
reincarnated with a vampire and Succubus bloodline + a system

They said slow Wi-Fi couldn't kill you...

Itachi101 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
37 Chs


4 days went by with Yami staying within the Camp. she began to train her magic within this time.

Yami, at the moment, was standing in front of the 10 demons. They looked coldly at yami before a contract appeared in front of Yami.

*host, you shouldn't trust them. They might kill you as soon as you free that demon.* the system said

'I know.' Yami said as she ignored the contact.

"I can't sign it," Yami said calmly, which made all of their eyes turn red.

"worry not, I just don't trust you. You might all attack me when I'm off guard. just give me the souls, and you all can watch me go free that demon." Yami said calmly

"... if you make one move, then you shall die." one of them said as hundreds of souls floated towards Yami.

Yami nodded as she took all of the souls into the system. she then lived towards where the demon was sealed.

Yami looked around. An army of demons surrounded her. Yami wasn't afraid of these demons. The only demons that could stand against her were the 10 demons.

Yami closed her eyes for a second before turning around. Her sword appeared in her hands, as it cut off the neck of one of the 10 strong demons.

She didn't stop there as she went on to throw a smoke boom onto the ground as she disappeared.

The demons ran into the smoke to find her, but Yami was nowhere to be seen. What they didn't notice was that a gray demon walked out of the group, and it slowly made its way out of the camp.

"haha, low-level demons are always dumb," Yami said as she turned back into her normal form and began running through the woods.

The spell Yami used was a transformation spell. Those demons had not ways to see through it.

After getting far away from the camp, yami took out Anna and woke her up. She had to knock her out to put her into the system storage.

Yami then had her pick her up, as they flew through the woods.

Soon they arrived at a forest where there wasn't any human. She went on to draw a magic formation on the ground.

This was the same magic formation that brought her into this world.

Yami then went on to offer souls and waited for demons to answer the call. Soon a low-level demon of the high stage entered appeared as he looked at Yami.

"This is a low-level world. I'm about to go to war with the humans. You can have 30% of the souls you get from the battlefield. you moat follow my orders, you agree?" Yami asked with her arms crossed in front of her.

"you most need an army badly if you are this nice." The demon said with a slight frown.

"no, I just don't feel like talking back and forth. you take it, or I can just look for another demon." Yami said with a shrug.

The demon hesitated for a moment before agreeing. A contact appeared in front of Yami, and the demon as they went on to sign their names.

After Signing it, Yami threw 5 souls at the demon, as they were the offering.

Yami then went on to summon 19 more low-level demons of the high stage. after which he had all of them began to summon their own demons.

One week went by, and Yami had an army of over 5 thousand demons following her. She could have gone for more, but she would have to feed them using her souls.

Yami had 10 of the strongest demons take an army to go attack a village together, while yami took the rest to face the large village. Although there were kingdoms, Yami didn't feel like facing them at the moment.

"demons," a guard yelled, seeing over 1 thousand demons flying towards the gate. Although it was light, the weird sounds demons made and how large they were made it easy for them to find them.

Many priests rushed out to try and hold the demons down, but there heads were cut off by a dark sword slash.

Yami calmly put the sword as a demon with a weird mouth, swallowed it, and flew back. That demon was a demon that would be called to every low-level world.

They are useful as they can store soul, and are among the fastest low-level demons. They are also really hard to kill, but they also are smart, so it cost a lot to hire one.

Yami walked in front of the village wall as she punched it, the large wall school before cracks ran all over it. And with another punch, it fell down.

'there was a magic spell to strengthen this call.' Yami thought calmly

"Kill," Yami said as the demons rushed through the hole she made. She slowly entered the village as she watched the many souls that were floating around.

'I think we can continue to the next village before the sun comes up.' Yami thought with as she killed the few humans that were trying to escape. She then took their souls into the system.

This could be said to be cheating the contact, but he didn't care.

The battle went on for a few hours, and After it all done, the low demons kept 40% of the souls they and the demons under them killed and gave the rest to Yami.

With this game got over 1 thousand souls.

"how many did we lose?" Yami asked Anna.

"We lost 500 low demons of the low stage and 28 demons of the med stage. many others are badly injured and can't fight." Anna said calmly.

"then leave that to the demons of the high stage to deal with. go get me the bodies. You can keep a part of it." yami said calmly as Anna left.

*host, you now have over 2,648 souls, do you wish to buy something?* the system asked

'go on to fuse all of my souls into B grade souls.' Yami said calmly.

*host, should that.

5 D grade souls= 1 C grade

25 D garden souls = 1 B Grade soul.* the system said calmly.

*also, there is a 50% chance that D Grade items would fail in the fusion and a 25% chance that a B grade item would fail.* the system said

'the item I want cost over 12 thousand low-grade souls. For now, I will continue to save.' Yami said calmly