
Resurgence Of The Violet Overlord:Chronicles Of A Shattered World

^Original Novel By Me, infiniteGod^ In a shattered world, Navir Blackthorn a once young and bright eyed boy emerges as a symbol of resilience amidst desolation, scarred by the haunting horrors of a cataclysmic nuclear war. But Navir is now plagued by unfathomable grief following the loss of his beloved wife and newborn daughter nine years ago, paralyzed and almost disfigured, his once innocent countenance now overshadowed by despair. However, hope flickers with the help of his best friend, a personal nurse and a letter to join the immersive landscapes of virtual reality MMORPGs, where Navir unveils his hidden talents as a strategic mastermind, formidable combatant, and an inspiring leader. With the emergence of prestigious Virtual Reality MMORPG Academies, Navir sees a chance to rise above his wretched existence, meet new people and recalm the rippling waters of his turbulent destiny. If Only It Was Always That Easy.

infinityGod · Fantasy
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94 Chs

×Chapter 10×A Shooting Star Is..Holy Shit!


(Year 3910)

*Border To 9Ether*

."I choose human."Navir said calmly as he clicked on the human option, which was the safest.

[*Pingu* Human race selected]


[Race selection failed, please choose another race]


Navir stared at the screen infront of him with surprise."It can fail, why didn't it say that before, what if I get no race at all."He said raising an eyebrow at this but he still went on with his second option.

[*Pingu* Dragon Descendent race selected]


[Race selection successful almost, failed, please choose another race]

."....."Navir's eye twitch as he clicked Elven which also failed, he took a deep breath and looked at his very last option."This is definitely also going to fail me, vampire."

[*Pingu* Vampire Race selected]


[Race selection failed, please choose another race...]

Navir tapped his foot on what he believed to be the white spaces ground, all of the options he wanted nothing to do with are the only ones remaining, his game life was already fucked.

~Few Minutes Later~

.""Is this suppose to happen, no I don't think so"".

Navir for the first time in a long time was perplexed, he looked at the screen showing that all races selected had failed to process, so he is still without race.



[*Pingu* 9Ether Adventurer unable to select any race, fatal error detected]

[Last option detected, full powered body scan..]

[Scan failed]

[*Pingu*..Pixel system embarrassed]

[Initializating forbidden Scan, redirect all source power, shutdown all servers, borrow power from element, forbidden scan]

Navir watched in surprise as the computer had a mental breakdown or in its case a malfunction, but on his body he could feel like something was trying to poke holes in him.


[System stressed...]


[New race created, Unknown]

[Please name new race...]

."Is it finally over now, did it succeed?."Navir asked himself, the thing was now telling him to name his own race, now he has to think of a name.

Navir looked at it for a bit and suddenly something flashed in his mind and his mouth opened instinctively."Violet Overlord."His mouth said on its own surprising him greatly.

[*Pingu* Race generated, see status]


[Name]:{Navir Blackthorn}

[Title]:{Race Creator}

[Race]:{Violet Overlord}





[Class Skills]:{None}

[Racial Skills]:{Overlord/???/etc.}










[Ability Skills]:{Eye Of All}

[Items]:{1×Basic Sword}{1×Basic Armor}{7×Basic Rations}{2×Health Potion {2×Strength Potion}


[QUEST]:{0 Pending}

Navir tilt his head seeing two new attributes, yet his stats didn't increase at all, nothing was going how they usually went in games."Matters not I guess."He said calmly.

[*Pingu* Full processing almost completed, choose your class]

{Fighter} {Warrior} {Assassin} {Mage} {Hunter} {Berserker} {Cleric} {Enchanter} {Necromancer} {Summoner} {Alchemist}

[Classes are the focal point of your evolutionary path, you cannot undo this, choose wisely Son of *** **** ****]

."Son of what?."Navir said to himself but shook his head learning from other people's mistakes, he definitely isn't going to get an answer.

Navir copped his chin in thought, what would help him most, he looked down at his hands remembering his time at war."Fighter it will be then, my hands are already my weapon."He said as his eyes glint with a metal like coldness.

[9Ether Adventurer Navir Blackthorn has chosen Class {Fighter}, permanent, you cannot undo this...cannot...can't can't can't can't can't....]

[*Pingu* Error detected, influence of Overlord]

[Overlord Overwrite]

[*Pingu* system affected by Racial Skill Overlord, please choose till satisfied]

Navir blinked his eyes."Huh....?."What was even happening right now, he stood up looking around, is this supposed to happen, he scratched his head.

