
Requiem for the World: The Demon Lord's Awakening

What happens when a dungeon mob gains sentience? Absolute chaos is what. This is the story off a special dungeon mob that gained sentience and is now trying to survive in the new world.

Meh_8 · แฟนตาซี
11 Chs

A New Pet Pt.I

[Target (INSERT NAME) has reached Level 100/100]

[Commencing Evolution…]

[All processes complete]

[All stats have increased according to current race]

[Level has been reverted to 0]

[Current Assessment of situation by ***]



I woke from the uncomfortable feeling of having bright light hit my shut eye lids. I rose my hands to block the light rays, but I was a bit surprised. My arms were a bit furrier than I remembered. I sat up, scratching my head.

'Wait a second… I never had fur! Eh? Did something happen to me?'

I looked at my body. I had grown a bit bigger, but now I was furrier and my tail had grown back. My back was itching a lot, as did my fore head. I stood up, trying to get a better look at myself, but standing didn't change the situation, so I called up my status screen.


[Status: Full

[Race: Black Lesser Demon Fairy

[Rank: Tier 2

[Level: 1

[Soul Type: Dark

[Soul Rank: 1

[Health Points: 700/700

[Mana Points: 350/350

[Experience Points: 1/500

[Strength: 80

[Defense: 65

[Agility: 95

[Intelligence: 80

[Magic: 30

[Dexterity: 90

[Stamina: 600/600


[Philomath; Level 1]

[Eidetic memory; Level 1]

[Mutiny; Level 2]

[Night Vision; Level 2]

[Sixth Sense; Level 3]


[Shredder; Level 8]

[Soul Consumption; Level 2]

[Nasty Bite; Level 2]

[Fire Breath; Level 1]

[Monkey Man Martial Arts; Level 2]

[Monkey Man Martial Arts (Wind Break); Level 1]

[Mana Control; Level 1]

[TITLES: |Maverick|, |Goblin Warrior Slayer|, |Magical Martial Artist|, |First Evolution|

[You have 10 Status Points]

'Hmmm, my race… it turned from Black Imp to Black Lesser Demon Fairy and the numbers for my strength and things have changed as well. My strength and defense decreased whereas my dexterity, agility, magic and intelligence increase by a bit. Huh? Why though…'


I heard a weird moan come from somewhere, so I turned around. I was surprised to see Enma sleeping on the ground.

"Huh? Monkey?"

His leg was swollen and he looked skinnier than I remembered. I went to kick him, but he wasn't waking up, so I ignored him and focused on my surroundings.

All around me, I only saw tall objects with green things on them and creatures standing on them, making sounds. Lovely beautiful sounds. The smell in the air was sweet and the feel of the light that touched my face was blissful.

"Trees, birds, sun light, flowers! This… I-I made it! I am outside the dungeon! Hahaha! I can now explore this world! Up next, a city!"

I grabbed my dagger and removed the armor I was wearing. I felt that it would be odd to walk around like that, so I stole Enma's vest, then put the items in it, then stole his pants and put them on. Now that I had grown bigger, they fit me perfectly. I tied the cloth I had put my things in, to the staff and picked it up. This was going to be the start of my great adventure.


Just as I was about to set off, I noticed Enma calling out to me. I looked back and noticed him slowly crawling towards me. His eyes were closed, which meant he was sleeping. He looked like how I did when I was about to die, at least that is what I believe.

I looked forward and moved onward to my next adventure!


I had been walking for a long period of time, but still hadn't come across anything other than trees, flowers and grasses. Even the birds had left the area and I was starting to get hungry. I was tempted to go back to eat Enma, but then I heard some strange barking and hissing sounds.

I ran towards the sounds where I noticed a creature with white fur and a red star on its head, surrounded by three slim creatures with black and white scales.

'A fox and… snakes?'

The fox seemed to be in trouble, constantly turning around and threatening the snakes, but from the back one would attempt to bite him, putting him on high alert. I sat down and began to watch the show with interest, until the fox took notice of me.

"Hey, you there! Help me!"

She called out to me.


I asked, looking around me to see if I made any mistake.

"Yes. Is there anyone else?"

She snapped at me.

"Why should I help?"

I asked.

"Please. I'll die if you don't help me."

She told me as if it were my problem.

"Eh? Then die. There… no benefit for me if I help you."

I told her, then picked up my items and made to walk away from the site.

"L-listen here! I'm a star fox. I can grant any one wish for anybody. If you help me here I can grant any wish for you!"

She said something very interesting. I had no information on star foxes at the moment, but I did know what a wish was and I had several of those that I wanted granted.

"One wish?"

I asked to be certain.

"Yes! Anything that you want!"

'One wish eh? Why settle for only one?'

"Hmm, but you fight three monsters. I need three wishes!"

I said to her, grinning because she had no other choice.

"T-three? Star foxes don't run a charity you know?"

'Charity? What is that? Hmm… let me try this then.'

"Neither do I then."

I continued walking away.

"Eeek! F-fine! Three wishes! Help me out!"

