
Reincarnated Into MHA With Two Quirks

[Author Note: Rewrite of REINCARNATED INTO MHA WITH A MIMIC QUIRK] Amber Faye dies in a car crash. Upon her death she is give a second chance at life in My Hero Academia. She is given 5 wishes along with her quirk 'Quirk Collection'. Amber was already a fan of MHA before she had died and she had a huge crush on the MC Izuku Midoriya. Amber wishes to be the younger twin sister of Momo Yaoyorozu. Amber first meets Izuku at the entrance of the UA Entrance exam, and after Deku hurts himself by using One For All carelessly she saves him, then she uses her second quirk Full Healing to heal him and falls unconscious. When she woke up to find All Might, Deku, Recovery girl talking about her and when they noticed she was awake she told them her past after that she told AM that AFO wasn't gone. Knowing that the exam had two different point counts she gets a higher score then Katsuki Bakugo, and she gets into class 1-A and she became UA's first years representative. She replaces the purple pervert who made the mistake of touching Amber she made a complaint after the exam telling Principal Nezu that he had touched her and other girls saying that if UA accepts him that they better start getting ready for lawsuits on him for sexual harassment, this is how she gets him taken out. Follow Amber in her adventures to change the story of MHA with Deku, her twin sister Momo and the rest of class 1-A. [Author Note II: I don't own My Hero Academia or the original characters. I only own the female character and this story.] [Author Note III: My original work of 'Reincarnated Into MHA With Two Quirks' is on the Wattpad app or the Wattpad website reading this book on Wattpad will give you a better understanding cuz it allows you to write your own stories, add and watch YouTube videos, and add and look at photos and/or images. You can also text the people who find your book interesting.]

MoonFairy425 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
16 Chs

CHAPTER 10: Introductions, UA Meeting, And Endeavor Getting A Beat Down

After my speech and all the other classes went back inside Mr. Aizawa made everyone take the test except for me when they were done he showed us the results,

[Author Note: I'm just going to show the top 5 and last place cuz I don't know the order.]

1) Shouto Todoroki

2) Katsuki Bakugo

3) Izuku Midoriya

4) Momo Yaoyorozu

5) Ochaco Uraraka






20) Hitoshi Shinso

"Oh and I lied about the whole expelling thing." Mr. Aizawa said,

"Yeah right Mr. Aizawa last year you expelled the class cause they didn't show any potential, in other words you can see the potential in us am I correct, and don't say I'm expelled unless you want Recovery Girl messing you up, you got that I also have Principal Nezu backing me up as well." I said, looking at the look of admiration on his face,

"Dang kid, you really know how to pull my plug don't you." Mr. Aizawa said,

"Well everyone you can go back to the classroom and introduce yourself and what you're quirk is and what's it can do. I'm going to sleep don't disturbed me." Mr. Aizawa said, as we followed him back,

Once we got back to class we introduced ourselves when it was my I walked up front.

"Hi I'm Amber Faye Yaoyorozu younger twin sister of Momo Yaoyorozu, please call me Amber or Amber Faye. I have two quirks, my first quirk is called Quirk Collection: it has 4 ways it can be used but the whole thing will be too much to say so in short I can give, make, use, and combine any quirk as well as make quirk powered items called Miraculous this necklace here is one and in order to make a Miraculous I must also make a Kwame Tipp can you show yourself please," I said, everyone was silent for a moment, suddenly a small voice was heard,

"Sorry Amber I'm a little scared." Tipp said,

"Tipp there is nothing to scared of I'm here to and if you don't go then I will go in your place." Tinn said,

"Come on Tipp Amber's waiting." Deku said, that seemed to help her, suddenly a white and purple blurr zoomed behind me,

"Tipp no one will hurt you here." I said,

"Okay if you say so." Tipp said, she then slowly comes out suddenly all the girls squealed at Tipp cuz she was so cute,

"She's so cute."

"She reminds me of a cute plushie ribbit."

"What her quirk you gave her?"

"I want to hold her."

