
Requiem for the World: The Demon Lord's Awakening

What happens when a dungeon mob gains sentience? Absolute chaos is what. This is the story off a special dungeon mob that gained sentience and is now trying to survive in the new world.

Meh_8 · แฟนตาซี
11 Chs

The Cheeky Monkey Pt.II

"Stop following me you weird freak!"

The monkey man yelled at me. I think he was going insane, because there was no one else than me following him.

"Don't. Lose. Cool."


The furry creature was quite fast. It was starting to get hard to keep up with it and my stamina was starting to run low. I was about to pour some points into speed in order to catch up to him, but a screen popped up in front of me.

[The Dungeon Event <<Green Day>> will now begin]

[Wave 1/5]

[Spawning Wave Monsters]

"Eeek! A d-dungeon e-event!?"

The monkey-man stopped running and yelped which made me look at him curiously.

"What wrong?"

"What's wrong? What's wrong?! Did you just ask me what's wrong?"


"Ah, the dungeon event is something that only occurs in dungeons with dungeon masters! Do you know what that means?"

I shook my head.

"Of course you don't. You're stupid. Ah, I need to find the others quickly before they get caught up in this."


"Argh… I don't have time for this!"

He began to run once again, but this time his hair stood on ends and his body glowed faintly. He ran so fast I couldn't keep up with him anymore. He tore through the ground, jumping from wall to wall, just like what I did while fighting the goblin warrior. Soon, he was out of my vision.

'How did he do that?'

I asked myself as I stared at the pathway he had just disappeared into, then a screen popped up in front me again.

[The Passive Skill [Mutiny] has failed to negate the effects of [Dungeon Event <<Green Day>>]]

[Level is not high enough]

[The Passive Skill [Mutiny] has failed to negate the effects of [Dungeon Event <<Green Day>>]]

[Level is not high enough]

[The Passive Skill [Mutiny] has failed to negate the effects of [Dungeon Event <<Green Day>>]]

[Level is not high enough]

'Huh? What is the skill trying to do now? Whatever… should I pour all my points into speed? Even if I do, will I be able to catch up to him? If I meet any threats and I don't have points to spare for something like strength, I'll be in trouble. In that case, I'll just go in the direction he just went. Yea, I'll just do that.'

Suddenly, my hairs stood on ends. My body was screaming danger! I looked around me and I could see them. Red eyes. Vicious, hungry, violent red eyes. They were staring voraciously at me. Dozens, no hundreds of eyes.

For a brief moment, everything was quiet, but suddenly they came in a swarm like… a wave?

"Activate skill [Shredder]! [Shredder]! [Shredder]! [Shredder]!"

It was bloody and exhausting. The goblins kept on rushing at me endlessly even though I was cutting them down one by one with ease.

[You have lost 1 Health point]

I looked at my leg and one goblin was biting on it furiously. I slashed open his face, then decapitated a goblin that jumped for my head. I wrapped my tail around one goblin and sent him flying into a few other goblins, then ripped open another. Still, they came. They weren't fazed by anything I did to them. Their skins glowed with a red aura much like the goblin warrior from earlier on.

'At this rate, I'll just keep going on till I exhaust myself.'

A goblin came from behind, but I ducked to avoid it, then grabbed it by the leg, swinging it around like a weapon and smashing it into the others. I noticed something strange.

'Even though I'm killing these monsters, the voice isn't telling me that I am getting experience points… Does that mean this dungeon event won't let me get points? Then I'll just end up dying of exhaustion if I waste time fighting these guys? Ah! Is that what [Mutiny] was trying to negate earlier on?'

I kicked one of the goblins away and made to run, but more jumped in my way.

'I really wish I had my staff on me now.'

"Activate skill [Shredder]! [Shredder]! [Shredder]! [Shredder]! [Shredder]! [Shredder]!"

I roared as I attacked multiple of them. I would cut off their limbs, rip open their abdomens, yet they kept on coming. I found that the only method to deal with them was to decapitate them and even doing that wasn't so easy. Their necks were so tough it was beginning to hurt fighting them.

"[Shredder]! [Shredder]! [Shredder]!"

