
Reincarnated with Super Powers

Mikonimo Stills, a modern cat lives alone and is rich. After working hard in the news reporting channel, he is fast asleep. Then suddenly he gets a call from his friend to know that his wife has been kidnapped. Will Mikonimo save his friend`s wife and the whole world with the help of his family, friends, and relatives?

JanPan2007 · แฟนตาซี
50 Chs

Case of The Missing Children

A few days later, there was a call from the editor of their world that children were missing from their planet. Miko and his whole team went there to find out the problem except the children and the wives. The men went to their actual planet and tried to find the reason. Now, a transmitter was attached to every child`s body. It ensured that they would find the child when he was lost.

Miko contacted the editor to know from where the children were found missing. The editor added," Miko from 50 metres of a well every child was found missing. Miko thought that there must be some unnatural power in the well that was causing such a problem. He went there to find what the main problem was. The child who was attached with the transmitter also got inside that eerie well. Not only they found what had happened but also came to know what caused it. They rushed inside the well with their pendants and flying helmet. There was a wicked scientist on that planet who was kidnapping children and sending them to Mizzart gang for selling.

"Kapow! Dishom! Paw!" were the sounds produced when Miko and his team members bit the wicked scientist. His machine could pull living objects with a radius of 50 metres and body weight around 40 kgs. Therefore, Miko and his team members destroyed the machine and rescued all the children inside it.

The cops were called, and they took that wicked scientist. However, the Mizzart gang members were spread around the whole country. And some children were still missing. So, the cops requested Miko and his teams to get the rest children back.

As per the request of the cops, they decided to rescue all the missing children, and therefore, they took the photographs of the missing children. According to Benjamin`s plan, they would first make list of all the locations of Mizzart gang`s secret headquarters. After that, one by one they went to the places in their supercars. They attacked the members of Mizzart gang. Moreover, the Mizzart gang members back fired at them. It looked like a realistic movie scene.

Within no time, they defeated the Mizzart gang members using their powers of the pendant. Now, they rescued some of the children and got them back. The children`s parents thanked them for saving the lives of their children.

The next headquarter of the Mizzart Gang members was Kimo city which was famous for its beautiful rides and beaches. The Mizzart gang had made their secret place inside the ground so that nobody could get it. However, Miko used his ground digger that helped them reach their secret place.

On seeing them, the Mizzart gang members started laser firing. Blacki used his laser`s energy and fired back at them. They swiftly went to the control room and used their pendant energy to make the members present in it unconscious. Then, they found the location where the children were hid. By this way, the children were saved. They members of Mizzart gang were handed over to the police.

The third headquarter of Mizzart gang was Hiroki city. It was an old city of the country. It had meagre population, and therefore, they had made their headquarters at that place.

Miko and his team again went on the trip to rescue them. They went to the next headquarter. However, Mizzart gang members were already prepared. They gave a tough competition, but they were defeated due to the skills, power and focus of the Miko team. The children, however, could not be traced because the Mizzart gang members had destroyed all their computers and data.

Benjamin thought for a while about what they could do. He came to the conclusion that they could use their electric radiation device to find them. They tracked the children and went there. They finally saved the children and handed the culprits to the cops. The cops were grateful to them.

Finally, after a few days, all the children were rescued, and all the Mizzart gang members were caught by the cops. They went home and embraced their children. Their wives were also delighted that they ended the cruel clutches of Mizzart gang members from their whole planet.

On Saturday, the school decided to organize a book fair for the children. Miko paid for the book fair for the 5 children in their family. The children along with their parents were voracious readers and were ecstatic to go to the book fair.

A variety of books filled the book fair. People of all age groups were present. The overall ambience was indelible experience for everyone. The children ran from one book stall to other. The parking lot was awesome and could accommodate a large number of cars. Further, they did not charge any fees for it. Not only the children were energetic but also they bought a number of books. Around 60 books were purchased by them.

