
Reincarnated In Power Rangers

MC gets reincarnated in PowerRangers 2017 version

Just_for_fun1997 · ภาพยนตร์
50 Chs

Chapter 32

Trini headed back toward the cave. "We're going to protect the Crystal, right?"

There was a silence. Then Jason said, "Look. You saw what Rita did to us, and now she's got Goldar."

Alex turned to everyone and said,"We have to fight, otherwise everything is lost. This is our last stand."

"We are going to Angel Grove," Kimberly said.

"Then let's get the Zords!" added Trini.

As each Ranger leaped into the cockpits of their towering Zords, the air crackled with anticipation. Alex, commanding the majestic White Tiger Zord, felt a surge of excitement as the cockpit shields materialized around him, casting a mesmerizing blue glow.

While Alex heard Billy through the comms from the suit, he was excited and added,"This is a lot different than the van."

With a grin, Alex exclaimed, " Yeah, this is incredible!"

A tingling sensation rippled through him as he felt a cord snap into place, linking his spine to the suit. Suddenly, the controls of his Zord became crystal clear, as if they were an extension of his own body.

The cockpit hummed with energy as Alex glanced down to see two toggles emerge before him. With lightning reflexes, he reached out and grasped them.

The samething happened to everyone qe Zords linked to them to like neural interface.

Billy yelled out,"Whoo! Yippie-Kay-yay, motherfu....Mother's good. Mother's good."

As the colossal Zords thundered across the landscape towards Angel Grove, their massive forms defied logic by moving with breathtaking speed.

Leading the charge, Alex's White Tiger Zord surged forward, setting a blistering pace that the others struggled to match. Trini's agile Sabertooth Tiger weaved effortlessly between the lumbering Triceratops, ferocious T. rex, and Alex's sleek White Tiger, while Kimberly's graceful Pterodactyl soared gracefully overhead.

In the midst of the chaos, Zack's voice crackled through the comms, offering guidance born from experience. "You're doing great, everyone! Let's stick together... woah, not that close!"

Meanwhile, Billy found himself in an unexpected predicament, his Triceratops Zord careening backward crashed into Zack's Mastodon before he managed to correct his course with a frantic maneuver.

Amidst the chaos, Alex's voice cut through the din as he reached out to Kimberly over the comms. "Kimberly, how are you holding up?"

In response, the Pterodactyl shot upwards with a shriek of terror, "AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" from Kimberly, echoing through the airwaves.

As the Zords thundered into Angel Grove, their massive forms tearing through the streets, Kimberly's Pterodactyl Zord soared above, granting her a bird's-eye view of the devastation below.

From her vantage point, she witnessed the relentless onslaught of Goldar, his colossal figure laying waste to buildings with each thunderous blow. Flames licked at the sky, casting an ominous glow over the cityscape, while plumes of smoke billowed into the air, staining the once pristine sky with darkness.

With a heavy heart, Kimberly said to everyone,"Guys... our town. She's destroying it."

As the Power Rangers battled amidst the chaos, Kimberly's voice crackled through the comms, her tone laced with determination. "Rita and her golden boy haven't found Krispy Kreme yet."

With a nod of understanding, Alex replied, "Okay, Kim, you hold them there."

Turning his attention to the rest of the team, Alex issued a swift command. "Zack and Billy, circle the Krispy Kreme and make sure it's safe. But don't let her notice the fact that you're guarding it. Jason and I will circle arpund and attack Rita from both sides."

As the Power Rangers and their Zords surged through the streets of Angel Grove, each majestic creature moved with its own unique blend of power and agility.

Kimberly's Pterodactyl Zord soared high above, its wings slicing effortlessly through the air. It gained altitude, ascending into the vast expanse of the sky with grace and ease.

The Pterodactyl's sleek form cut through sky effortlessly, as she replied,"Copy! I'll hold her off."

Trini's Sabertooth Tiger Zord moved with cat-like agility, its lithe body weaving through the city streets with effortless grace. With each agile leap, it bounded effortlessly over obstacles, its sharp claws gripping the pavement as it raced alongside its companions, while Trini spoke up,"Kim, I'll go with you."

