
Big Scary Man

"You alright?" Leon asks as he lowers his gun.

"Yeah, just fine thanks to you," Claire replies as she gets up and dusts herself off. Leon quickly climbs down a nearby ladder and hurries over to her.

"Looks like you got inside just fine on your own,"

"Yeah. There is a burning helicopter though in one of the upper halls on the other side of the station,"


"THat's not important right now though, there's-"

"Not important? The fire could spread throughout the whole building!"

"Okay, well, you can go deal with that then. There was a little girl in here earlier, she-"

She's interrupted by a child's scream. The door the little girl had ran through opens up and the little girl runs back inside the library. She realizes she has nowhere to run. The path ahead of her ends in just a few steps and the path to her left is completely broken.

"Hey, little girl!" Claire calls out, "Down here!"

The girl looks down at them, and sees the uniform Leon's on.

"S-stay away!" She cries out as she backs up towards the door.

"Hey, wait! Leon," She says more quietly, "I think you're scaring her,"

"Scaring her?" He responds, "How could I be scaring her?"

"I don't know, just maybe give us some space for a minute, please?"

"...Alright," He shrugs and he walks away behind a large bookshelf.

"Hey, little girl, he's gone now. How about you come down here?"

The little girl walks up to the edge of the broken path, looking at how far the floor is below.

"I-I can't…"

"I'll catch you," Claire says, walking underneath the hole, "You'll be perfectly fine,"

The girl hesitates, worry all across her face. The door behind her suddenly starts to shake as something bangs against it from the other side. The girl jumps down, Claire catcher her in her arms. She puts the girl down and grabs her hand.

"Come on, let's get out of here before whatever that is gets inside," As the two start walking for the door back to the main hall, Leon steps out from behind the bookshelf. The girl shrieks and quickly darts behind Claire, clutching onto Claire's jacket.

"Hey, hey, it's alright, he's not going to hurt you. He's a good guy," They hear the door ram open. The three of them hurry out from the room and head into the main hall.

"Hey, Lieutenant, we found someone," Leon says as they head for the stairs back down to the first floor.

"A little girl?" The Lieutenant asks as they head up to him, the girl still clinging onto Claire, "I don't recall ever seeing you here. H-How'd you get here?" The little girl doesn't respond.

"Hey, it's okay," Claire says, kneeling down and gently holding her by the shoulders, "You can tell us,"

"...My, mommy, told me to come here,"

"Well, you're very brave for making it all the way here," Claire says with a warm smile, "My name's Claire, by the way. And this is Leon," She gestures to him. He waves a hand and gives an awkward smile, "And this is, uh…"

"Marvin," The Lieutenant answers.

"Marvin. What's your's?"


"Sherry? That's a pretty name," She stands up, "You wouldn't have happened to see my brother around at all, have you? His name's Chris,"

"Chris?" Marvin asks in surprise, "The, Chris Redfield?"


"Sorry...but no. He, disappeared a couple weeks ago, long before all these zombies showed up,"

"That doesn't make any sense, why would her…" Claire mutters to herself, "Whatever, I'm sure I can find something here, but we should focus on finding a way to get out of here first. You wouldn't happen to know a way out, would you?"

"Yes we do," Leon replys. He pulls out a small notebook that has some blood on it, "I was given this by, uh," He glances at Sherry, "Sleeping, person. He made these drawings," He opens up the booklet and shows several drawings. One is of the giant statue standing before them, along with three other statues, all having three symbols underneath them, "There's a secret tunnel under this statue, but we need to get three medallions first," He walks up to it, showing the three circle indents by the statue's feet, one of them has a medallion, with a lion on it, in it, "I got this one, but I still need to get the other two. I found the woman statue on the way here, but it's completely sealed off, and I don't know where the unicorn is"

"Sounds like a plan, I'll help find them too, we can cover more ground together,"


"The unicorn statue," Marvin comments, "It's up there, on the other side of that wall" He points behind him to his left, left of where they'd just come from, "You can reach it, through the library,"

"Okay, so that just leaves us with the woman statue," Leon states, "Hopefully it's nearby, I'm running low on ammo…"

"Oh," Claire reaches in her belt bag, and grabs the weapons locker card, "I found this,"

"Ah, sweet!" Leon exclaims as he takes it, "I know exactly where that is!" He looks over to his right, at a door that also has a spade symbol above its handle, "And I think I know a shortcut. I'm sure the helicopter's fine, sprinklers probably put it out. I'll go get the weapons and bring them back here,"

"Alright, I'll go get the unicorn statue then,"

"Here, you'll need this," He hands her the notebook.

"Thanks," With that Leon takes his leave, unlocking the spade door and heading through, "Alright, you stay here with Marvin, Sherry, I'm-"

"No!" Sherry objects, "I-I want to stay with you,"

"Sherry, this place is dangerous. It's best if you stay with him, alright?"

"But, what if the big scary man finds me?"

"Big scary man? Marvin, do you have another radio I could use?"

"Radios are the only thing we seems to have any of," He says as he grabs one and hands it to her.

"If the big scary man ever comes, Marvin will contact me and I'll come running here as fast as I can, alright?" Sherry hesitates, but nods in response.

"Take care of her, alright?" Claire asks Marvin.

"I'll do what I can," He responds with a nod. With that, Claire heads back upstairs to the library.

With Sherry safely with Marvin in the main hall, Leon and Claire split up in order to get more weapons and get the unicorn medallion. But how will they get to the last statue?

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