"I think I'm going to faint from cuteness overload."

"She's quiet cute but who was she talking to other Midoriya?"

"Guys come down your scaring her." Momo said,

"Thanks sis, now before I answer your questions I need Deku up here as well so Deku can you come up as well?" I asked,

"S-sure Amber." He said, when he was next to me I whispered "Are your Kwamies here blink twice as yes." He blinked twice,

"The reason I called Deku up here is so I can show you three other Kwamies I made you guys can come out now." I said, suddenly three blurs came out of Deku's hair,

"The purple butterfly is Nooroo." I said,

"Hello." Nooroo said,

"The red and black dragon is Longg."

"Hello children." Longg said,

"And the one that looks like Tipp is Tinn he's the second oldest and Tipp's the youngest of the three Telea Kwamies." I said,

"Amber I have a question what does a Miraculous do exactly ribbit?" Tsu asked,

"Well I guess there isn't any harm in showing you guys, so here it goes Tipp Portal Open!" I said, and I transform into Shadow Panther,

"So in this form I'm Shadow Panther I have the ability to make a portal to anywhere, observe." I said, and open a portal where the whole class can see that I made a portal to Paris, France,

"Mona masa it's my home." Aoyama said,

Suddenly one person jumped close by and saw me, I switched my language to English,

"Big brother Millen how's Paris treating you?" I asked,

"Hey there little kitten it's fine but you have to come visit and please call me Cat Noir and your sister Ladybug okay." Cat Noir said, I nodded my head I waved goodbye and he did the same but before he left he threw me two small boxes with my name and Momo's name on them,

"Me and your sister didn't get a chance to see you on you and your sister's birthday and those are from us Happy Birthday gals." He said before jumping away, after he was gone I closed the portal,

"Tipp Close Portal." I said, after I detransform I turned back to the class,

"Now I'll tell you what my second quirk is, it's called Full Healing: I can instantly heal any injury, as long as I drink or eat a certain Food Group will depend on how fast my healing is with fruits being the fastest and sweets being the slowest." I said this and sat down, I then passed Momo her gift from big brother Millen.

Soon it was the end of the day as we were getting our stuff together,

"Can Amber Faye Yaoyorozu, Shouto Todoroki, and Izuku Midoriya come to the Principal's office please." The speakers said,

I looked at Todoroki and Deku and nodded we walked out and went to the Principal Nezu's office,

"Guys step to the side please. Knowing Mr. Nezu sometimes throws sharp objects at people who come in after knocking, just trust me." I said, they nodded and stepped to the side, I knocked on the door,

"Come in." I opened the door and as I expected a knife was thrown at me I caught it mid air inbetween my index finger and middle finger,

"Bravo, bravo, Amber that's how everyone should han..." Mr. Nezu didn't get to finish cuz as fast as lightning the knife appeared super close to his head it made a small cut on his cheek, leaving him flabbergasted,

"Mr. Nezu can we go now what I have to discuss with the pros is important, and I don't think we should keep them waiting." I said,

"Yes I understand." He said, jumping down from his seat he walked over to me, knowing that he normal has Mr. Aizawa carrying him in his capture scarf,

"Creation." I whispered, I then created a capture scarf around my neck as well as a chessboard with it's own AI with a IQ a little higher than Mr. Nezu,

"Mr. Nezu, do you want me to carry you I made Mr. Aizawa's capture scarf..." before I could finish Mr. Nezu started climbing into it,

"Thanks Amber, oh and is this a AI chessboard?" Mr. Nezu said,

"Yes, I made the AI have an IQ of 303 to give you a little change. Consider it a early Christmas gift from me you can also you can increase the AI's IQ with the dials on the side." I said,

"Ahahahaha, miss Amber your my favorite student you know that right if you weren't Recovery Girl's Student I would have took you in as my student already cuz I'm looking for a successor of my own but Recovery Girl wanted you now I have to find someone who can exceed my expectations, like you have." Mr. Nezu said,