While Zack Mastodon Zord charged ahead

Its heavy footsteps echoed through the streets, sending vibrations rippling through the ground as it bulldozed its way forward.

Zack spoke to Billy,"Billy, just the two of us."

With a thunderous roar, the Mastodon Zord pivoted sharply, its metal claws digging into the pavement as it skidded to a halt. Dust billowed in its wake, obscuring its imposing figure for a moment before settling back down.

Billy replied,"I'm right behind you."

Meanwhile, Billy's Triceratops Zord thundered behind Zack's Mastodon, its determination matched only by its relentless speed. With each powerful stride followed Zack.

All of them split to do there part to do there respective parts.

Meanwhile,Kimberly's Pterodactyl Zord soared high above, Kimberly flicked the toggles within the Pterodactyl Zord's cockpit, activating its twin energy cannons with a swift motion. With determination in her eyes, she directed her Zord towards Rita, a fierce battle cry escaping her lips.

"Surprise!" Kimberly's voice echoed through the air as she unleashed a barrage of energy blasts towards Rita. But despite her best efforts, the blasts missed their mark, sailing past Rita with frustrating accuracy.

As Kimberly's Zord flew past, attempting to circle back for another attack, she glanced back with a grimace, frustration evident on her face.

Rita, undeterred by the failed assault, looked up with a wicked grin. "How cute! The Rangers found their costumes and their dino-cars!" she taunted, her voice dripping with malice. "Let's give them something else to play with."

She struck her staff against the street. Putties came to life as she passed, forming from traffic lights and parked cars. Rita called to her creations, "Crush them!"

Billy looked out at the oncoming putties. "How many does she need?"

As the horde of Putties shambled northward, intent on stopping the advancing Zords, Rita and Goldar continued their relentless march southward, their sinister intentions clear.

"Jason, watch out!" Kimberly's voice crackled through the comms, a note of urgency in her tone.

In response, Jason swiftly took control of his T. rex Zord, using its immense strength to seize hold of a nearby car with its claws. With a powerful swing, he hurled the car towards the approaching wave of Putties, the impact sending several of the creatures sprawling in a chaotic heap.

"Sorry, Bumblebee," Jason apologized, his voice tinged with regret as he witnessed the destruction wrought by his actions.

Despite the initial success, the onslaught of Putties continued unabated, their sheer numbers overwhelming the T. rex Zord. "They're too many," Jason grimly admitted, his tone heavy with frustration. "I can't get them off."

But just as it seemed the situation was dire, Kimberly's voice cut through the chaos with a plan. "Turn your head," she called, her voice filled with assurance. "Trust me."

With unwavering trust in his teammate, Jason followed Kimberly's instructions, maneuvering the T. rex's head just as her Pterodactyl Zord streaked into view. With precision timing, Kimberly unleashed a barrage of energy blasts from her Zord's cannons, striking the Putties with pinpoint accuracy and sending them crashing to the ground.

"Thanks, Kim," Jason replied gratefully, a sense of relief washing over him as he regained control of the fight.

As Kimberly's Pterodactyl Zord swooped in to aid Jason, a group of Putties leaped from the ground, their hands outstretched as they attempted to latch onto the airborne Zord. Kimberly's heart raced as she watched them approach, a surge of adrenaline coursing through her veins.

With quick thinking and steady hands, Kimberly adjusted the controls of her Pterodactyl Zord, causing it to spin rapidly in mid-air. The sudden motion caught the Putties off guard, causing them to lose their grip and plummet back to the ground below.

As the Pterodactyl Zord continued to spin, Kimberly's nerves gave way to determination, her focus unwavering as she maintained control of her Zord amidst the chaos. With each rotation, she scanned the battlefield below.

With a fierce roar, Alex guided his White Tiger Zord into the midst of the encroaching horde of Putties, his determination unwavering as he prepared to unleash the full might of his Zord's arsenal.

