, unable to even believe their eyes, they knew who that was, a man that was supposed to be dead, yet here he was standing before them.

With a shining bulb like ball head, dull gray eyes and a long white beard to his chest the headmaster stood releasing his glorious presence from a body built for muscles carrying a majesty.

.""Holy hot shit!"".

.""Holy shit is right, my father told me about him, didn't he die in the Shadow War, how is he here and as headmaster of one of the 5 great academies!"".

.""I don't know but something isn't right, something is not right"".

.""I'm calling my father"".

Everyone was in a state of disbelief at this situation, the instructors only stood at the side in silent respect as Regi gazed at all the students with a calm smile on his face.

."Hoho, I know some of you may be curious, but let's not get ahead of ourselves, from your joining the academy you have accepted the oath of silence."Regi said smiling as his gazed analyzed everyone as though looking for someone specific, but to no success.

Not succeeding in his search Regi appeared slightly disappointed as his smile dropped but quickly it rose again."But, today is the day when you shall ascend to the heaven's and be blessed with knowledge unlike anything you have ever know-."He said but was interrupted.


.""We're here, we're not late, it's you who was early!"".

Bursting through the heavy entrance door and almost taking it off it's henges was Leon and behind him walking calmly was Navir.

With the commotion a deafening silence erupted as over 200 eyes locked onto the causes of this great disturbance.

Illise palmed her face."*Sigh* what am I going to do with them."She said with exasperation."I blame Leon again, he is a bad influence on Navir."

Instructor James seeing this felt a headache incoming as he took a step forward but was shocked by the raising hand of headmaster Regi freezing him in his tracks.

Regi held his eyes wide open and a large smile appeared on his face as his own eyes gained contact with Navir's, in anticipation he waited for the oh so longed for response he knew he would see.


But unfortunately nothing came and he was instead stunned upon being completely ignored, Navir gazed around eventually finding Illise and the other's in the crowd.

Navir smiled and went over to them knowing they would have kept empty seats for he and Leon, so they both went over ignoring everyone else as they sat looking around as though they weren't the ones causing commotion.

."*Ahem* uh, alright let's get back on track, where was I um ah yes, today, no no I already said that, ok so on this day you will leave the plane of earth and transcend to Mmorpg 9Ether."Regi said smirking as his eyes glint with ambition and robust confidence.

Some students began to talk amongst themselves sharing their concerns and worries, they also wondered of the weird tone and wording of the headmaster.

Headmaster Regi continued to smile as he opened his arms."I'm sure most of you have already noticed the circles under your chairs, take out your issued phone and follow my instructions."He said mysteriously.

Leon was a very straightforward person that rarely cuts corners and hated beating around the bush, he raised his hand drawing the attention of the headmaster.

.""Yes student"".

."What kind of bulshit is this, why all these game, every since we got here you and your staff have been up to no good and were very deceitful, that's not very manly."Leon said with doubt and a bit of uncertainty, he likes challenges but he still has a brain.

Maria looked at Leon in surprise."When did Leon get replaced by an imposter."She said a bit impressed, she didn't even think he was paying attention.

Hearing Leon the students looked at Headmaster Regi who's face overcast."Ho, you are Leon Heart correct, I knew your father Orion Heart, a very...interesting man, seems he raised a good son, even so."He said squinting his eyes."It is your choice to leave, I am not stopping you."

As if practiced headmaster Regi expertly deflected the question like a pro, answer and also keeping silent.

After a bit of hesitation everyone even Leon and Navir took out their phone holding it infront themselves and looking at it suspiciously.

."No one left this time, interesting, now then say these words, this will be your entrance and exit phrase."Headmaster Regeon said as his expression became serious."Computer, connect me to 9Ether."

.""Computer connect me to 9Ether!"".

Navir said it curiously as he looked around then he was given a great shock as did everyone else, there was one thing they didn't expect out of all the possible surprises and that was...a response.

[*Pingu* Processing order.25%..55%..90%..99%..100% Processing completed]

[*Pingu* Connecting to Pixel Element..20%...60%...90%...100%..connection completed]

[*Pingu* Connecting to Physical Virtuality 9Ether realm..1%....]

As this process came to a slight pause there was a terrifying silence that echod in the hall as the beating hearts of everyone could clearly be heard.

Navir's eyes were wide open looking at the phone as a swarm of scenarios flooded his mind.'What is this, are they trying to kill us, experiment on us?.'He thought as his eyes relaxed and his gaze grew cold but was touched by Illise.