"I'm pretty sure Deku can do that Mr. Nezu." I said,

"Who?" Mr. Nezu asked,

"Izuku Midoriya, Deku is his nickname he said I could call him." I said,

"Why do you think he can exceed my expectations?" Mr. Nezu asked, as we started walking to the conference room,

"He's a quick learner, great at analyzing quirks, and can give you a full detailed analysis of a pro hero's quirk. What they could do to improve their quirk, and what kind of support equipment they could use to improve their hero work. He evens brings a notebook everywhere with him. Hey Deku how many quirk analysis notebooks have you made so far?" I asked, "Take a right"

"Um... I'm on my 20th one right now, but I had to redo it cuz Kacchan messed up the original one, why do you ask?" Deku asked,

"My, my, Mr. Midoriya do you mind if I have a quick look at the notebook you have with you and who is this Kacchan?" Mr. Nezu asked, "Take a left here"

"Umm... S-s-sure I guess and Kacchan is Katsuki Bakugo. Kacchan is a nickname I gave him when he started calling me Deku when we were kids." Deku said, he then opened his backpack and pulled out his Hero Analysis For The Future No.20 Remake notebook and passed it to Mr. Nezu. "Take another left"

I could hear Mr. Nezu muttering. I caught him saying "Yes I agree," "Wow didn't think of that," "That would come in handy," "Yes he could tried that," was only a few of the things I heard Mr. Nezu say. "Take the elevator the passcode is 69474 5th floor"

After awhile he popped back out and handed Deku back his notebook, which Deku took back and placed it back inside his backpack, "Take a right here"

"So Mr. Nezu what do you think? Was I right or was I wrong?" I asked,

"Miss Amber I must agree Mr. Midoriya's quirk analyses are quite remarkable! So Mr. Midoriya would you like to become my student after school is over for an hour and a half or how ever long you want?" Mr. Nezu asked, "Take a left here"

"May I ask what you will teach me?" Deku asked,

"No I won't teach you I'm allowing you to look at the quirks of the UA students and teachers and you can give me a report on how they can improve here before the students go pro, and what the teachers can do and use to improve in their hero work. Let's start with Ms. Nemuri Kayama what do you think she can do or use to improve her Sleeping Gas quirk?" Mr. Nezu asked, "Take a right"

"Who?" Deku asked,

"He's talking about Ms. Midnight Deku." I said,

"Oh, can I be honest?" Deku asked,

"Of course I won't judge." Mr. Nezu said, "Take another right"

"Well I know that her hero costume was made so she could tear it, but a villain could expose her, plus she has a mid and close range type quirk and isn't very good with long range attacker, but I think that if she had a support item that could suck in her Sleeping Gas, and when she meets a long range attacker villain she can squeeze it then throw it at the villain and it will go off at their feet and knock them unconscious. "Take a left"

I don't know why she didn't think of this before, then there is her whip she can ask for it to have a hollow center with the tip able to open when slapped forward and close back seconds later. "Take another left and we'll come to the conference room door"

She can fill her sleeping gas through the handle and use pressurized air to allow her gas to shot out like a gun." Deku said, once he was finished we had made it to the conference room.

Nezu Jumped down and I opened the door for him he went in and we followed him inside, once we entered the room went silent all the teachers were sitting down and some of the people were standing.

Those people are Endeavor, Gang Orca, Sir Nighteye, Edgeshot, Mirko, Hawks, Fat Gum, and the Big Three.

The pro heroes Hawks and Fat Gum were eating. Hawks was eating a bucket of KFC chicken and Fat Gum was eating Takoyaki.

