
Reincarnated with Villain System in Indian Movies

As Raj Nair slowly regained consciousness, his mind swirled with confusion and disorientation. The sterile scent of the hospital room filled his nostrils, and the soft hum of medical equipment echoed in his ears. Blinking against the harsh glare of the overhead lights, he struggled to make sense of his surroundings. Amidst the fog of his awakening, another voice pierced through his thoughts, crisp and clear. "Installation is completed," it said, sending a shiver down Raj's spine. He knew instinctively that this was not the time for such cryptic messages, not when his mind was consumed by worry and uncertainty. "Doctor, doctor," he called out, his voice strained with desperation. "Where are my parents? Where's my big brother? Where's my sister?" Moments later, a white-coated figure appeared at his bedside, their expression solemn and sympathetic. Raj's heart pounded in his chest as he awaited the doctor's response, a sinking feeling settling in the pit of his stomach. "I'm sorry, Raj," the doctor began, their voice gentle but firm. "Your parents...they didn't make it. They passed away in the car accident."

DattaDhebe · ภาพยนตร์
46 Chs

Fighting Skill

A few minutes later Varadarajulu came to office. he also felt little scared when he saw men's holding guns around farmhouse.

Varadarajulu had come with his two bodyguards, as he was an MLA. So, whenever he left his office, he was always with these bodyguards. When they saw men around them holding AK-47s, they also got scared.

Varadarajulu's bodyguards were keeping an eye on the people surrounding them. Seeing Raj, who was seated, Varadarajulu was about to say something. But Raj pulled out his gun and shot at Varadarajulu's head. When the bodyguards heard the noise, they turned towards Raj, pointing their guns at him. Upon seeing this, Raj said, "Do you want to die with your boss, or do you want to live?" Every one of Raj's men also pointed their guns at the two bodyguards, intensifying the standoff.

Raj knew that talking with Varadarajulu was a waste of time. He had already betrayed him by stealing from him and even lying to him. He knew that Varadarajulu was an ambitious man who wanted to become the chief minister; he would definitely retaliate. Raj had seen in the movie how Varadarajulu treated Bittu. Even though he betrayed Bittu, he still treated Bittu poorly, constantly insulting him. Despite having 1500 crore in his pocket, he didn't even give Bittu more than 500k, When the insult became out of control, Bittu stabbed him. At that moment, Varadarajulu told him about the money in exchange for saving his life.

Hearing this from Raj and assessing the situation around them, they dropped their weapons and put their hands up. They knew that their boss was dead, and making a move now would lead to their death as well.

"Vijay, take this dead body to Varadarajulu's farmhouse and make it look like it was done by ACP and for witnesses," pointing at the bodyguards Raj said, "use these two. The rest you know how to do it, right?" Vijay replied, "Yes boss, I will arrange it accordingly." Vijay knew what to do, as he had done it multiple times before, something like planting evidence, manipulating witnesses, and manipulating the media, all for his boss Raj.

Actually, Raj came to Vishakhapatnam 2 years ago, he used the same tactics to establish his hotels, construction, and gold business here. Even though a gold shop is a legal business, half of the gold in the shop is smuggled, and for construction, there is always mafia involvement. At that time, he shed a lot of blood while building his business and his own gang. he was lacking money for further development, so he instructed his men to keep building funds and wait for his orders. That is the reason Vijay was gathering funds, which were later deposited in Varadarajulu's bank. Since that money was from his legal businesses, there was no problem in depositing it.

After some time, Bittu and his men came with a container. In the movie, Raj saw that Bittu had loyal followers; even though Ravi killed one after another of his men, they still did not leave him.

When Raj sees the money, a smile appears on his face. Raj instructs Vijay to take video footage and pictures of the ACP that he had taken before killing ACP Manikyam. Then Raj instructs making it look like the ACP has stolen the money with his people. While transferring Bittu, the ACP tries to kill him, but Bittu manages to escape. In desperation, the ACP kills the officers who are transporting Bittu, intending to blame Bittu for killing the officers. He expects to receive an encounter order from his higher officer in return. Today, MLA Varadarajulu found out about it. He invited ACP to his farmhouse to confront the him. However, upon their meeting, the situation turned violent. The ACP, realizing he was exposed he kills Varadarajulu's when ACP sees bodyguards caming to his rescue he escapes the scene. Raj instructs to make a testimony of bodygards accordingly.

When Bittu heard the plan Raj was explaining to Vijay, he was astonished. Seeing his boss's intelligence, he never thought his name could be cleared and he could walk freely. Now, he understood why they needed video footage and pictures of the ACP, to show to the media that the ACP was the main culprit.

When Bittu took video footage and pictures, he and his men formulated a plan. They convinced the ACP to take a video and picture of each and every member of the group, knowing that this chance would never come again to take pictures with a mountain of money. So, between taking videos and pictures of each member, they also convinced the ACP to take pictures with the money as well. One member was making a video while another was taking pictures of the ACP.

After storing the money in the basement of the farmhouse, when no one was around, Raj attempted to use his inventory skill on the money so that he could store it, but it did not work. He realized that he needed to increase his inventory space.

"System, how many points are required to increase inventory level?"

"Host needs 100 points to upgrade inventory to level 2."

"System show me my status."

Name: Raj Nair

Health: 10

Strength: 22

Speed: 15

Intelligent: 16

Charm: 16

Luck: 4

Destiny Points: 34

Skill: Shooting ( level 3 ), Analysis ( level 2 ), Fighting ( level 1 )

Store: unlocked

Inventory: 1 x 1 cubic space ( fully unlocked )

It seems I need another 70 points to upgrade my inventory. For now, let's focus on upgrading my fighting skill, as it's currently only at level one. I can handle local goons with it, but facing destined heroes or children will be challenging.

"System, how many points are required to upgrade my fighting skill?"

"Host needs 30 points to upgrade Fighting skill to level 2."

Memories of professional fighting techniques, strategies on how to utilize his power effectively, and identifying the weak points of his opponents flooded his mind, elevating his understanding and expertise in combat to a new level.


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