The children came back home happily. Jim, Greta, Alice and other children started discussing the stories inside it. Their parents watched them curiously. The parents bought a number of books: Story books, romantic books, fantasies, puzzles, literatures, books of famous authors, books of wonders of the world, book of Jurassic period, etc.

Benjamin while browsing over his books came to know that there was a haunted house in the North California that had kidnapped around 40 children till date.

Everyone came to the conclusion that they would go there and find out what was wrong with that house. And therefore, the whole Miko team along with their family went to that place in North California.

When they reached that place, the children began fretting. But the parents consoled them by embracing them. When they reached near the gate, they found that the doors automatically opened. They had already given some powers of their powers to their children. By that way, they ensured their children`s safety.

They walked meticulously inside that haunted house with torches. Miko, Benjamin and Blacki fell down and got disappeared as one of the floor bricks unturned.

"Father! Uncle! Where are you?" Jim and other children began crying. Gwen pacified the children by telling that their father had the pendant so nothing could happen to them. Miko, Benjamin and Blacki had used there pendants while they were falling, so they began floating in the air.

The haunted house was full of antiques and gold at the bottom. Also, some thieves had spread the news that the house was haunted to ensure nobody came into that house. Benjamin used his small robot with a camera and a microphone to find everything on the ways of the house, and he sat at a place.

"There is something peculiar, brothers", Benjamin softly said. "What`s that?", Blacki asked. "I could see something shining but how could something shine under the floor of this haunted house." Miko guessed, "It might be the exit point."

On the other hand, the wives, the children and the 2 men felt that the house was horrendous. Blackish colors were present in it. In the darkness, thunders started and there was a cat on the top of the stairs. It looked like a ghost and the children shouted. However, their parents kept their hand on the mouth of their children. They told the children that it was just a cat.

Benjamin`s robot went deep inside and found that actually the house was a hiding place for thieves. Further, they had hid their gold in that house. Miko`s robot released chloroform present in it and all the thieves slept. Moreover, using the powers, Doriko got inside the floor with all the children and the wives. Benjamin elucidated everything to them. The cops took the robbers and went with the gold. The whole Miko`s family was given 40 percent of the gold as a reward. They gave that money to the orphanages so that the children present in it could be helped.

"Wow! We are gland that we could help them", said Miko. Other members of the family nodded in affirmative.

After that, they came back home and continued reading the books. They came across a book which showed them the location of a place from where everyone was disappearing.

"Seems like another case is waiting for us", said Miko. Luggage were packed again. However, the children this time were not allowed to come with their parents, so they stayed in the neighborhood.

They took their ship and decided to go to that place. On the ship, they started doing many activities like swimming, dancing, making plans after they reach, fishing, cooking, etc.

They liked Benjamin`s idea the most. His idea was to wear masks so that chloroform could not make them unconscious. When they reached the place, their body started itching that they took off their masks. When they had done that, they became unconscious. Their pendants were snatched while they were unconscious. Moreover, they were kidnapped.

When they became conscious, Benjamin tried to free himself but everything was snatched from them except their clothes. Their pendants were also not present.

After waiting for 6 days, the children thought their parents must be in some trouble. Jim and Greta, one day, made a plan. All the other 3 children agreed with their cousins. They made a boat within 3 days and took all the gadgets of their uncle, Benjamin. Moreover, they knew that something was wrong, so they wore mask like their parents. When they were just 1 kilometer from that area, they used the small robot to see what was happening in that place. As the only belongings, they also took the 5 undefeatable horses with them. Through the small robot with the camera, they traced that the place was too foggy. However, they got a ring of Blacki which indicated that he had left some trace that they were kidnapped. To find their parents, the kids made a plan.

Meticulously, they sent the small robot and used GPS device to find everything on that island but still could not find their parents. They used the ground digger on the seashore and went inside the land and found their parents after going several kilometers. They had become fragile. Quickly, the children helped their parents and freed them. The parents were worried that they had lost their pendants and could not do anything then. The children, however, repeated the words of the green dragon. Miko and his team members got their courage back. As the kidnappers did not know the powers of the pendant, they sold them abroad. Miko and his friends injured the kidnappers by using their 5 undefeatable horses.

