
Reincarnated in Naruto as/with Sakura?

This is my first fanfic. It's pretty bad and only gets good from the 160th chapter. I hope you have fun reading! Synopsis. Truck-kun works again to send another soul to the Isekai post office to be sent to the Naruto world but our MC feels something strange and finds out there's someone else here with him! A/N : This book will be put on hiatus going forth since I want to rewrite the book due to improving over time while writing this book. A/N: The MC is a researcher at heart and wants to explore the world of Naruto with his own knowledge combined with what is possible in Naruto. There will be quite a bit of fan fiction behind the theory of the jutsus. Part one deals exclusively with setting up the relationships between the characters and reads more like a slice of life story, while part two will deal with the enemy of the novel and is more action and planning oriented. THINGS TO NOTE THAT PEOPLE COMMONLY DON'T LIKE! -MC shared body with Sakura for a few chapters. -MC 'reveals' his past life to one other person. (Nothing really negative happens because of it, though. I think so.) -Things in the first part are too 'reasearchy'? Too much depth in jutsus. -No Shadow Clone Jutsu. None of the characters are mine, except the OC's. The images are generated using AI. Go to link below and get a membership for $1 to read up to five chapters ahead. ***************************************** k o-fi.com/hooin_kyoma_au ***************************************** Remove the space after 'k' and it should work like a normal link.

Hooin_Kyoma · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
230 Chs

Meme review! *clap* *clap*

'Hey what are you doing? Why aren't you drawing squiggly lines on a paper or practicing chakra control tonight before you sleep?'

'What? How do you know I do that? Are you peeping on me or something?'

'Eww! No, don't think too much off yourself. Mum told me today that you sleep really late, only after finishing whatever training you have to do for the day.'

'Well, yeah, I have to since I'm learning and focusing on multiple things at once. While you guys already have a special weapon to use against the enemy or at least defend yourselves.'

'Then why don't you just focus on one single thing like the rest of us?'

'Well, I would if this was a normal world.'

'What do you mean?'

'In a world where people can teleport and read minds I'm sure if I focused on just one single ability and then happened to leave even a single enemy alive during my battles. I'd most likely end up being countered by a single well thought out plan by simply taking a hostage to bait me into it.'

'I see. So basically we are polishing up ourselves to remove our deficiencies, while you are starting to carve yourself from scratch, is that it?'


'Then why aren't you training as usual right now?'

'I'm just wondering about the future and what direction I should move in to so that I can properly combine all the things I'm working on and learning right now and will probably learn about in the future.'

'How can you have the answer to something you don't know?'

'Yes, but…well anyway. Tell me something, I've been meaning to ask you or Tsuna-nee about this but I just never found the right time to bring this up. How exactly do people know that the fifth element is the lightning element?'

'Well the chakra paper gets wrinkled that's how?'

'Well yes there's the chakra paper test and all, but what I'm asking is how do you know that the test represents the lightning element.'

'Because we don't have any other element.'



'Nothing, I'll just ask Tsuna-nee about this, I don't think you know what I'm talking about, forget I asked anything.'

'Fine. Suit yourself. The movie was nice by the way, I enjoyed the panda sitting on the snow leopard's face. I think this one was more fun than the last one, even though there weren't many songs in it.'

'Yes, it was one of my favorites too while growing up.'

'One of?'

'Well yeah, I'm not showing you anything that could change your world view about things so I'm only showing you things that will conform to what's already possible in your current world or something close to it in someway.'

'Arrgghhh! It's not like I'm going to do something with all this supposed 'knowledge' so why don't you just show it to all of us? We all have so much fun watching them together, would it kill you to let other people know more about you?'

'It's not about getting to know more about me Rura it's the risk of having you guys get 'brainwashed' by the 'knowledge' to the point where once you each leave and are left to your own thoughts you'd start to view your world as something that needs to be fixed by you.'

'What do you think we are? Ninja's have sufficient training against brainwashing, so you don't need to worry about that.'

'No. Tell me would you not be tempted by a world where wars rarely ever happen, where food is in abundance produced in quantities that is nearly three times what each person needs, where you can get anything you want to get brought to you directly to your home, go to another place by flying there in the sky, communicate with anyone across the whole planet in an instant and much more? A world where the most prosperous country's biggest problems involve debating if saying something offending should be considered a crime or not. How does that compare to the world you live in where killing people is the most common thing to do where children are trained to be killers since their childhood?'


'Those movies and shows just show the good while the bad is all hidden from view so that people don't question the system since it works on a large scale for a large number of people but built by the blood sweat and tears of a few who can't even afford to eat for the day kept hidden by the few who can manipulate the system to do whatever they want it to do. I will show them to you once I know you will not attempt to change the world around you without considering all the possible repercussions your actions might bring.'