She broke, making me drop my items. I picked up <<Green Eater>> then ran at the first snake. It jumped at me and ended up in my and easily. I was about to stab it, but it easily slipped out of my hand and tried to bite me.

"Activate skill [Shredder]."

I tore the snake to pieces with [Green Eater], then looked at the others. I jumped them as well and killed them in a similar fashion, with the exception that one of them actually bit me.

[You have been poisoned by a [Mavra Candis]]

[You will lose 5 Health Points per second]

[You have lost 5 Health Points]

[You have lost 5 Health Points]

[You have lost 5 Health Points]

[Due to the passive skill [Mutiny] the poison has been nullified]

[You have acquired the passive skill [Toxin Resistance]]

[The passive skill [Mutiny] has gone up by 4%]

'Hmm? Eh.'

"Kekeke! Good! Good!"

I then directed my attention to the supposed Star Fox. She looked at me with her golden eyes. Her paw tips and tail tip were all red just like the star on her head.

"T-thank you."

"My wishes."

"O-of course."


(Star Fox's POV)

'Hmm, I can just get it to waste all its wishes right now. This creature doesn't look very smart. What is it even? Some weird imp? Also, didn't he get bitten by one of the Mavra Candises? I'll use that to my advantage. I'll make him use his third wish on that.'

"Hey! You! Didn't you have a friend who was in trouble?"

The fox asked. She remembered seeing the two of them escaping the dungeon together. She was just minding her own business when they both jumped out of the cave. She also saw Enma getting bitten by the Mavra Candis and figured that it wasn't her problem so she had no need to get involved with them.

"Hmm? Friend? I don't have friend."

'Huh? Is he confused?'

"I was talking about the monkey man."

"Enma? He no friend."

The creature answered nonchalantly.

"B-but, didn't he help you out of the dungeon?"


"Then you need to repay him for that."

"No. He already pay back for me sparing his life."

"D-don't you have a guilty conscience?"

"Guilty conscience?"

"Ah, you don't have any sort of purpose for the monkey man?"

"Purpose… purpose… Ah yes! He get my souls!"

'Eh? That monkey-man is a soul vessel?'

"Don't matter. I can just get the souls after he dies."

'Eh? Is this guy stupid or something?'

"N-no you can't."

She told him.

"Eh? Why not?"

'He actually doesn't know? Kuku, this could be easier than I thought.'

"Didn't you know? When a soul vessel dies, the souls get destroyed… its common knowledge."

"Eeeeehhh!!! My souls!"

It scram at the sudden realization.

'Ku, I've got him!'

"Don't worry. With your first wish, I can get you there instantly! Hurry! Time is off the essence!"

"We can run there!"

"Yes, we could, but it would be faster for you to hop on my back so we can go there faster. The longer we waste, the higher the possibility of him being dead increases."

"My souls! Let's go!"

The demon jumped onto her back. She expected it to be heavier, but lighter was good news to her, so she happily accepted it. Then she ran off towards where she remembered seeing them. And as she promised, they arrived there faster than they would have if the black creature decided to run.

He went to the monkey man and picked him up. He was deathly pale, his fur turning grey and his veins had snaked out. His mouth was dry and his eyes were pale.

"Hey! Monkey! Enma! Wake up! You get my property!"

The black creature just kept on slapping Enma's face rapidly.

"S-Saru? Is that you?"

"Eh? Shut up and give me my souls!"

The creature just slapped harder and harder, turning the monkey man's cheeks red.


He said drowsily.

'Kuku, the poison has already reached its third stage. The monkey man doesn't have long to live.'

"Oh no! The poison is very bad! You'll need to use your second wish to heal him perfectly! A poisoned soul vessel could corrupt the souls."

"Eh? Seriously!? Heal him! Now!"

'Kuku, this is too easy!'

The fox went to the monkey man then nudged his leg with its nose. For a while, its nose glowed golden, encasing the monkey man in its light and when it died down, it revealed Enma with his normal complexion, simply sleeping calmly.

The black creature let out a sigh then dropped Enma down gently.

"Now then… what will be your last wish? I remember seeing you get bitten. Do you wish for me to cure you?"

"Eh? Cure me? Why? I didn't get poisoned."


"I didn't get poisoned. Hey, my speech is getting better!"

'Is this guy for real? Wait… now that I think about it, he is completely fine. There is no problem whatsoever. I-I need to make him waste his last wish.'

Just then, the monster's stomach growled. The two looked at each other for a short while, before the star fox got an idea.

"I bet that you must be hungry. Wish for me to get you some food?"

'Kuku, I will just hunt a rabbit or two for him then let him eat that, then I'm home free.'

"Food? For my last wish? Are you stupid?

"Yes, yes, I'll be righ- WHAT!?"


"Fufufu… for my last wish? Become my pet."

Kukuku, to the one who called [Mutiny] plot armour's cousin or something, I present to you, plot armour's niece! MCs Property dono! Oh yes... MC is not the one with plot armor here! It's the side character this time!

Meh_8creators' thoughts