With lightning-fast reflexes, the White Tiger Zord tore through the ranks of Putties with its razor-sharp claws, rending them apart with each powerful swipe. The air was filled with the sound of tearing metal and crumbling stone as the creatures fell beneath the onslaught of the mighty Zord.

As Alex's gaze falls upon the menacing horde of putties, his resolve hardens. "I need weapons," he mutters under his breath, the urgency evident in his voice.

Suddenly, the hilt of the legendary White Saba catches his eye. At its apex, a meticulously crafted lion's head glimmers, its eyes glowing a fiery red and its mane shimmering with golden light. In a surreal twist, the lion's head seems to come to life, its voice resonating through the air.

"Flick the toggle on your hands," it commands, its tone both commanding and reassuring. "It holds the triggers for the mini gun mounted on the tail."

As Alex reaches for the hilt, a surge of anticipation courses through him, he remembered Saba was sentient and it was no mere tool; it is a sentient entity, capable of holding entire conversations with Alex, its wisdom and power offering guidance in the face of danger.

Alex with a smile muttered,"Now let's check out those guns."

With a swift flick on the toggle, he activated the beam gun attached to his Zord's tail, the weapon crackling with energy as it charged up for a devastating attack. With precise aim, he fired a barrage of energy blasts at the incoming horde of Putties, the beams cutting through the air with deadly accuracy and destroying then to pieces.

As Alex's fingers dance across the toggles, a chuckle escapes his lips, mingling with the tension in the air. "Amazing," he mutters.

The voice of the White Saba, rich with wisdom and confidence, interjects, "You haven't seen nothing yet, partner." Its words carry a weight of experience, hinting at the countless battles it has witnessed and the trials it has endured.

A grin spreads across Alex's face, a mix of excitement and anticipation, Alex rejoined the battle.

While on the other side Kimberly's Pterodactyl Zord circled back to Main Street, her eyes scanned the chaos below, searching for her teammates amidst the fray. With a sense of urgency, she spotted Trini's Sabertooth Zord battling valiantly against the horde of Putties.

Trini's Sabertooth Zord tore through the Putties with primal ferocity, its claws and teeth rending the creatures apart with each powerful swipe and bite. But as the horde threatened to overwhelm her, Trini knew she needed to take decisive action.

With a swift motion, Trini activated the pair of energy cannons mounted on both sides of her Sabertooth Zord's head. With pinpoint accuracy, she unleashed a barrage of energy blasts, targeting the infrastructure of the horde and decimating their ranks.

The blasts tore through the streets, reducing obstacles and barriers to rubble as the remaining Putties scattered in disarray.

With the horde of Putties seeming to multiply before their eyes, Kimberly and Trini knew that they needed to act swiftly and decisively. In a display of seamless teamwork, they joined forces, their Zords blazing towards the relentless enemy with unyielding determination.

As they closed in on the horde, Kimberly and Trini unleashed a relentless barrage of energy blasts, their combined firepower raining down upon the Putties with devastating force. The air crackled with energy as the blasts tore through the ranks of the enemy, reducing them to rubble.

As Trini and Kimberly surged forward in their Zords, determination etched into their faces, Trini's voice broke through the tense atmosphere. "Kimberly, let's try to stall Goldar for as long as we can," she called out, her tone resolute yet tinged with urgency.

Kimberly's response was swift, a nod of agreement accompanied by a steely resolve. "Let's give it everything we've got," she affirmed, her voice carrying a hint of determination.

With synchronized movements, Trini and Kimberly engaged Goldar in a relentless assault, With Zords weaving and darting around the towering adversary. Together, they launched a barrage of attacks, striking high and low in a coordinated effort to weaken their formidable foe.

Kimberly took to the skies, her Pterodactyl Zord soaring gracefully overhead as she unleashed a volley of energy blasts, each shot aimed with precision and intent. Meanwhile, Trini's Sabertooth Zord moved with agility and grace, its claws slashing through the air with lethal force, while its mounted energy cannons added to the onslaught.

Despite their relentless assault, Goldar proved to be a formidable adversary, shrugging off their attacks with frightening resilience. 8c