
Reincarnation as a Janitor

Fei Han, reincarnates from earth as a young boy at the age of 16 and entered a immortal sect called "Righteous Sect". However, due to his lack of talent, he could only be a janitor.

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5 Chs

The competition

As the competition begins, Wu-er takes a deep breath and summons his heavenly flames. The flames appear around his fists, flickering like a starry night sky. He charges towards his opponent from the Pill sect, who swiftly dodges his attack and retaliates with a flurry of punches. But Wu-er is quick on his feet and manages to evade them with ease.

He then jumps into the air, using his flames to propel himself higher.

From above, he looks down and sees the formation sect's contestant summoning a giant stone golem to attack his opponents. Wu-er quickly decides to take him down before the golem can cause any damage.

With a burst of speed, Wu-er descends towards the formation sect's contestant, his fists covered in heavenly flames.

 The formation sect's contestant tries to defend himself with a barrier of earth, but Wu-er's flames are too powerful and break through it easily. As he lands his attack, the contestant falls back, defeated.

Wu-er then turns his attention to the righteous sect's contestant, who is using a sword technique that sends sharp gusts of wind towards him.

Wu-er dodges the gusts with his agility and summons his heavenly flames to create a shield around him. The gusts of wind are absorbed by the flames, and Wu-er charges towards his opponent. The righteous sect's contestant swings his sword, but Wu-er manages to dodge it and land a punch on his opponent's stomach.

Wu-er bows to the contestants with a smile, "Thanks for letting me win."

As Wu-er turns around to face the remaining opponents, he notices that the artifact sect's contestant has already been defeated by the information sect's contestant. The information sect's contestant is a young girl who looked around the same age with a book in her hand, and as Wu-er approaches her, she smiles and greets him politely.

"Impressive display of skills," she says.

Wu-er nods, "Thank you. You were amazing too. I'm honored to be able to fight against someone as skilled as you."

The information sect's contestant smiles, "Likewise. It's always a pleasure to meet someone who is passionate about cultivation and martial arts." She then pulls out a small bottle from her bag, "Here, take this. It's a medicinal pill that will help you in your cultivation." Wu-er thanks her and takes the pill.

As they prepare to fight, Wu-er notices that the information sect's contestant doesn't seem to have any visible weapons or techniques. But as soon as the match begins, she opens her book and starts chanting a spell.

Wu-er watches in amazement as the words from her book begin to glow and dance in the air, forming intricate patterns that weave together into a complex spell. The spell then materializes into a small orb of energy that flies towards Wu-er.

Without hesitation, Wu-er summons his heavenly flames to intercept the orb.

The orb explodes upon contact with the flames, sending a shockwave through the arena. Wu-er braces himself and looks up to see the information sect's contestant calmly flipping through her book.

"You're quite skilled," she says, "but don't underestimate the power of knowledge and strategy."

Wu-er nods, impressed with her words. He charges forward, his fists covered in heavenly flames. The information sect's contestant continues to chant spells from her book, each one more complex than the last. Wu-er is able to dodge most of them with his agility, but a few hit him and send him flying out of the ring.

Wu-er lands on his feet and looks back at the information sect's contestant, who is still calmly flipping through her book.

"Looks like you've won," Wu-er says, impressed with her skills.

The information sect's contestant nods, "Yes, but you put up a good fight. You have great potential."

Wu-er smiles, "Thank you. It was an honor to fight against you." The two competitors bow to each other before leaving the arena.

As Wu-er walks away, he can't help but think about the information sect's contestant's words. He realizes that there is so much more to martial arts than just physical strength and techniques.

He resolves to study and learn more about the power of knowledge and strategy, and to become a well-rounded cultivator. The tournament may be over, but his journey of cultivation and self-improvement is just beginning.

Wu Jing and Hua Hua comes up to him to comfort him. 

Wu'er bows in disappointment. "I'm sorry mother, father. I failed to attain the rewards..."

Wu Jing smiles, looking at his son who couldn't bear losing, "Hahaha, don't worry. It's just good that you were able to learn through this tournament. I will try to get this meteorite by giving them rewards in exchange!"

In the first place, Wu Jing was planning on doing so. 

Although the Heavenly flames were powerful, it couldn't be considered too overpowering at the moment. 

Hua Hua nods in agreement, "Yes, Wu-er. Remember that failure is just a step towards success. You should be proud of yourself for making it this far and for learning from your experiences."

Wu-er smiles gratefully at his parents, feeling comforted by their words.

"Look! The winner has been announced!"

The righteous sect leader stood on the stage with the young lady with the book from information sect. 

"Yu Qing of the information sect has gotten first place. As a result, she will receive the reward."

He opens his palms and a large meteorite appeared in his hands. 

"Please wait!"

Wu Jing glides down.

"Wu Jing Sect master? Is there something wrong?

Wu Jing bows respectfully to the righteous sect leader, "I would like to request a trade for that meteorite. I have some valuable treasures in my possession that I believe would be of interest to you."

The righteous sect leader nods, intrigued by Wu Jing's offer. "This can only be decided by the owner of the meteorite, Yu Qing."

Yu Qing looks at Wu Jing with interest, "What kind of treasures do you have, Sect Master Wu Jing?"

Wu Jing reaches into his robes and pulls out a small box. He opens it to reveal a glittering jade pendant. "This is the Heart of the Dragon, a rare artifact that can enhance one's cultivation and increase their spiritual energy."

 Yu Qing's eyes widen in amazement as she examines the pendant. "This is truly a valuable treasure. I accept your trade, Sect Master Wu Jing."

The righteous sect leader nods in approval and hands the meteorite over to Wu Jing. "Congratulations on your successful trade, Sect Master Wu Jing. And congratulations to all the participants for putting up a great fight."

Wu-er watches as his father makes the trade and receives the meteorite. He can't help but feel a sense of pride and gratitude towards his parents for their support and guidance. As they begin to leave the arena, Wu Jing turns to his son.

"Wu-er, I hope you learned something important from this tournament. Remember that strength and skill are important, but knowledge and strategy can make all the difference in a fight. Keep training and learning, and one day you will become a great cultivator."

Wu-er nods, feeling determined to continue his journey of cultivation and self-improvement.

As they walk away from the arena, Wu-er can't help but feel a sense of excitement and anticipation for what the future holds. He knows that there will be many challenges and obstacles along the way, but he feels confident that he has the skills and knowledge to overcome them.