
Reincarnated in the Vtuber Verse

Haruto Elric, a 24-year-old struggling with post-graduation woes on Earth, finds comfort in the world of VTubers. Inspired by these digital personalities, he decides to become a VTuber himself, creating a unique avatar with the help of talented artists. Just as he's about to make his debut, a heroic act leads to a life-altering accident. Awakening in a mysterious world unlike his own, Astro embarks on an unexpected adventure filled with magic, challenges, and new friends. Join him as he navigates this unfamiliar realm, discovering his true potential and uncovering secrets that could change everything.

Qliczy · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

The Road to the City: Journey to the Underground Metropolis (remade)

The morning sun barely peeks over the horizon when we set off again, leaving the oasis behind. The desert gradually gives way to dense jungle, the verdant foliage casting dappled shadows on the forest floor. The humid air hangs heavy with the sounds of chirping insects and rustling leaves. With each step, we venture deeper into the heart of the wilderness.

The path is fraught with danger as we encounter hostile creatures lurking in the undergrowth. Haters emerge from the shadows, their twisted forms blending seamlessly with the dense foliage as they launch relentless attacks. My martial prowess is put to the test as I deftly dodge their strikes, delivering precise blows that send the creatures reeling.

Meanwhile, Tricky conjures swirling flames of purple and black, her spells weaving intricate patterns in the air as she unleashes torrents of fire upon our foes. The flames dance with a fierce intensity, consuming everything in their path as they incinerate the haters with ruthless efficiency.

"Tricky, no!" I shout as the flames engulf the forest, the heat pressing against my skin. "You can't use fire here; you'll burn the whole jungle down!"

Tricky's eyes widen in realization, and she quickly extinguishes the flames, a look of guilt crossing her face. "I'm sorry, Astro. I didn't think about that one."

Despite the odds stacked against us, we press on, our determination unwavering as we fight tooth and nail to reach our goal. The haters continue their assaults, but we fend them off with a combination of strategy and raw skill.

Hours pass, each one feeling like an eternity, until finally, we stumble upon a hidden jungle temple nestled deep within the heart of the forest. The ancient structure is covered in moss and vines, its stone walls etched with intricate carvings that seem to tell a story of a time long past.

The carvings catch my eye immediately. As Tricky searches for the entrance, I step closer to the wall, my fingers tracing the worn lines of the carvings. The images depict an ancient civilization, their figures bowing in reverence to a towering deity. I squint, trying to make sense of the story told through these weathered stones.

The figures seem to be engaged in rituals, offering what looks like food and treasures to the god. Their postures and expressions convey a sense of awe and devotion. Despite the intricacy of the carvings, the meaning of the story eludes me. All I can gather is that these people worshipped this god deeply, and their lives revolved around this divine being.

"What are you looking at?" Tricky's voice breaks my concentration. She's standing a few feet away, her eyes scanning the temple's facade.

"It looks like this place was built by an ancient civilization that worshipped some kind of god," I reply, stepping back from the wall. "But I can't make out much more than that."

Tricky nods, her expression thoughtful. "These temples often hold secrets and powerful artifacts. If we can find the entrance, we might discover something that can help us."

She resumes her search, her hands brushing aside vines and moss as she examines the stone walls. I join her, our movements careful and deliberate. The air is thick with the scent of earth and foliage, and the distant calls of jungle creatures create an eerie backdrop to our task.

The temple is a marvel of ancient architecture, its weathered stone walls adorned with intricate carvings and glyphs that speak of a bygone era. Tricky's keen eye for detail uncovers a hidden button concealed amongst the vines. With a quick press, a mechanism is triggered, causing a massive elevator to emerge from the ground.

"Found it!" Tricky exclaims, her eyes sparkling with excitement. She points to the elevator as it rises, its stone surface etched with more ancient symbols. "There's our way in."

We step onto the elevator, and with a shudder, it begins to descend, taking us deeper into the earth. The walls of the shaft rush past us, the cool air inside the temple a stark contrast to the humid jungle outside. After what feels like an eternity, the elevator comes to a halt, and we step out into a vast underground chamber.

As we move forward, the chamber opens up, revealing a sprawling underground city. Towering skyscrapers loom overhead, their surfaces covered in bioluminescent plants that cast an ethereal glow over the metropolis. The city is bustling with life, filled with demi-humans of all shapes and sizes going about their daily lives.

I can't help but stare in awe at the sight before us. "This is incredible," I whisper, my voice filled with wonder.

Tricky nods, her eyes wide with amazement. "I've never seen anything like it," she admits. "This city must have been hidden for centuries."

