
Reincarnated in the Vtuber World

Haruto Elric, a 24-year-old struggling with post-graduation woes on Earth, finds comfort in the world of VTubers. Inspired by these digital personalities, he decides to become a VTuber himself, creating a unique avatar with the help of talented artists. Just as he's about to make his debut, a heroic act leads to a life-altering accident. Awakening in a mysterious world unlike his own, Astro embarks on an unexpected adventure filled with magic, challenges, and new friends. Join him as he navigates this unfamiliar realm, discovering his true potential and uncovering secrets that could change everything.

Qliczy · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Unfortunate accident (remade)

I'm Haruto Elric, 24 years old and already feeling like I've lived a lifetime. Just a year ago, I am walking across the stage, a university graduate with a head full of dreams and a heart set on making something big of myself. I am going to be someone. But here I am, a waiter at the Gourmet Galaxy, and those dreams feel like they're slipping through my fingers.

Chef Romsay doesn't care about my degree or my aspirations. To him, I'm just another pair of hands, another cog in the machine that keeps his culinary empire running. He's ruthless, a tyrant in the kitchen, and every shift is a battle to meet his impossible standards.

"Elric, move faster! These dishes aren't going to serve themselves," he snaps at me that night, and I can feel that familiar surge of frustration. I hate this job, hate the way it's nothing like what I want for myself. But hate doesn't pay the rent, and so I bite back the anger and push on.

I remember sitting in my dorm room, dreaming of the future. I am going to change the world, make a dent in the universe. Now, the only thing I'm changing is tablecloths, and the only dent I'm making is in the pile of dirty dishes at the end of the night.

But there's a fire in me that even Romsay can't extinguish. I'm a graduate, damn it. I've got a mind that's hungry for more than just taking orders and dodging the chef's temper tantrums. I've got plans, even if they're on hold for now.

The weight of the coins in my pocket feels like a promise as I leave the Gourmet Galaxy behind for the day. It isn't just the physical heft that gives me a sense of satisfaction; it's the knowledge that each one represents a step closer to my goal. After two years of balancing trays and textbooks, my savings have finally reached the number that will turn my vision into a virtual reality.

VTubers, or virtual YouTubers, have carved out a niche in the entertainment world, blending anonymity with personality. They're performers who live in the digital realm, their identities crafted from pixels and creativity rather than flesh and bone. Some are backed by companies, enjoying the support and resources that come with corporate backing. Others, like the path I'm about to tread, are independents—indies who build their presence from the ground up.

The price tags for these digital alter egos can be steep, scaling from the modestly priced but rigid models to the premium avatars that promise fluidity and expression worth every penny. I have scrimped and saved, counting every tip, to gather enough for a model that won't just mimic life but feels like it.

As I unlock the door to my apartment, the familiar buzz of the city fades into the background. My pc hums to life, and I begin the search. The internet is a treasure trove of talent—artists and riggers whose skill can breathe life into the lines and colors of my avatar. I scour portfolios, marveling at the range of styles and expressions, each creator offering a unique window into this world.

I draft messages, inquiries that I hope will lead to collaborations. With each sent email, I feel a surge of anticipation. This is it—the beginning of Astro's journey from a concept to a character that can captivate an audience. My thoughts race with potential: the stories I'd tell, the games I'd play, the community I'd build. It is all within reach now, and the excitement is palpable.

Tonight, I am not just a waiter. I am a soon-to-be entertainer, a dreamer on the edge of realization. And as I hit 'send' on the last email, I know that the next chapter of my life is just a reply away.

After a day or two, I get replies from a few artists who are willing to make my avatar. And then after another few days, I even get a concept with the wishes I asked for.

I sit before my pc, a grin spreading across my face as I take in the sight of my digital self. There he is, Astro, not just a figment of my imagination anymore but a fully realized persona. Standing tall at 6'2", he is everything I envisioned and more. The scarf around his neck, a vibrant splash of color, is the perfect accessory to his ensemble. His deep blue eyes, intense and inviting, promise stories of adventure and camaraderie. And that hair, styled just right, adds to his charismatic presence.

My reflection boasts a muscular build, accentuated by the sleek black coat that hangs from my shoulders. It is more than just clothing; it is a statement, a declaration of the confidence and strength I feel within. The white shirt underneath is the finishing touch, simple in its elegance but bold in its contrast.

The days leading up to my debut stream are a blur of excitement and nerves. I have invested in the best camera I could afford, knowing that the quality of my stream is paramount. Hours slip away as I adjust lighting, test microphones, and run through my content plan over and over. I make announcements and ads on Twitter, TikTok, and YouTube. It gets more likes than I thought. And many people are waiting for the debut. I want everything to be perfect, to make sure that when I hit 'live,' I'd capture the hearts of viewers from the very first moment.

As the countdown to the big night ticks away, I find myself caught in a whirlwind of anticipation. This is it, the culmination of years of dreaming and months of planning. I am ready to step into the spotlight, to share my passion and personality with the world.

Every test stream, every tweak to the overlay, every sound check is a step closer to that inaugural broadcast. I can almost hear the virtual cheers of an audience I have yet to meet, feel the warmth of a community that is waiting to welcome Astro with open arms.

This is more than just a debut; it is the beginning of a journey I have been dreaming of since I first learned what a VTuber is. And as I go to bed the night before the stream, I know that no matter what happens, I have already succeeded. Because I have dared to dream, dared to try, and dared to believe.

My heart is pounding with happiness as I make my way through the bustling streets, the new camera that will capture my VTuber debut just within reach. The air is filled with the usual city sounds, but to me, it is a symphony of beginnings, each step a note in the melody of my new life.

Then, in a split second, everything changes. A child's laughter cuts through the noise, followed by a gasp of collective fear. Time seems to stretch and warp as I see the little one dart into the road, right into the path of an oncoming truck. Instinct takes over. There is no choice to make; I lunge forward, every muscle in my body tensing for the impact.

The world goes silent, save for the screech of tires and the rush of my own blood in my ears. Then, darkness.

When I come to, the silence persists, but it is different—deeper, more profound. My eyes open to a landscape that defies logic, a place where the very air shimmers with energy I can neither explain nor understand. I sit up, my head spinning.

Confusion gives way to awe as the realization dawns on me: I am no longer in the world I know. This is not the city I have navigated a thousand times, not the path I have tread every day. This is something else, something… more.

For those who already seen this chapter. I made the chapter more detailed and longer. And now instead of someone that is telling I made it so that it looks more from Astro perspective.

For those who are new. Im re-making every chapter . This is my debut story so I knew I would make some mistakes. And welcome too if your new.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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