'And how will you find that out?'

'I'll just know like right now I know you aren't ready for it yet. Look when you can objectively view your situation and not become entranced by everything your hear, I'll make sure you're the first one to know.'

'Then why don't you tell Tsunade-sensei?'

'I would, but Tsuna-nee seems to be busy. I just didn't want to make any judgments ahead of time just based on just her character from the anime so I was waiting to be around her myself. She might seem impulsive and stupid like a klutz most of the time but since she already has experienced what people can do to themselves in search of power so I trust that she will definitely be able to objectively look at everything in a way that will fit the ninja world.'

'Hehe… then I'll just ask Tsunade-sensei.'

'Haha, good luck getting her to snitch.'

'Hey! It's not snitching! It's just… it's just explaining the ideas she has had to her disciple.'

'You know what I've got something else to show to you instead wait a second.'

I quickly went back into my mindscape, conjured up a tablet which would allow Sakura to scroll through the images I put inside them, I quickly knocked on her door which seemed to have startled her as I heard the loud sound of something falling on the floor with a cat screech after which the door opened a tiny bit, only to show Sakura with her hair disheveled and bits of fur on it.

'She stole a cat when I made one during our family meetings, didn't she.'

'Well I'm not going to expose her without reason.'

"Here, take this and use your finger to move the images along vertically to see more off them." I said as I handed over the large tablet to Sakura.

"What are these things?"

"Well… they are things called Memes. It is something people make after watching the anime to make fun of things in the show and communicate with each other in a fun manner."

"So it's like the opinions of a bunch of random people?"

"Well yes, but it's not exactly meant to be accurate, it's just there to have fun and get the point across. You know like they say, comedy is often the best medicine."

"No one has said that."

"Well yea, since it is a saying from my world."

Sakura still unconvinced took the tablet and held it and was about to ask how it worked but I just left the place, since I didn't want to be there when she saw what was on it.

'Hey, how do you turn it on? I don't want to break it, it looks like it's made of glass.' I heard Sakura ask after a few seconds.

'Just tap it twice normally.'

'Oh! Got it! Huh? What's this? Is this Naruto saving Guy-Sensei when he opened the Eight Gate of Death? Hmm… And this is Naruto healing Kakashi-sensei's eyes, and this is Naruto sharing the kyuubi chakra with everyone? Then why is there a pink dustbin in the picture?'

'What do you think Naruto did in all those pictures?'

'He was healing everyone in those pictures.. So?'

'I mean….. Who's the other pink haired person who is supposed to be able to do all of that and has trained her entire life to do it?'


'Hey! It wasn't me! It was random people who made that! Hehehehehe, you've gotta admit though, it's funny as hell, you spent your entire life trying to do something but ended up being over shadowed by Naruto since he was given a healing ability by the sage of six paths.'

'Argghhh! What is this nonsense! How's this funny! I worked so hard to be called a Trashcan!? Let those brats come and fight wars or even fight against me and then I'll see if they have the audacity to laugh in my face.'

'Well, why don't you move past that and go to the next, I'm sure it'll-'



'Oh! Who's this? Sasuke's sister? Naruto likes her? Huh he has a family with her? I thought he'd end up with Hinata though. They still look quite cute together even though it's Sasuke's sister, she looks so similar to Saksuke, I'd have thought it was Sasuke....'


'It's not Sasuke right? Right? The people in your world aren't so messed up right? Or did Sasuke fall in love with Naruto so much he asked Tsunade-sensei to help him? I KNEW IT! They kept chasing after each other even after trying to kill each other multiple times! Even when Sasuke defected! Naruto just wouldn't leave him! They even kissed in front of everyone in the academy!!! HOW COULD I MISS IT!!!! Argh!!! I've spent my lif-'

'Sakura, it's just a joke. J.O.K.E'

'Ah…. yes, I was joking too, no way Sasuke would marry Naruto. Girl Sasuke looks cute though so I might have to have Tsunade-sensei teach me a few things.'

Haha... I wonder what Sasuke will think when I tell him about this.

'Be a little careful with the next one.'

'Huh? Wh-'


'I marry Sasuke in the future and have a daughter!!!!???'

'You're not bothered that you're called useless because she wears glasses in spite of being an Uchiha?'

'Eh! It doesn't matter! Who ever made this must be a genius to know that I will be the one to marry Sasuke! I'm sure I can fix her eyes with medical ninjutsu if I wanted to.'

