
Reincarnated in the Vtuber World

Haruto Elric, a 24-year-old struggling with post-graduation woes on Earth, finds comfort in the world of VTubers. Inspired by these digital personalities, he decides to become a VTuber himself, creating a unique avatar with the help of talented artists. Just as he's about to make his debut, a heroic act leads to a life-altering accident. Awakening in a mysterious world unlike his own, Astro embarks on an unexpected adventure filled with magic, challenges, and new friends. Join him as he navigates this unfamiliar realm, discovering his true potential and uncovering secrets that could change everything.

Qliczy · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Battlegrounds and Revelations (remade)

The morning sun is barely peeking over the horizon when I wake up, the events of the previous day replaying in my mind. I stretch, feeling the aches and bruises from the battle with the bandits. The bed is surprisingly comfortable, a stark contrast to the harshness of the desert outside. I push myself up, determined to face whatever comes next.

Descending the stairs, I find Tricky already awake, her wings neatly bandaged but still bearing the marks of the gunshot. She meets my gaze, her eyes softening with curiosity.

"Morning," she says.

"Morning," I reply.

"I have a question," she says. "So, Astro, how did you end up here?" Her voice is gentle yet probing.

I hesitate, taking a deep breath as memories of my former life flood back. "It's a winding path," I begin, my voice a mix of nostalgia and uncertainty. "After graduating from university, I was hoping to land a great job, but instead, I found myself trapped in a dead-end job at a restaurant with a boss straight out of a nightmare."

Tricky nods sympathetically, her eyes reflecting understanding. "Life has a way of throwing curveballs at us, doesn't it?"

I smile wistfully. "It sure does. But then, I stumbled upon the world of VTubers. They became my escape, my inspiration. I felt a connection, a sense of belonging. So, I decided to become a VTuber myself. With the help of some talented artists, my VTuber avatar came to life."

Tricky's eyes sparkle with interest. "And then?"

"Tonight was supposed to be my debut stream," I continue, a hint of sadness creeping into my voice. "I was on my way to pick up a new camera when I saw a kid in danger. Without thinking, I rushed to save him. The next thing I knew, I woke up here, in this unfamiliar desert."

Tricky pats my shoulder gently, her expression comforting. "That's quite the journey."

Our conversation is interrupted by a deafening explosion, sending shockwaves through the air. Rushing outside, we are met with a chilling sight: bandits surrounding the pyramid. This time, they brought catapults too.

The desert stretches out before me, an endless sea of sand and sun. I stand with Tricky as the bandits circle us like vultures.

I take a deep breath, feeling the weight of the situation. "Yeah, I'm ready," I reply, my voice more confident than I feel.

The bandits attack, their movements predictable to my trained eye. I have no magic, no superpowers—just my mind and my fists. I duck and weave, each move calculated, each step deliberate. I see Tricky out of the corner of my eye, her magic a whirlwind of destruction. She calls upon "The Cursed Sands," and spectral hands rise from the ground, ensnaring our foes.

I use the distraction to my advantage, disarming one bandit with a swift strike to his wrist, then sending another tumbling with a well-placed kick. Tricky's "Razor Sand Rings" fly past me, her control over the elements a sight to behold.

We fight back-to-back, a seamless team. Her magic and my strategy are in perfect sync, and one by one, the bandits fall until none remain.

After the battle, I climb the pyramid, my muscles aching, my breath heavy. I find Tricky there, her gaze distant. "We did it," I say, joining her side.

"It could've been better," Tricky admits. "The bandits never came this close to the pyramid before. Something's changed."

"What do you think happened?" I ask, my curiosity piqued.

Tricky sighs, her expression troubled. "I'm not sure."

Tricky suddenly goes quickly inside the pyramid while telling me to wait here.

As the sun climbs higher, casting a golden glow over the dunes, I, Haruto, stand atop the pyramid, the wind whispering secrets of ancient times. The view is breathtaking, a vast canvas of shifting sands and time-worn stones. It is a moment of peace, a stark contrast to the chaos that just happened.

The sun has climbed a little higher by the time Tricky returns, her arms laden with clothing for our journey. "Astro," she says, her voice carrying a note of gratitude, "you've earned my trust. You helped me when I was vulnerable, and for that, I'll help you navigate this world."

I watch her. "I appreciate it, Tricky," I reply, accepting the clothes she offers. "I'm not sure how I ended up here, but I'm glad to have you as an ally."

She nods, "I have a friend with crazy ideas and theories who might shed some light on your situation. We should head to her place."

As she speaks, Tricky moves with a swift grace back into the pyramid. I take a moment to don the hoodie, its fabric unfamiliar yet oddly comforting. It is a tangible connection to this strange new reality, a symbol of the journey ahead.

When Tricky reemerges, she is a vision of readiness, her resolve as clear as the desert sky. "Let's not waste any more time," she urges.

Tricky turns to her ghostly guardians, their ethereal forms flickering in the daylight. "Xiboo, Cupid, Chillaboo, Spoodle, Diaboo," she addresses them, her tone firm yet affectionate. "Guard our home. If danger approaches, send me a sign."

The ghosts bob in the air.

With a wave of her hand, Tricky utters the incantation, "Terra Submergo," and the pyramid begins to sink, the sands swallowing it whole. It is a sight to behold, the magic of this world never ceasing to amaze me.

"Come on, Haruto!" Tricky calls, already a few paces ahead. "We don't have all day!"

I take one last look at the disappearing pyramid and hurry after her.

And with that, we set off into the unknown, the promise of answers and new horizons calling us forward.

As we journey across the desert, the landscape begins to change, the golden sands giving way to rocky outcrops and sparse vegetation. The air grows cooler, and the oppressive heat of the desert starts to fade. We walk in silence, each lost in our thoughts.

Finally, as the sun begins to set, we arrive at a small oasis nestled between towering cliffs. Palm trees sway gently in the breeze, and a crystal-clear pool of water sparkles invitingly. I look around, taking in the serene beauty of the place.

"We'll rest here for the night," Tricky says, her voice breaking the silence.

I nod. As we set up a small camp, I can't help but reflect on the surreal nature of our journey. This world is strange and dangerous, but it is also filled with possibilities. With Tricky by my side, I feel ready to face whatever challenges lie ahead.

Another remade chapter.

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