
Remembering a love

Written by the author and writer of the East, Michelle Yazar. Who brings us on this occasion, this book that is made up of a series of letters sent between 29 years Eugene Myers and 31 years Patrick Stanley, both originally from London, England. During the years of World War II (1941-1945). It all begins when Patrick was about to declare his feelings to Eugene, being called to enlist as a soldier in the British army, to fight against the nazis. This unleashes a series of events, which Eugene, through his letters, expresses along with the immense pain and gnawing fear of not seeing again, to the one who was more than his friend; the love of him no longer platonic of him. A love that, without a doubt, crossed all the limits that a war could impose. A passion that burned, without the slightest expiation of consummation. A distance that was the paper guillotine, before the feelings of these two desperate young people to see each other once more. "Remembering a love", the wish of those who one day dream of being happy with the love of their life, even when the whole world turns upside down, including a world war on board.

MichelleYazar · แฟนตาซี
12 Chs

Chapter 2: Letter to Patrick

London England 

July 24, 1942 

The special moments that I remember my dear, Captain Patrick: 

It's not just the absence of your departure and having to share my time with a vocation that takes you away from me. 

A note that is hidden in a bottle and thrown into the depths of the sea. I look at how endless are the clockwise, a gold workshop with a description of our names that I hold on to, wanting to stop. 

Dear Lord... How much I love you! With the innocence of a first love, between the beauty of not sinning, which defines breathing and losing myself in your arms; immerse myself in your kisses and look in front of me, the colour of your eyes. The serene look, in which I surely know what I think, my love, this warm, fleeting, complacent feeling and full of words that you whisper, that are lost in my being.I cling to a foolish, insistent heart, a cloudy cause that in the midst of tragedy and on the battlefield, takes life alone; with each measure without asking, the bitterness that hurts and that separates me from you.

Sing a beautiful melody, in the new moon and attract you next to me. To be the refuge of your dreams, of your sorrows and laughter, to drink the kisses from your mouth; taking them little by little like the dew that bathes me. In everything for you, prisoner of my world that travels among swallows, in the furrows of the skies and in the chords of the violin.

Come, my beloved, you belong to me like the moon to the sea, it takes care of it so much; Suddenly in love calms her crying for not being able to touch her. He is always there for her, healing her wounds and filling the wineskin of my soul, until you come back to me.

Always yours, Eugene.

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