Ah! Since she doesn't know what'll happen after defeating Kaguya she thinks its still a joke and is just happy about it. So in conclusion Boruto is a joke?

'Well I'll leave you to have fun with all that, see you tomorrow.'

'Yeah, shoo shoo.'

I went back to staring at the stars while lying down on the roof watching them shimmering and slowly moving over the canvas of the deep sky.

'Hmm… doesn't a black hole happen when there's too much mass and space squeezes into itself towards a point?'

'Haha! It just scrunches itself up like skadoosh! Maybe Po learnt how to make black holes by squishing his pinky finger and sending people to a different realm that way.'


I pulled out a chakra paper from one of my pockets and held it between my fingers and passed chakra into it.

'Skadoosh! Lightning chakra burst forth! Hah-'

The paper suddenly wrinkled causing me to stop in my tracks, my eyes wide with realization.

'Huh…. what if the fifth element is not lightning but space after all?'

'I mean there are space seals and jutsus like the Hirashin so why not? What exactly is the problem?'

'Surely someone must've figured this out before right? So why is it taught or learnt as lightning?'

'What about the storage seal? Clearly people here know how to manipulate space…. Is space manipulation not possible to do directly with the body? But then what about kamui? Is this why Orochimaru thinks the sharingan are a cheat? They can do things that shouldn't be possible?'

'If storage seals work by warping space then why doesn't it allow living beings to be stored in it?'

'Maybe it converts the objects stored in some other form and then restores it afterwards so people who are alive can't be subjected to that? But that just brings up more questions than answers…. I need help.'

'Ano, Sakura, I have a doubt.'


'How do storage seals work?'

'Haha! What? You think that storage seals work by creating a new world inside them to store objects or summoning them from someplace else?'

'Well… that was one way I was thinking off.'

'When I was little I used to think the same thing, it was only later I found that storage seals just breakdown every object into chakra and then reform them once you pull out the object again.'

'Huh? Then why does no one use storage seals to save parts of their body like Obito? Or use storage seals to store and restore chakra for themselves?'

'Well because your body has a chakra circulatory system which cannot be disconnected and reconnected again as long as you are alive. And the method that the object is converted into chakra is not really new chakra, it is just chakra that you supply which is then given the properties of the decomposed object using some sealing properties, it is a complicated topic that basically boils down to, you would lose more chakra to get the chakra out of the storage seal to be able to use it for anything good.'

'I see. Then how does someone get healed if a hole is blown through their entire body?'

'Well the simple answer is they don't.'

'But I remember Tsuna-nee was stabbed by Madara's Susanoo's sword in her gut, she then broke the sword and pulled it out and bashed Madara's susanoo with it.'

'Hmm…. that shouldn't be possible… unless, did she have her Hundred Healing Seal activated?'

'Well, yes, but that doesn't explain how the chakra pathways that were destroyed during her fight were healed again.'

'How will I explain you something you have no idea about?'

'Well I know that she heals her body by speeding up Mitotic regeneration during that state. Although I don't really understand how that is really any different from normal healing just speed up?'

'Well duh! Obviously you don't understand because if that is all it did then every single person would be able to use the hundred healings seal. And then why do you think she has to shorten her life span each time she has to use it?'

'Well I thought that the telomeres get shortened each time the cell divides so there's no way regain the lifespan of the cell after it keeps dividing continuously shortening the life of her cells and in turn her lifespan.'

'Why would that be a problem? Even the most basic healing jutsu can regrow the telomeres at the ends of the chromosome.'

'What…? What the hell? Then how is anyone even dying? Why aren't people just immortal?'

'Duh… as I said you know nothing. Why do you think someone like Orochimaru would have trouble achieving immortality if it was all just stopping telomers from shrinking? Iryojutsu are very complicated and require a ton of hard work, patience and knowledge to even just understand. The fields that are needed are not just related to body but to chakra and its properties and at the higher levels even the soul, Tsunade-sensei isn't called a genius for nothing you know. She's single handedly revolutionized the entire field by about two hundred years, that's what other people say, I think it's even more.'

'Holy shit.' Two hundred? Wasn't that a little exaggerated, come to think of it how does this world know about telomers and chromosomes? Tsuna-nee found out about all of it?

'Yea, holy shit indeed, now don't disturb me, I'm spending time with my Sasuke-kun.'

I didn't really disturb Sakura for the rest of what was left of the day after that, even when I remembered half way through that the only Sasuke in those images was Baldisuke, my mind just kept trying to process everything I had just learnt that was so different from my world. 

'It seems I have a lot to learn about.' I thought as my eyes sparkled with the breaking of vibrant display of light and colour over the horizon.


Thank you for reading! 

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