."Navir, it'll be ok, trust me."Illise said as she held his hand, her eyes were closed and squeezed together, clearly she was also fearful but yet thought of Navir first.

Navir breathed a sigh and decided to place his trust in her, slightly because he felt she knew more than she was letting on, Maria and Arrilie too.

Headmaster Regeon tapped his finger on the podium impatiently."Sorry about that, I too sometimes grow frustrated at how long it takes, fuc-I mean stupid thing."He said sighing.

.""What's going on!?"".

.""What is this, are we going to die!?!?"".

.""Headmaster, please don't do this!!!"".

The students finally finding their voice shouted and screamed at the top of their lungs in fright but they found themselves unable to move or resist.

[...*Pingu* 100% Connection to 9Ether realm completed]

[*Pingu*Transporting to 9Ether]

Instructor James placed his fist over his chest."See you on the other side, I hope you put all that we taught you to good use, good bye, for now."He said loudly sending them off.


Suddenly the entire hall lit up brightly from all the students turning into jet streams of light and disappearing into their respective phones, then with a gentle vibration they all faded away into nothing.

In the auditorium the only one's remaining were the 4 instructor and their headmaster Regeon who smirked."I wonder, how many of them will truly make it back alive, maybe only him and her."He said turning and walking away.

James sighed to himself gazing at the seats.'Another year of sending youths to suffer, I hope this time will be different, I did my best, now it's up to you.'He thought as Navir and Leon specifically flashed into his mind.


*Border To 9Ether*

In a vast expanse of nothingness all that could be seen and explained was white, seemingly going on forever yet also seemed to be so close it twisted ones mind and stressed them.

Being here was like a torture and was enough to send a normal person insane yet in this place a being sat, calmly observing his surroundings and taking in everything that was nothing.

."Where am I now."Navir said squinting his eyes to see futher yet nothing changed, was he inside the game."Is this it, the game?."

Navir questioned himself, maybe he was tricked but suddenly he thought back to something he learnt in general education class.

."Oh, this is the start center, she said I can chose a race and access to status or something?."Navir said almost asking himself then he froze as a translucent screen appeared infront of his face.

[Name]:{Navir Blackthorn}







[Class Skills]:{None}

[Racial Skills]:{None}










[Ability Skills]:{Eye Of All}

[Items]:{1×Basic Sword}{1×Basic Armor}{7×Basic Rations}{2×Health Potion {2×Strength Potion}


[QUEST]:{0 Pending}

Navir took a step back as it caught him by surprise intruding on his personal space thus triggering his instincts to defend himself.

."Is this, the status Mm."Navir said as he scratched his eyebrow, he glanced it over mostly understanding everything as he had gone through it in class.

[*Pingu* 9Ether Adventurer, select your race]

{Races}:{Demi-Human}>{Demon Kin}>{Human}>{Dragon Descendent}>{Elven}>{Vampire}>{Undead}>{Fairy}

[*Pingu* choose your race]

Observing them all for a bit Navir narrowed down his choices to four, the other's were out the window, like Demon Kin for example.

As apart of his basically fantasy education class he was forced to sit through and watch this boring thing called anime or something, though he didn't really like it, it made him realize something.

Humans truly hated anything that doesn't look like them and if it's cute they'll take it as a pet or eat it, so as he knew nothing of 9Ether he dismissed that immediately, it was definitely not just a game.

In one anime he was forced to watch he saw that the the demi-humans even though mostly human were not treated very well either, so that had to go as well.

The last two Undead and Fairy spoke for themselves, Undead were just skeletons most the time, basically dead, humans hunt those to grind.

And Fairies are just too small, he likes his body very much and doesn't want to modify it on a large scale, so the only safe choice were the remaining four.

Human needed no explanation, his people will still try to kill him but not for racial reasons at least, also they can pray to God's to gain blessings.

Elven are of high esteem to humans and don't actually look much different besides their pointed ears, they infact sometimes actually look down on humans.

Vampire also doesn't look any different from humans, if he could level up fast and resist the sun the difference would be negligible and he would gain extremely awesome powers.

And lastly but not least in the slightest, Dragon Descendent, there was one thing in common across all the anime that crossed his gaze.

Dragons and anything or anyone to do with them were always the most feared and respected in all the land, no matter what, they were the true majesty.

."I choose human."Navir said calmly as he clicked on the human option, which was the safest.

[*Pingu* Human race selected]


[Race selection failed, please choose another race]


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Thank You Very Much.

infinityGodcreators' thoughts