
Chapter One

Before Reincarnation of Main Leads

Kaguya is the heiress of the Otsuki clan, one of the aristocratic clans equal to the Kirisame clan.

The two clans were brought together through the marriage of Kaguya and Sosuke. Although they held no feelings of affection towards one another they respected each other mutually.

Kaguya was formerly a swordswoman reknowned for her other worldly beauty, Sosuke was similarly known for his devilish countenance and superiority as a warlord.

The two agreed to a business marriage as they did not intend on finding partners. Not long after they consummated their marriage, the newly wedded couple were expecting their first child.

Following nine months, a little baby boy was born, the child was doted on heavily by his grandparents and parents.

However everything changed when Yukari, a commoner women with an average appearance charmed the young noble men including Sosuke.

This white lotus convinced Sosuke to despise his wife, making him believe his wife bullied her, however her schemes didn't end there.

She was unhappy being a mistress and wanted to get rid of the mother and son pair altogether.

She had someone temper with the car they were using on their way to meet sosuke's parents. The accident lead to both of them being hospitalised however as Kaguya was a former cultivator, her injuries werent as dire as her sons.

For the first time since her mother's death, Kaguya wept silently sitting at her childs bedside, while he lay in a coma.

It was at this moment, Sosuke hurriedly came in to check on their sons condition he saw the usually emotionless Kaguya tears streaming down her picturesque features.

For some reason, Sosuke felt guilt looking at his weeping wife and his sons comatose state.

"What do you want?" Her lifeless eyes gazed at him with sadness, regret and hatred.

"What? I can't come see my son?" He retorted.

Not long after, that scheming bitch Yukari arrived.

"How can you say that to Sousuke-sama? He is after all your husband, and his father." She chided.

"Why have you come? Is it not enough you  seduced my husband? You dare come in here and speak nonsense. Keep my sons name out of your filthy mouth, you have no right to speak to me, as the lowly commoner you are." Kagura spat venomously.

She was sickened at the sight of the two.

"Get out! Both of you!" the rage in her heart was consuming her. Her heart was already weak from birth to start with, the following morning she watched as her sons life essence decline helplessly.

Kaguya sat before her sons casket with dry tear streaks on her lovely face.

She was unwilling to part with her son.

Kaguya held her sons funeral in private with only his grandparents. She refused to allow that bastard anywhere near her baby.

The death of her son and her hate caused her health to deteriorate. Kaguya refused to see Sosuke every time he sought an audience with her.

Sosukes grandparents were angered at Sosuke's behaviour and negligence.

He was seduced by that ugly woman who couldnt even hold a candle to their precious granddaughter-in-law. Now their only great grandchild faced the consequences of his affair.

Previously his wife's words to be careful on who he lets around his family, struck with him especially as his rather silent wife had warmed him not to let others put wool over other peoples (his) eyes.

The incident in which caused the death of his precious son was too odd, when he had his secretary investigate he was shocked wordlessly.

However much he wished for things to go back to as they were, he knew it was impossible.

It wasn't until his formerly radiant wife was on her death bed did he manage to finally see her, he did not know why he blindly did as that woman asked or why he bothered to even look at her.

It was as though the past year was an illusion.

When he broke out from the enchantment, he got a hold of himself and had that damned woman thrown into the cell.

When he saw his wife who used to glow with brilliance and life, he wanted to bring her into his arms and ask for forgiveness however at this moment she hated him so much that her own heart couldn't bear it.

His beloved son died an unjust death because of his negligence, had he not fallen into that wretch's trap would their son still be alive?

His heart already broke when their son departed but now seeing her almost transparent figure so lifeless and empty, she looked as though she would disappear.

The cold that usually seeped out of her figure was slowly receding.

Kaguya gazed at him blankly, "You know" she started.

"What is it?" He asked softly, afraid her breath would leave her.

"I regret, I regret marrying you, I regret trusting you, I regret believing one day you would look at me with loving eyes like you did with my son, In our next lifetime, let us be strangers." With that, Kaguya entered an eternal slumber.

Sousuke shook her cold body shakily. His arms trembled as he held her pleading her to wake.

*'Pull wool over others eye' refers to being deceived in order for they to have an advantage over you.