The fog was removed from the island as soon as they destroyed the whole fog releasing control room. Then, the parents tied the robbers with ropes that they had brought in their ship. Then, the children went back and handed the robbers to the cops.

Meanwhile, Miko along with his team tracked the locations where the robbers had sold their pendants. When the owners were asleep, the members gave chloroform to them and took the pendants. However, 3 of the pendant purchasers were scientists and knew that the pendants had super powers. They attacked Miko and his team with 7 pendants. Miko`s team was skilled and intelligent. Therefore, they used their undefeatable horses to fight with the scientists. The Miko team used there whole powers and got the pendants one by one as the scientist were present at the same location.

While coming back home, they were extremely happy and embraced each other that their children had saved them. On the other hand, the cops gave rewards to their whole family.

On Monday, Jim felt languor and did not want to go school. Greta told this to Miko, and he made him go school. Jim went to school despite he did not want to.

All the 5 children went school. Moreover, they ate some ice cream while coming back as instructed by Miko. They enjoyed their time at the school.

Like that, 12 years passed. When the children became 20-25 years old, their parents reached around 40-50 years. The parents decided to teach them how they should give interviews. They made the aura of the office room and trained them. Their children learned it soon.

Once, it so happened that Alice was bitten by a wolf while she was coming back home at night. From that day, she would become wolf in the full moon day. She would go out and hunt. The other 4 children knew it and told everything to their parents. Everyone became worried about what they should do.

Benjamin asked to put a transmitter on Alice`s body and find that wolf and get its saliva. They did as instructed, but they could not find the wolf.

Miko remembered the wolf king. He ordered him to come using his Green pendant. The wolf king came at once and told that one of the magical wolves had bitten Alice. And he was superior than him. Benjamin found that wolf using his tracking device, Alice`s transmitter. The magical wolf was a wizard who wanted to snatch all the powers in Alice`s pendant.

However, using their pendants, their parents killed the magician, and Alice got freed.

Once it so happened that the children wanted to visit the space. They helped made the spaceship. Jim and other boys called their friends to join. But Miko only went with them in order to guide them. Miko acted as a tour guide. The children enjoyed the ride and saw many planets. After that, they were sent back to home.

Meanwhile, Miko and his team also decided to go on the ride. Miko along with his team members went to outer space. The children also came with them. They were wandering when Doriko and Benjamin discovered a new planet, Titan. Firstly, Benjamin landed a robot to see what was inside that planet. However, they discovered that there was traces of living creatures on that planet. The planet had human beings The planet was just identical to earth with water. The fact that earth was too overcrowded, and therefore, some of the people from earth came to this planet.

Jim got a girl name, Mary there. He liked the place so that that he decided to reside there. Greta found that the schools there were awesome, so she also decided to stay there. The whole family decided to stay there for a year.

Jim danced with Mary in the ball of the college. The children became their good friends. At the ball party, the 5 children danced while their parents took photos to make it an indelible experience.

While Jim was about to go, Mary stopped him and told him about the problems on their planet and asked them to help.

Firstly, there was a gang called Himpat, which looted expensive items and was involved in robberies. Mary further added that her mother`s wedding ring got stolen by one of the members of Himpat gang. It was precious for her.

"Please help me!", Mary said. To this, Jim nodded. And Jim went to ask Uncle Benjamin for help. Benjamin readily agreed to help him. The children along with Benjamin went to the editor`s office. There, they found all the city maps and GPS locations. By using the small robot camera, they found all the locations where Himpat gang members were hiding.

Now, they traced the gang members. Benjamin called the whole Miko team. Because they wore the pendants, their skin shape, luster did not decrease these years. They were still active as they were 20 years ago. Jim explained everything to Miko, and he agreed to help.

One by one they started catching the gang members and handed them over to the police. Lastly, there was no Himpat gang members left. Still, they could not find the ring. They then decided to check the databases of the gang members. They found that the pendant had been sold to a rich merchant in another country.