
Resident Evil: Rebirth

Starr_Dakota · ภาพยนตร์
9 Chs


"Activating Project Requiem." An A.I. said as it cut off the machines keeping him asleep. He sat up as he held his head and saw that his body was full of needles. He pulled them out and looked around the strange white room. His eyes stopped on the red and white Umbrella logo and he couldn't remember anything other than that symbol.

"Project Requiem you are to take down Project Alice as soon as possible." The A.I. explained as he made is way to the door, "Raccoon City is currently being infected by the T-Virus manufacturered by the Umbrella Corporation. Your orders are to avoid the infected and eliminate your targets by any means necessary."

"Alright." He said as he saw a file sitting on a desk in front of the viewing window to the room he had woke up in and began to read it, "So my name is Nick and I was designed to subdue any targets assigned to me. I don't like the idea of being used as a weapon but I'll play along for now."

Nick put the file down and walked the halls of the facility until he finally found the exit. The sound of the doors opening drew nearby zombies towards him. He saw that one of them still had a handgun on their side and with superhuman speed he snapped its neck with ease. He snatched the gun from its holster before the zombie could hit the ground and killed the remaining zombies quickly. He looked at his hand and tried to figure out how he knew he could move that fast but decided that it wasn't worth spending time on. Nick left the area as he heard more zombies coming towards the sounds of gunfire.

"The T-Virus can reanimate corpses huh?" Nick said before he saw a massive monster walking down the street, "What the fuck is that thing?"

"Requiem." It said in a guttural voice and Nick's eyes widened when it pointed a minigun at him. He sprinted around the monster as it began to fire at him. Not knowing what else to do as he barely out ran the bullets he charged straight for the abomination. It didn't seem to expect that as Nick jumped and punched it in the jaw but realized his mistake too late as it grabbed his arm and threw him into a car. Nick was surprised by the lack of damage he took and shot the monster's arm, throwing off its aim long enough for him to escape.

"Was that another result of the T-Virus?" Nick asked himself as he stopped sprinting and leaned against the alley wall, "It knew I was Project Requiem so it must be one of Umbrella's monsters. If that's the case then why did they order it to kill me? I'm really starting to not like them."

"This should be the place." Nick heard a woman say and he looked around the corner to see a group of people walking into a school. He shook his head and saw a helicopter flying to a large building further into the city. He decided that his best way out of the city would be that helicopter and began to make his way towards the building. When he finally reached it he saw several guards laying on the ground with cuts across their throats.

"Looks like I need to hurry." Nick said as he ran to the roof of the building and saw a woman and the monster from earlier fighting each other.

"Ah Project Requiem I was wondering when you'd make it here." A man with an Umbrella pin on his shirt said and the two stopped fighting to look at him, "After all we did program you to find these two."

"You better explain yourself." Nick asked as he looked at the hostages and figured that the woman was probably fighting to protect them, "You sent that monster after me while having me search for Alice."

"To test which of the three of you is stronger. All of you are projects designed beside each other." The man explained and he pointed at Alice and Nemesis, "I want you to kill them."

"Fuck off." Nick told him coldly, "Why should I listen to you?"

"Because if you don't I'll kill these people." The man said and Nick looked at him like he was stupid.

"Why the hell would I care?" Nick asked with a mocking tone and he saw Carlos free himself from his bonds, "I don't know any of them."

"Fair enough. Nemesis finish them all." The man said as he turned back to the fight and they watched as Nemesis fired his minigun into the Umbrella guards. Before the guards around the hostages could react to their escape Nick shot them. Hell broke loose as they began to fight Umbrella's soldiers and Nick saw Alice running from a helicopters barrage of bullets. He noticed a rocket launcher laying on the ground with Nemesis written on the side and he quickly picked it up.

"Nemesis!" Nick yelled as he threw the rocket launcher towards the monster and it caught it with ease before shooting the helicopter aiming at Alice, causing it to spin into the other and landing on the monster. Carlos ran over to Alice and helped her onto the helicopter as Jill held the man from Umbrella at gunpoint.

"Requiem help me!" The man yelled and Nick snatched him from Jill and the man breathed a sigh of relief before Nick pushed put of the helicopter. He landed in front of a large group of zombies and they flew away as the nuke rocketed towards the city.

"Everyone hold on!" Carlos yelled as the nuke destroyed the city and the shockwave caused the helicopter to spin out of control. The tail of the helicopter hit a tree and threw Nick put of it, causing him to crash into the rocks below.

"Do you know what this is?" Nick heard a man say as he regained consciousness and realized that he was in some sort of machine. The man turned to him as a scientist said that he had woken up as well. They released the water in the machine and pulled Nick out of it. Nick and Alice locked eyes before attacking the people in the room and he strip a guard of his clothes. When he was dressed he followed Alice out of the building and the group of people he met in Raccoon City pulled up in a car. They climbed in and surprisingly the guards at the gate let them go.