."Is this safe?."Navir said to himself, something with this much errors obviously can't be safe right, but what can he do, he is still trapped here till he chooses."Mage...."

[Class {Mage} chosen, is the Overlord satisfied?]

Navir rubbed his chin, if he can choose how much he wants he might as well, but then again what if another error occurs from having too many classes, this computer system thingy was not very dependable.

."Maybe just one more, what should I choose ."Navir sat back down in thought, he doesn't really need anything."Maybe assassin for speed, Mm fighter is fast enough, Mage long distance and probably fly, defence, choose Enchanter."

[Class {Enchanter} chosen, is Overlord satisfied?]

Navir nodded his head."I am, thank you."He said looking at the computer's screen as it loaded something.

[Processing finalized...]

[Fighter Class confirmed base stat increased]

[Strength increased by 1]

[Agility increased by 1]

[Dexterity increased by 3]

[Vitality increased by 2]

[*Pingu* Under Overlord influence stats ×2]

[Strength increased by 2]

[Agility increased by 2]

[Dexterity increased by 6]

[Vitality increased by 4]

[Mage Class confirmed base stat increased]

[Increased Wisdom by 1]

[Increased intelligence by 1]

[*Pingu* Under Overlord influence stats ×2]

[Increased Wisdom by 2]

[Increased intelligence by 2]

[Enchanter Class confirmed base stat increased]

[Intelligence increased by 5]

[Wisdom increased by 5]

[Vitality increased by 1]

[*Pingu* Under Overlord influence stats ×2]

[Intelligence increased by 10]

[Wisdom increased by 10]

[Vitality increased by 2]




Navir didn't even know what to say, the system was just going crazy, none of this definitely was not supposed to happen."What do I do now."He asked looking at the screen.

[*Pingu* Support System Recommendation:See status for new skills and magic]

."Ok, status."Navir said seeing his status appear before him and his eyes widened, he knew this was most definitely not normal, everything the instructors taught him was thrown out the window.

[Name]:{Navir Blackthorn}

[Title]:{Race Creator}{First Triple Class(New)}

[Race]:{Violet Overlord}





[Class Skills]:{Fighter Class:Adrenaline Junkie(E), KI Fist(E), Spring Jump(E), Momentum Acceleration(E)}{Mage Class:Fire Ball(E), Fire Wall(E), Earth Wall(E), Quicksand(E){Enchanter Class:Magic Barrier(E), Weapon Enchantment, Magic Amplification(E)}

[Unique Ability Skills]:{Eye Of All}

[Racial Skills]:{Overlord/???/etc.}










[Items]:{1×Basic Sword}{1×Basic Armor}{7×Basic Rations}{2×Health Potion {2×Strength Potion}


[QUEST]:{0 Pending}

It was unlike anything he'd ever seen and he was sure that should the other's see this they would be stumped also.

[*Pingu* Character customization complete, transporting to 9Ether realm in 10 seconds]

[10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1]

[Forced teleportation to Arcane Citadel Guild]

[Intercepted by Racial Skill Overlord]

[Forced Teleportation failed]

Navir gave the screen a deadpan expression, he at this point is just about to give up on it ever being worthy of his trust.

[Random Teleportation Selected]


."Worse computer ever."Navir said calmly as his body turned into a white light and disappeared into the expanse of nothingness.


*9Ether World*


*Night time*

The realm of 9Ether is a beautiful and breath taking place, wonders could be seen that would stun even the most experienced being in a daze, the cool breeze alone could put to sleep a tyrant.

Green forest and rivers designed the land, animals of all shapes and sizing were inhabitants, mariads of races called this place home, but amongst them were the main intelligent races.

Humans, Demi-humans, Demon Kin, mythical beings like Dragons, Elven, human-like undead like Vampires, Fairies and dwarves, they are many others that exist but they fall under the demi human category.

And as one would think, it was anything but peaceful among them, 998 years ago there was a grand war of the world, blood and bones washed the land and changed the very essence of nature herself.

The sky's had become red matching the ground, clouds with lightning and thunder cried loudly as though in pain at the suffering created by the lower lifeforms.

The Gods weeped as the rain fell and all were angry at the cause of it all, for it was him, the Demon King of Glass, rising up almost overnight he dominated the entire race of demon kind in just 2 weeks.