We move through the streets, blending in with the crowd of demi-humans. Their features are varied and fascinating—some have animalistic traits, like fur or scales, while others possess wings or extra limbs. The air is filled with the hum of conversation and the clatter of daily activities, creating a symphony of life that resonates through the underground city.

"Let's keep a low profile," Tricky advises, her voice steady. "We don't want to draw too much attention."

We step off the elevator and into the sprawling underground city, our eyes wide with wonder at the sight of towering skyscrapers and bustling streets. As we walk toward the city gate, the sheer scale and complexity of this hidden metropolis continue to amaze me. The demi-humans around us go about their daily lives, seemingly oblivious to the newcomers in their midst.

As we approach the gate, I notice a group of heavily armored guards standing watch. Their presence is imposing, their armor gleaming in the bioluminescent light that illuminates the city. Just as we are about to pass through, one of the guards steps forward, blocking our path.

"Halt!" he commands, his voice stern and unwavering. "Where are you from?"

I glance at Tricky, who steps forward with a confident look. "We're travelers," she says smoothly. "We come from a place far beyond this city."

The guards exchange looks, their expressions unreadable behind their helmets. "You cannot pass," one of them finally declares, his tone firm.

Tricky's eyes narrow with frustration. "Why not?" she demands, her voice tinged with anger.

The guard crosses his arms, his posture resolute. "You are neither cat nor dog demi-humans. Only those with such lineage are permitted entry."

A sense of unease settles over me as I realize the gravity of our situation. The guards are becoming suspicious, their eyes scrutinizing us more closely. One of them steps forward, his gaze piercing. "How did you get here?" he asks, suspicion lacing his words.

I take a deep breath, trying to remain calm. "We found an old temple in the jungle," I explain. "There was an elevator inside that brought us here."

At my words, one of the guards' hands moves to the hilt of his sword. "That should be impossible," he growls. "The temples are only visible to cat and dog demi-humans."

Tricky immediately sharpens her senses, her eyes flashing with a mix of surprise and readiness. I can tell she is on the verge of summoning her magic, her stance shifting slightly.

Sensing the danger escalating, I quickly step forward, raising my hands in a placating gesture. "Wait, please!" I exclaim. "There must be some kind of mistake. We didn't mean any harm."

The guard's grip on his sword tightens, his eyes narrowing. "If what you say is true, then you must explain yourselves."

I nod, my mind racing for a solution. "We were just exploring the temple," I say, my voice steady. "We didn't know it was restricted. We're simply trying to find our way and learn more about this place."

The guards exchange another look, their suspicion not entirely dispelled. However, the tension in the air seems to ease slightly. "Very well," one of them finally says. "But you will remain under our watch until we can verify your story."

Tricky's posture relaxes a fraction, though I can see the lingering tension in her eyes. "Thank you," she says, her voice carefully controlled. "We'll cooperate."

With the guards escorting us, we walk through the gates and into the heart of the city. I can't help but feel a relief. We've managed to avoid immediate conflict, but our journey is far from over.

As we continue our walk through the bustling streets of the underground city, the guards stop suddenly, causing Tricky and me to halt as well. I glance around, trying to understand the reason for the abrupt pause.

A sleek limousine pulls up beside us, its black exterior gleaming under the city lights. The door swings open, and out steps a striking figure. A catgirl with vibrant purple hair and piercing purple eyes emerges, her presence commanding immediate attention. She's dressed in a stylish ensemble: sweatpants with white and purple stripes and a cozy sweater adorned with a large onigiri emblem in black and purple hues. Her purple-tinted sunglasses add an air of mystery to her already captivating appearance.

The guards straighten up, their postures rigid with respect. I can sense the shift in the atmosphere, the palpable aura of authority she brings with her.

"Who are these outsiders?" she asks, her voice smooth yet authoritative, as she regards us with a curious look.

The lead guard steps forward. "Lady Okayu, they claim to have come from the surface through one of the old temples. They are neither cat nor dog demi-humans."

Okayu's purple eyes narrow slightly behind her sunglasses as she appraises us. I feel a shiver run down my spine, but I stand my ground, meeting her gaze.

"Well, this is interesting," Okayu says, a hint of amusement in her voice. She steps closer, examining us more closely. "And what brings you to Luminara?"

Tricky, ever confident, steps forward. "We're travelers. We stumbled upon an ancient temple and took an elevator that brought us here. We're just trying to find our way and learn more about this place."

Okayu raises an eyebrow, her curiosity clearly piqued. "An ancient temple, you say? And you, non-cat nor dog demi-humans, managed to access it?" She glances at the guards. "It seems we have a mystery on our hands."

The guards shift uncomfortably, clearly unsure how to proceed. Okayu, however, seems intrigued rather than suspicious. She looks back at her limousine and then at us. "I think we should discuss this further. Guards, I'll take them from here."

