
Reincarnated with Super Powers

Mikonimo Stills, a modern cat lives alone and is rich. After working hard in the news reporting channel, he is fast asleep. Then suddenly he gets a call from his friend to know that his wife has been kidnapped. Will Mikonimo save his friend`s wife and the whole world with the help of his family, friends, and relatives?

JanPan2007 · Fantasy
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50 Chs

Fight with a Big robot

When they reached England, they saw a big robot destroying buildings in England and was lashed with many weapons. They fired laser from their car, but it was of no use. Because the man in the robot had that kokigiro watch so he became moore powerful. He even attacked Miko and his team members. However, the green pendant worn by Miko absorbed all the energy and they were saved. It started shining brightly. Now, Miko when touched it and put it in towards that bot, the same energy was released and it severely damaged the robot. Despite of this, the watch restored it. Akira, the man in the robot had got the secret map made by that scientist and got the watch`s location. He now wanted to rule the world.

Akira, being severely powerful, used that watch and made use of all natural resources and threw it towards Miko. However, his green pendant released a green beam after absorbing all the enrgy that the robot started doing what the owner of the pendant would tell. Miko then used it to take out the watch from the robot. Before Akira could understand, the watch went flying towards Miko. And Akira was thrown out of the robot. Miko gave the watch to his big brother Doriko to wear. Now, both the brothers has super powers. They handed Akira to the cops and went home singing merrily.