From there he plunged the world into chaos and darkness with his unimaginable power ushering in a new age, the age of Shatter Glass.

The Demon King terrorized the world and shaped it into his will but as the saying goes if there is darkness then light is just around the corner.

One day during the dark reign, the sky's opened up showing blue to the inhabitants who had almost forgotten the true color of the heavens and from it a figure came down.

A single woman, who's feminine figure turned the heart of the demon king even with her face shrouded in blur, and she declared.

""Demon King of Glass, let there be peace in this world once more, in 999 years I shall return and see what you have decided""

She said with gentleness and like hearing an order the Demon King withdrew his army and claimed the land in the east where he built his empire of 9 layers sealing himself away it's center.

."So that's what happened huh, specifically 998 years ago, what is he doing now."Navir asked the girl beside him as he ate a piece of rabbit meat, it was very delicious and sweet.

Around a small wood fire Navir sat calmly and next to him joining him was a cute petite girl called Nancy, she had blonde hair, strange yellow-gold eyes, surprisely on her head was a pair of bunny ears and she had a small bob tail.

Nancy ironically was a Bunny demi-human, she sat with her arms nestle together tightly between her legs as she glanced between the rabbit roasting on the stick fire and the pieces bitten off by Navir.

She gulped clearing a lump in her throat."Um, w-well the Demon King is still alive but he is no longer actively ruling his empire, it is under the control of his 9 Demon Lords."She said wincing at his teeth tearing the meat.

."And who are these Demon Lords."Navir asked as he glanced up at the night sky peering through the trees of the forest.

Nancy put up one finger."First the weakest Demon Lord is the Demon Lord of Shooting Stars, he guards and controls the first layer, next is Demon Lord of Plants, she controls the second Layer."She said then her face darkened putting up the third.

.""Demon Lord of Fire, he is not the most powerful one but he is definitely the worse, once every 9 months he gathers his army and wages war on some of the human and demi human cities"".

."He is by far the most dangerous and cruel, enjoying the torment of others and..and..*sniffle*."Nancy got choked up as she spoke, her eyes glistened with tears clenching her skirt with hatred."He..he..killed my mother and father."

Navir glanced up at her crying face, in his mind flashed Whitney, she always cries like this, though never for herself but for him."It will be ok, don't cry."He said calmly as he pat her head gently.

Nancy feeling his warm hand on her head her face flushed red and especially hearing his gentle words."I-I'm alright, s-sorry about that, really!."She said loudly in a panick as her heart pulsed in her chest, she has never been so close to a man before.

."Mm."Navir hummed resuming his meal waiting on her patiently to continue, Nancy cleared her throat putting up 4 fingers

.""Next is the Demon Lord of Earth, also called the indestructible Demon Lord, his skin is said to be so tough that he could withstand even nuclear magic a magic above A Tier magic with just his body alone"".

.""Now after him comes the true powerhouses of the demons, 5th strongest of the demon king's army, Noble Demon, Demon Lord of Immortality, he who can never died also named in fear the rootless weed"".

Navir took an interesting in that one."Nice powers, immortal, I want to be immortal as well, death is not comfortable, I'll find him."He said casually.

."Huh, o-oh hahaha."Nancy was at first stunned then she chuckled awkwardly thinking he was just joking."Yeah, you just have to defeat the other 4 first."

.""Now where was I, 6th layer oh, um unfortunately no one is allowed to say his name, it is forbidden, I'm sorry."Nancy said apologetically, it was a rule around from as far as she can remember.

Navir raised an eyebrow but nodded anyway, he didn't really matter, he saw his target for now already, first he has to find Illise, Leon, Maria and Arrilie then adventure.

Nancy smiled energetically finding Navir very pleasant, she can't believe she was wary of him before, he is so nice to her, more than anyone else ever has been.

.""Hehehehe, there you are, I found you just like I said damn human"".

As an ominous voice echod in the night amplified as it bounced off the trees and made it's way into the ears of the listener, Nancy's eyes constricted violently as the memories of her trauma stunned her.


*30 Minutes Ago*




.""Hehehe where are you, come here little bunny, we mean you no harm, we just want to enjoy your deliciousness!"".


Running through the forest with a terrified heart was Nancy, her face was dripping in fear as she ran for her life, from tree to tree, on the ground and through small body's of water she ran.

.""Haa haa haa no, this this can't be happening to me, what did I do to deserve this, this can't be!"".