I looked at my stamina points. I hadn't even crossed half of it yet. I was grateful for that, but my throat and mouth felt a bit dry. When I looked at my status, I saw [Thirsty] written next to it. I couldn't continue fighting forever, so I ran away from the area, kicking away whatever goblin was in my way.

I slowly chased after monkey's scent, but I couldn't find him anymore. I just stopped running and decided to find somewhere above the ground where the goblins wouldn't suddenly appear from. It was quite hard searching for said place, but eventually, I found one.

It was hole up on the wall. I went up there and was surprised to see some slimes roaming about. My mouth felt dry and I remembered that Lori drunk something like the slime's exterior whenever she felt the same way, so I did the same.

I picked up the gooey ball and swallowed it. It was just the perfect solution to my problem and was quite… delicious? I looked at the slimes that were just rolling around and swallowed five more of them, then laid back. I took the orbs and just looked at them. I wondered what its purpose was. Only if I had the <<Appraisal>> thing the system mentioned earlier on.

I got off my back and looked on from above. I saw the goblins materializing out of nothing and walking all around. They were coming in number from different areas, but none came from the hole I rested in, which made me feel a bit safe. If I dropped in on them and used [Shredder], I could kill them with no problem, but I wouldn't be getting anything out of doing that, so it was pointless.

I stretched a bit, and just when I was about to jump, I saw two large figures with brown fur in light clothes and with tails. Monkey-men.

I looked at the monkey men in front of me and snarled at them. After that monkey, Enma was it? After Enma stole my staff and <<Green eater>>, I wasn't going to trust his kind again. According to Lori's memories, those who do such things were called thieves.

The monkey men were in quite the bind. They were surrounded by the goblins and one of them couldn't even move on his own. He was being helped by one other person, while the last one had his hand outstretched to the goblin horde, blood dripping from the visible wounds on his face.

"Saru… we can't go any further."

"You think I don't know that? I just wish that Enma leaves this cave before anything."

"We are sorry Saru… if only we didn't go in for more magic crystals."

"Let this be a lesson to you two for your next life… Greed is n-"

The goblins swarmed the monkey men and tore them to shreds easily. They couldn't even offer any form of resistance. The old monkey though. I could tell he was stronger than the goblins. He had just given up for some strange reason.

I swallowed another blob of slime while watching the show. I was going to wait a bit before I jumped into the horde, but then

"Saru! Mako! Chichi!"

A familiar voice scram. I looked towards the source of the sound. It was the cheeky monkey from earlier on, carrying my staff and

"<<Green Eater>>."

I whispered and glared at him.

"Get. Away. From. Them, you stupid greenies!"

He yelled as he waved my staff at the goblins, sending five of them flying instantly. He bashed another pair's head in with one swing, then he made a low sweep with the staff, throwing them off their feet. His hair stood on ends like before and he glowed with a faint aura. His movements were sharper and he was stronger. His fists alone sent the goblins flying. However, there were still way too many for him to handle alone. He was tired. They had managed to land many devastating strikes on him already.

I dropped in right before they could swarm him. I grabbed the closest goblin and used its body as a weapon and slammed some other goblins away. The monkey man looked at me wearily. He was exhausted. I looked at him, then picked up <<Green Eater>> from the ground. He collapsed on the ground next to me, still looking at me.

"That thing… Where you glow… How you do it?"

I asked him

"Pour… mana… int-into your body… let it-"

He fainted right before he could finish his sentence.

"Let it what!? Come on! Say it! Wake up you stupid monkey! Describe the thing!"

He was completely unconscious. He couldn't hear me. I cursed under my breath, but the weird screen gave me a message.

[You have both <<Goblin Warrior Armor>> and <<Green Eater>>]

[You have received the set effect]

[Goblins will now take 70% more damage than you intended to cause]

[Your title [Goblin Warrior Slayer]'s effect will now be activated]

[Goblins will now take 150% more damage than you intended to cause]

[You are longer under the effects of <<Green Day>>]

[You can now gain Experience points]

"Oh? Is that so?"

I looked at the goblins before me and couldn't help but smirk at my food.

"Activate skill [Shredder]"