
Bomb Attack (3)

"Phew, I guess we leaving the class at the right time, I don't know what happens if we one minute late"

"Yeah, and no one dies or injured in this incident. We arrived in time partner"

We both still in the schoolyard watching activities of the firefighters and bomb squads that still scrutinize entire school building for the possibility there's another time bomb planted in another place.

"Macy, you did a great job this time. No one dies thanks to you"

I give her a thumb up as praise. She's smiling hearing my praise.

"By the way, I'm curious how you know the exact time the bomb will explode. Did the spirits tell you that?"

"Yes. The clock in the top is just a diversion and trap, make the one who tries to disarm it thinking he still has plenty time but if he tries to cut any wires connected with the clock, it would trigger the detonation mechanism. The real timer is under the bomb but also already made trap so whoever lift the bomb that would also trigger the detonation".

"What a lethal trap he put in there. Lucky we have Macy here to warn us about the time when the bomb exploded. So Macy, when the next bomb attack will happen"

"Mister Jones, I'm not clairvoyance, I can't see the future even if you ask me that"

"Oh, I thought you also have that kind of ability too"

"Unfortunately I don't have that ability. But isn't easier to catch the person who makes the bomb rather than waiting when he going to attack again?"

"Huh? You mean you can tell us where the bomber lives?"

"The spirit will lead me the way. Are we going to catch him, Mister Jones?"

"What are you talking about? Of course, we're going to catch him before he makes more damage and casualties again. Please lead us to his place"

"I understand, please follow me then"

I and Sam following Macy to located the bomber hideout. Since she prefers walking and follows the spirit lead, we also follow her from behind.

"Partner, she's more reliable than those tracker dogs from K-9 squads right?"

"Hmm, her accuracy somehow make me feel goose bump when thinking about that"

"Haha…I hope her accuracy also work this time, I don't want we get into trouble because we catch the wrong guy"

"I hope so Sam, and I also wish she didn't have to experiences something like the previous case"

"Wow, partner! I never thought you so care about her…do you like her?"

"Stop it Sam. She just lost her memory and have no one to take care of her. Can't I feel pity for her?"

"Alright…alright…. I know you not just for a short time. you love to act righteously like a knight in medieval time. Maybe if you were born at that time you already become a famous knight in the history"

"Aren't police job also like those knight in the past? We are the knight in the modern era, Sam"

"Right … right…can't argue about that with you"

We follow Macy at least ten blocks from the crime scene and enter a residential area which has many apartments and houses in there. Macy walk to an apartment that looks old and rundown and she pointing at that apartment

"He lives there?"

"That's right"

"Partner, what we're going to do? We don't have enough evidence to make an arrest"

"Let's make a routine check, for now, something like security questioner for the citizen"


When we're about to walk toward that apartment, a guy comes out from a room in the second floor.

"Oh! That's him! That guy who just leave the room"

"Is he the bomber, Macy?"

"Yes, he is"

"Let's go, Sam"

"Please be careful, that guy is dangerous"

"Don't worry, I've meet dangerous guys not just once. Leave that to us"

This time Macy is not directly pointing to the culprit like she doing in the warehouse. She just tells the culprit and let us do our job. We approaching that guy who just reaches the apartment yard

"Good afternoon"

We greet that man, he seems startled when we greet him. Sam show his badge and step up to that guy

"We're from the police department, can we ask your time to ask something?"

That guy is not answering, instead, he swings the big bag that he carried and hit Sam, which makes Sam fall because the hit is quite hard. That man runs back to his apartment room, open the door and closed the door. I follow him from behind and try to open the door

"Open the door! We're police officers!"

Sam who following me after standing up from his fall, stand a couple meter behind me

"Open the door now or we will break in!"

There's still no sign of the door opened from inside

"Sam, try the back door, he maybe tries to escape from there"

Sam hasn't had a chance to do as I told him when Macy suddenly shouting from below

"Don't stand there! Get out from there! It's dangerous!! Run from there right now!"

When we look at her to ask what she meant with dangerous, suddenly from the door behind us, there's an explosion that blast both of me and Sam away. I fall from the second floor to the ground. Thank God, there are some shrubs planted there which can absorb my falling damage. I survive from that blast with only some scratches.

"Damn it! That's hurt!"

"Mister Jones, are you alright?"

That bomber guy took a chance when we're down to escape from the apartment. He running to the stairs and want to get down and flee, but Macy already stands in front of the stairs. Know someone blocking his way out, that guy pulls a knife from his pocket and pointing that knife at Macy.

"Don't block my way! Who are you? Are you a policewoman? How do you know I'm the bomber? F*ck!"

Macy stare that bomber calmly and ask him a question

"Why do you hurt those children?"

"Like hell, I care! I do because I like to do it! Do you want to die? Don't block my way"

"I'll show you what have you done"

Macy closes her eyes, and when she opens her eyes again and stare at that guy. That guy looks frightened, he swings his knife around aimlessly while shouting 'let me go'…'stop it'…'get off from me'. Later during the interrogation, he confesses that he saw the ghost of those children that killed during the explosion swarming around him, holding his hands, his legs and his body. Those children's spirit swarming him like want to bury him with their bloody body.

He keeps screaming until he furiously charging at Macy while shouting and stabbing his knife toward Macy

"This is must be your trick! Stop it! Stop it! Damn you!"

Luckily, I already stand behind Macy and can catch his wrist that holds the knife.

"Scum! You only dare to harm kid and women! Truly trash!"

With a punch from my other hand, I send that bomber guy to knock out and faint on the ground.

"Macy, are you alright?"

I ask her if she feels scared or receives some wounds from that guy

"I'm fine, thanks Mister Jones"

I call the police station to send some backups and secure the crime scene. I saw Macy squatting near the shrubs and like talking with something.

"From now on all will be alright…thanks for your help…leave that to me…you can go see your daddy and mommy…okay…goodbye"

After that she makes a sweet smile which who knows she gives that smile to. Her smile makes me dazed but also scared for the eerie circumstances with who she just talk with.

After the backups from police station arrive and detain the culprit and secure the crime scene, I take Macy to return to the hospital.