
Chapter 383

Cain notices that the gnomes are still in the staging area looking over their mangled robot when the final set of the concert ends, so he makes his way down out of the stands to go see them. They seem to be having a deeply involved discussion on the input lag of the command system and the capacity of the shielding system, with each of them blaming the other for the failure.

For what it's worth, Cain is on the side of blaming the input lag, because if the robot was attacking and blocking at the proper times it could have defeated the bear without taking nearly as many hits and overloading the shielding system.

The field has been swarmed with spectators going to see the victors and congratulate them on their performance, wishing them well in the finals two days from now.

"Gentlemen, might you have a moment for a potential customer?" Cain asks with a big smile.