Nancy was in disbelief, it was just like 10 years ago when the demons killed her parents, she was powerless, helpless to even help herself, all she could do was run.

.""Hehehe No matter how fast you run, there's no escaping from us bunny!!!"".

Nancy almost couldn't hear anything, adrenaline filled her veins and her visible blurred, she ran and ran, trying to survive, trying to live, her parents sacrifice can't possibly be in vain.



Rushing over a small wet hill Nancy stepped on a root trying to stop herself from sliding on the mud but unfortunately it wasn't strong enough and it broke causing her to fall.

Nancy rolled back down the small hill hitting her head on a tree, but even then she felt almost no pain, she tried to stand bit to no avail, she had sprained her ankle.

At that moment she realized it was over, her life is done, tears came from her eyes pouring down her face as she placed her hands over her mouth.'Mom, dad, I'm sorry, I failed you.'She thought as she closed her eyes, she knew at this moment she is going to die.

After waiting a few seconds Nancy no longer heard anything chasing her, she opened her eyes slowly in confusion, a part of her even wonder if she was already dead.

Nancy kept her hands over her mouth and turned her head to look past the tree she is resting back on, slowly but surely she peeked around, then her heart clenched.

.""Boo hehehe!!!"".

Nancy's body trembled violently but no scream wanted to come out of her mouth, face to face with her she saw pitch black eyes, sharp canine teeth, pointed ears, a head full of hair and felt a hot nasty breath.

This was an ogre, with a body made of muscles it was extremely tall and red, it wore armor like a human and had a distinctive triple horn on it's head.

Ogres were typically around level 15-45, not only that they rarely travel alone, always having a back up of at least 5 hidden in the shadows.

."Heheh, did you really think you can escape from me, wishful think, I am bors prince of the Demon Orges, you should be thankful to be part of our feast."Bors said as he stood up straight towering over her and even made the tree look small.

Nancy's arms fell limped as her eyes dulled.'..no..mommy...daddy.....'She thought with hopelessness, but at least it was finally over, she won't have to look for food, find money or suffer with survivor's guilt any longer.

Maybe it was a good thing Nancy thought, in her fear her mind to protect itself tried it's best to rationalize her thoughts.

."Good that you understand bunny, for your submission I shall kill you without pain."Bors said with a grin on his face reaching by his side he pulled his sword out its sheath as it glittered under the moonlight.

Bors reveled in the feeling of power the sword gave him."Feel proud, this is a sword given to my father by one of the Demon Lords."He said pleased by her terror, raising his sword he brought it down on her.



Nancy sat still as her life flashed before her eyes and reflected in them was a sword just inches away from her face but torturing her with it's failure to kill her and put her out her misery.

."Hm, what is that sound."Bors said to himself as he heard something piercing his ears, as a Demon Orge his hearing was way above normal."Fire?."

Nancy was confused on what he was talking about, isn't he going to kill her, why is he taking so long.'What's going on.'She thought with doubt and desperation.


Bors heard it again as he looked up, up in the sky's he could see a bright yellow light traveling at immense speed, he squint."Shooting star, wait but why does it seem to be. holy shit!"He said but froze as his face paled.

.""Prince Bors run!!!"".

Hearing the shout of his people from the shadows Bors stumble back as the light got closer, he turned tail and ran leaving Nancy behind who gazed at the warm glow.

."So beautiful."Nancy said with a content expression."This is as good a way to die as any, at least those nasty Orges won't get to eat me."



Just like that the shooting star hit the ground waking up the entire forest and shaking everything, like an explosion a hot breeze of wind blew through and large cloud of dust rose up.

.""Cough* *cough* stupid computer, another error"".

Standing in the middle of the night, in a small crater in his uniform was Navir trying to fan away the dust that was choking him."Where am I now."He asked himself as he looked around as he did he locked eyes with someone.

Nancy sat by the same tree in shock as she looked at this human man who fell from the sky, Navir stared back at her and there was an awkward silence that was soon broken.

.""Damn you, who are you human, daring to frighten the great Bors!!!"".

Navir heard an ugly voice that made him frown, he glanced around peeking through the dust and the night."Huh, what type of creature is this, it's too ugly to be true, how can it show itself."He said aloud not caring for who heard it.

."You!."Bors was furious as he heard Navir, he clenched his sword tightly as a vein bulged on his forehead."You are going to die for your big mouth."

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Thank You Very Much.

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