The guards look at each other, then nod, stepping aside to let us through. Okayu gestures for us to enter the limousine. "Come, let's talk somewhere more comfortable."

Tricky and I exchange a glance, silently agreeing to follow her lead. We step into the sleek limousine, its interior plush and luxurious, a stark contrast to the tension of the city streets.

As we settle into the soft seats, Okayu joins us, closing the door behind her. The limousine glides smoothly away, the noise of the bustling city fading into the background.

"So," Okayu says, leaning back and removing her sunglasses to reveal her striking eyes fully, "tell me more about how you found that temple and what you're really looking for down here."

I take a deep breath, ready to explain our situation, while Tricky watches Okayu with keen interest. This unexpected ally could be the key to unlocking the mysteries of this underground world and finding our way forward.

As we begin to recount our journey, I can't help but feel a flicker of hope. Perhaps, with Okayu's help, we can navigate this strange new world and uncover the answers we seek.

After listening to our story, Okayu nods thoughtfully. "You two have quite the tale. I'm Nekomata Okayu, I am one of the Elites here in Luminara."

My eyes widen in recognition. I think to myself: Nekomata Okayu? From Hololive? I know you from my world! You're a legend! A japanese Idol! Known around the globe!

After the story Okayu's eyes sparkle with amusement. "Seems like fate has a funny way of bringing people together. Listen, I have a hotel here in the city. You can stay there for the night. In return, I might need a favor from you tomorrow."

Tricky and I exchange a glance, silently acknowledging our agreement. With a nod, we accept Okayu's terms.

"Thank you, Okayu," I say sincerely. "We'll gladly help in any way we can."

Okayu smiles, a gesture that somehow feels reassuring and mysterious at the same time. "Good. Now, let's get you settled in."

As the limousine glides through the city towards Okayu's hotel, I feel a sense of relief wash over me.

The sleek limousine glides through the bustling streets of Luminara, the underground city vibrant with life and energy. As we weave through the traffic, I can't help but marvel at the towering skyscrapers and the myriad of demi-humans going about their daily lives. Eventually, the limousine pulls up in front of a magnificent hotel, its facade adorned with glittering lights and towering spires that seem to reach for the cavern's ceiling.

Okayu steps out first, her presence commanding immediate respect from the bustling crowds around us. Tricky and I follow, still taking in the breathtaking sight of the hotel.

"Welcome to one of my many hotels," Okayu says with a flourish, her arm sweeping towards the grand entrance. The doors open automatically, revealing an opulent lobby bathed in warm, golden light. Crystal chandeliers hang from the ceiling, casting sparkling reflections on the marble floors. Rich tapestries and luxurious furnishings adorn the space, creating an atmosphere of elegance and comfort.

We step inside, the cool air and soothing ambiance a stark contrast to the chaotic energy outside. A sense of awe washes over me as I take in the grandeur of the surroundings.

Okayu leads us to the front desk, where a courteous attendant greets us with a warm smile. "Lady Okayu, your guests are most welcome," the attendant says, bowing slightly.

"Thank you," Okayu replies, turning to us. "I hope you find your stay comfortable." She gestures towards a pair of ornate keys the attendant hands to us. "These are for your rooms. Rest well tonight. Tomorrow, we'll discuss the favor I mentioned."

I nod, grateful for the hospitality. "Thank you, Okayu. This means a lot to us."

She waves a hand dismissively. "Think nothing of it. You're my guests now. Feel free to explore the hotel and make yourselves at home."

Tricky and I exchange a glance, both of us silently acknowledging the surreal nature of our situation. Despite the strangeness of this world, Okayu's kindness provides a comforting anchor.

As we make our way to the elevator, I can't help but feel a sense of anticipation. The doors slide open, and we step inside, the plush interior a continuation of the hotel's opulence. The elevator ascends smoothly, stopping at our designated floor. The doors open to reveal a corridor lined with exquisite artwork and ornate doors.

We find our rooms easily, the keys fitting perfectly into the locks. Inside, the rooms are a haven of luxury, with plush beds, rich fabrics, and every amenity one could imagine. I drop my belongings onto the bed and take a moment to soak in the comfort and tranquility.

A knock at the door interrupts my reverie. I open it to find Tricky standing there, a curious look on her face. "This place is incredible," she says, her eyes wide with wonder.

"Yeah, it is," I agree, stepping aside to let her in. "I can hardly believe we're here."

She nods, looking around appreciatively. "Okayu seems like someone we can trust. But we should stay on our guard, just in case."

I nod, appreciating her caution. "Agreed. Let's rest up tonight and be ready for whatever comes next."

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