"Good everyone is here, now the reason I called you all here is important now Ms. Amber Faye Yaoyorozu, tell us why you asked me to bring everyone here." Mr. Nezu said,

"Yes si..." but I was cut off by the flaming trashcan Endeavor,

"So we were summoned here by a brat! I don't have time for this I'm leaving." Endeavor said and started to leave

"Endeavor I wouldn't do that if I were you." Detective Tsukauchi said,

"And why not!?" Endeavor said,

"If you don't want to end up life behind bars and lose your number 2 hero spot for abusing your family, Toya Todoroki, Shoto Todoroki then I suggest you stay!" I said with bolling angry, releasing a massive amount of killing intent on him, making him back away,

"What!? How!?" He said looking at me in fear and anger,

"Do what I suggest or prepare for the consequences!" I said, increasing the amount of killing intent on him, at this point he fell on his ass, and was crawling back all anger was gone and all that was left was fear,

"Phffffff...hahahahaha, Amber you were right in bringing me here seeing my old man like that is hilarious. I hope someone got that on camera." Shouto said, laughing but I keep my focus on the piece of flaming trash,

"O-o-okay." He said, after he said that I released him from my killing intent,

"Now as I was about to say, first Detective Tsukauchi I need you to confirm everything I have to say with your quirk Truth you don't mind." I said,

[Author note: underlined words mean a quirk is being used.]

"How do you know what my quirk is?" Detective Tsukauchi asked,

"Because I'm a reincarnated person and I have all my memories from my past life before I came here. Now is what I said true or not? Because I think some people here don't believe me." I said,

"Well Detective is what she said true?" Sir Nighteye asked, everyone else looked at the Detective waiting for his answer,

"Yes what she said is indeed true." He said,

"This and many more reasons is why I asked Principal Nezu to summon you here. Now before I answer questions I have a lot of things that I want to change what may happened this year but the first thing I want to do is I want Mr. Yagi to come up here." I said, Mr. Yagi got up and stood next to me

"Mr. Yagi if you don't mind can you lift up your shirt please." I said, he nodded understanding that I wanted him to show where his injury use to be, pulling up his shirt he showed everyone his now healed gut, seeing this three people who knew who he really is, had a face of disbelief,

"Only a few know this but Mr. Yagi here used to have a unhealble injury where he lost his whole stomach, and only had a few more years to live before I healed him. Thank you Mr. Yagi you can sit back down." I said, he smiled and nodded,

"Telepathy." I whispered,

'Shouto do I have permission to share your memories of what you went through, but I'm warning you now that you will see this it may get a little uncomfortable but remember that you aren't alone, so are you ready to put your old man on the chopping block?' I asked telepathly,

'I've been ready since you told me about this meeting.' He said,

'Well I'll need to touch you to share your memories with everyone, I'll place a hand on your shoulder.' I said,

"Now next is Endeavor as I said he is abusing his own family, and he made his oldest son Toya Todoroki run away and he is now on his way to becoming a villain calling himself Dabi because Endeavor beat him everyday just to make him a tool or weapon just to beat All Might but after Endeavor saw he wasn't good enough he called him worthless and a failure, before I continue Shouto can you stand next to me please." I said, he nodded after I placed my hand on his shoulder I continued,

"Shared Memories when Shouto Todoroki got his quirks Endeavor came after him and started beating him and keeping him away from his older siblings saying that he wasn't allowed to interact with the 'failure' then one day his mother Rin Todoroki tried to stop Endeavor from beating Shouto but the man backed handed her right in front of Shouto. Later Shouto went to check on her in the kitchen, she was on the phone, and was bolling water in a tea kennel, Shouto asked her if she was okay but she wasn't in a sane state of mind Endeavor had broken her and she poured the boiling water onto Shouto, but after realizing what she had done she started asking Shouto to forgive her, after that Endeavor sent her to a mental hospital, after realizing what Endeavor did Toya ran away, and when Shouto found out he told Endeavor that he was the reason for what happened to him not his mom's, after that Shouto swore that he would never use his father's side of power." I said, and as I said this I showed everyone Shouto's memories, once I was finished speaking I removed my hand from Shouto's shoulder,

"Now I ask all of you dose Enji Todoroki deserve the right to be a hero much less a father after everything he has done?" I asked, suddenly a white blur shot towards Endeavor and made contact with his face, the blur landed to revile the Rabbit Hero Mirko, who started beating the hell out of Endeavor,

