
Think about it

Jesse's POV 

I gulped nervously and look away. I knew what he meant by those words, but I also knew what my answers were.

“Jesse”.he called out my name so affectionately that he makes my heart thump in guilt.

How can men keep falling in love with me countless number of times even when I tried to push them away.

I took in a deep sigh and beamed at him.

"I love you Jesse, I fell in love with you the first day I saw you stepping into that backyard with smile planted all over your face. Seeing you , I knew you were the one I would love to spend my entire life with ".he expressed in a serious tune while staring directly into my scans.

I hissed softly for what I was about to say.

"Listen Daniel".I tried speaking up, but he placed his finger on my mouth indicating I shouldn't speak.

"I know Jesse, I know you are in love with someone, and he must be an idiot to keep a woman like you waiting ".he spoke angrily.

"But Jesse, am not rushing you, I can give you all the time you need to sort out things with yourself, am not in a hurry ".he said those words while gently stroking my hair.

"I love you Jesse I love you a lot, and I can waig until whenever you are ready to accept me and love me back ".he said those words as a promise.

Hearing those words from him and seeing how sincere he was, I couldn't say what I wanted to say.

Maybe he was right, maybe I shouldn't rush into rejecting him,who knows, I might regret it someday.

"Thank you ". I murmured

"Thank you for loving me ". I whispered softly.

He chuckled softly and pull me to himself while giving me a tight hug.

I closed my eyes and inhale is manly scent.

"I should take you home ".he said those words and gently pull me away.

I nod my head and walk side way with him until we got to his car.

We got to his car and he opened the passenger door for me before getting on the driver's seat and drove off.

Halfway to the drive, he spoke up, 

"Do you want some music?".he asked

"Yeah ". I went for the music player and selected out a song, 

"This is perfect". I whispered and closed my eyes, feeling the best of the song.

"Never knew you love Westlife music".he chuckled softly.

"I don't love them, I adore them". I spoke firmly.

He chuckled and kept his eyes on the road.

We sang along with the music playing in his music player until we got to my apartment.

"We are here ".he said those words and came out of his car and open the door of me.

“Thank you”. I whispered with a smile, 

"You are always welcome".he spoke softly.

I walk to my door and brought out my keys, 

"Do you wanna come in ?". I asked 

"No, it's late, I should probably go home ".he moves closer to me and softly place kisses on my cheek.

"Good night Jesse".he whispered

"Night Daniel". I whispered

I stood at my door and watch him drove out of my apartment before I open my door.

I hissed in relief and pull off my cloths before getting on the shower.

I hissed in relief when the warm water met with my skin. I closed my eyes and all Daniel said earlier today kept ringing in my head.

His words were so true and sincerely, mere looking at him one would know he was serious with all he said about me.

This was a big chance for love in my life, and yet, I want to throw it away just because of some childish love I couldn't let go.

I hissed in frustration and left the shower, I put on my night wear and packed my hair before switching off the light and going to bed.

This was the first night I did not have a thought of Benson in my head ever since I met him, and it was indeed a good sign.

"Okay kids, you all are to draw this tree house, exactly as it is". Mr Johnson our art teacher spoke up 

"While does he keep calling us kids ". I murmured in irritation, 

"Of course we are kids to him ". Jennifer chuckled loudly

"Keep quiet".he said those words staring at us while bringing the attention of all the students on us.

"See what you have cause ". I murmured at Jennie.

"Oh please, who doesn't love attention".she spoke with a big grin on her face.

"I hate you ". I murmured

"I love you sis ".she whispered.

I roll my eyes and look away.

"Alright kids, sit and get started". Mr Johnson spoke up.

Everyone sat on the floor and brought out their drawing board,but I walk and stood in font of the tree house taking a better look at it.

"This won't be too hard if you take it from the left angle ".a voice spoke behind me, 

I turn around and met beautiful sets of green eyes staring at me like he was trying to pierce through my soul.

“Beautiful”. I muttered out

He chuckled softly and brought for his hand towards me 

"Hey am Benson Whitwell".he said those words with a big smile on his face, 

I swallowed nervously and took his hand 

"Am Jesse Luciano". I spoke firmly.

"Nice meeting you jeez, I hope we get along ".he said those words with a big grin on his face.

"Hopefully ". I replied and took my hand off his hand.

"Hey Jesse, move away ". Jennifer spoke in annoyance, 

I chuckled softly and stared at Benson who return my gaze.

He smiled at me and the moment he did I felt my heart flutter in excitement then and there I knew I was in love with this stranger.

I open my eyes and realized it was all a dream.

I hissed in anger and sat on my bed, just then a hard knock came on my door.

I checked the table clock and saw that it was few minutes pass 8 am.

Who would be visiting in such an hour.

I groaned in frustration and stood up from the bed, making my way to the door.

I open the door and to my surprise I saw Benson staring at me with wild eyes.