"You some of bitch, you're no hero you bastard if anything your a dame Villain asshole!!!" Mirko yelled,

Endeavor tried to fight back but his quirk was erased by Eraserhead who joined Mirko in fighting

"For once I agree with crazy Rabbit you don't deserve to be a hero or a father, problem child you mind making a portal outside." He said,

"Sure Mr. Aizawa, Portal Maker." I said, making a portal to outside next to them,

"Thank kid anyone else want in on beating this bastards ass?" Mirko asked,

"Count me in kid." Gran Torino said jet flying through the portal sending a kick at Endeavor flaming balls making Endeavor scream like a girl,

"Good one old man!" Mirko said joining him,

"Grr count me in." Tiger said running through,

"Arroooo!" Hound Dog howled following after them,

"*Clickchirpclickclickchirpchirpclick!!*" Gang Orca chirped angrily, (Translation: I'm sending him to hell no one should ever hurt a child!!!)

"Anyone else can join right now until they come back I will wait." I said, when I said this Ryukyu, Mandalay, Pixie Bob, Ragdoll, Midnight, and President Mic ran through the portal and joined in beating Endeavor ass,

"Mr. Todoroki is what Amber said true?" Detective Tsukauchi asked,

"Yes! All of its true, so can you please put him behind bars I don't want to see that disgusting man again he can rot in Taurus for all I care!!" Shouto said I started to see him crying I pulled him into a hug, and he accepted it fully, I walked him over to the empty couch and I sat down with him Deku sat down next to me,

"It's going to be okay Todo..." but he cut me off,

"Don't call me that!! Shouto is fine I don't want to use his name anymore I'm fine with it just being Shouto." He shouted,

"Shouto let it all out, let it out." I said softly rubbing his back, and he did he didn't calm down until a little before all the pros came back with a beaten Endeavor in quirk suppression cuffs,

"Thanks *sniff* Amber I really *sniff* needed that." Shouto said,

"Shouto you reminded me of my little brother from my last family so of course I'd help you as a matter of fact I think I should give you something SUMMONING OF MY MIRACLE BOX!" I said, draping into my lap was my Miracle Box that had has every Miraculous I had ever made inside it.

[Author note: There's a magic keypad on the top with numbers 0-9 inputting a curtain set of numbers will open a slot with a single small box will be.]

I typed 5488532768437 (littlebrother), then press enter and a slot open in the front and revealed a smaller box inside the slot taking the box out the slot closed on it's own.

I then placed the Miraculous's box in Shoto's hand,

"Shoto accepts this as a gift from me as both an older sister and a friend." I said,

Shoto opened the box and the green Dragon Kwami flew out then around him before stopping in front of him,

"Hello Dragon Prince Of Ice And Fire I'm the Dragon Kwami of Peace Making and Nature HansBane." HansBane said,

"Amber what did he mean by Dragon Prince Of Ice and Fire?" Shouto asked,

"He was speaking of what he has seen in your heart and your quirks." I said,

"So I have a heart of a Dragon Prince what's that suppose to mean?" Shouto asked confused,

"It means you have the strength and heart of a Dragon and you have the status of Royalty. Young Shouto." All Might said,

"Indeed. It does." Principal Nezu said,

"Put on the Dragon pendant, Shouto." Deku said, Shouto took the dragon shaped pendant and put it on his right chest side.

"What is your name Dragon Prince Of Ice And Fire?" HansBane asked,

"Shouto, just Shouto." Shouto said,

"Okay Shouto to transform say HansBane Bring Peace! and to detransform say HansBane Peace Made!" HansBane said,

"HansBane Bring Peace!" Shouto said, he then transform into a small sized Dragon.

"What the heck he turned into a Dragon!?" Everyone yelled out, Shouto looked down at himself and jumped onto me,

"What the...Amber what's going on why do I look like this!?" Dragon Shouto roared,

"Calm down Shouto you can change back remember." I said, with a sigh

"Oh right sorry, HansBane Peace Made!" Shouto said, and he returned back to normal.