
Reincarnated in Naruto as/with Sakura?

This is my first fanfic. It's pretty bad and only gets good from the 160th chapter. I hope you have fun reading! Synopsis. Truck-kun works again to send another soul to the Isekai post office to be sent to the Naruto world but our MC feels something strange and finds out there's someone else here with him! A/N : This book will be put on hiatus going forth since I want to rewrite the book due to improving over time while writing this book. A/N: The MC is a researcher at heart and wants to explore the world of Naruto with his own knowledge combined with what is possible in Naruto. There will be quite a bit of fan fiction behind the theory of the jutsus. Part one deals exclusively with setting up the relationships between the characters and reads more like a slice of life story, while part two will deal with the enemy of the novel and is more action and planning oriented. THINGS TO NOTE THAT PEOPLE COMMONLY DON'T LIKE! -MC shared body with Sakura for a few chapters. -MC 'reveals' his past life to one other person. (Nothing really negative happens because of it, though. I think so.) -Things in the first part are too 'reasearchy'? Too much depth in jutsus. -No Shadow Clone Jutsu. None of the characters are mine, except the OC's. The images are generated using AI. Go to link below and get a membership for $1 to read up to five chapters ahead. ***************************************** k o-fi.com/hooin_kyoma_au ***************************************** Remove the space after 'k' and it should work like a normal link.

Hooin_Kyoma · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
230 Chs

A New Class (1)

Megumi sat down on his seat in the class as Naruto turned around and asked him a question that was on the minds of many students, "Where did you go chibisuke?"

"To see your mother." Megumi responded fervently.

There were oooh's and aaaah's at Megumi's stern and casual response but Naruto tried taking control of the situation by rephrasing the question and asking again.

"...where did you go when everyone woke up?"

Seeing Naruto not teasing him about his height, Megumi finally spoke truthfully, "To see your father."

But Naruto and the rest of the students didn't believe Megumi since they thought he was still joking around.

"Why would you need to see my dad!?" Naruto asked puzzled as if trying to point out Megumi's lies.

"Because I got first place in the entrance exam and he gave me a gift because of that."

"What did he give you!?" Naruto asked surprised.

"Well, what can I say? He taught me a secret technique!" Megumi casually teased the entire class which was eavesdropping on their conversation by maintaining pin-drop silence.

"I don't believe you! No way he taught you anything! He doesn't teach me anything dangerous himself!" Naruto exclaimed proudly.

"Haha! Then I guess you're not his favourite child." Megumi teased wondering if what he was going to do next was enough payback for Minato for trying to use him in his plan unannounced.

"No way! You've got to be lying!" Naruto still didn't believe it, so Megumi did the next best thing.

He tossed a kunai by pulling it out of his storage seal onto Naruto's table.

"What he taught you how to throw kunai better!?" Naruto shouted and everyone laughed thinking that was what the Hokage taught him, but Megumi just looked into Naruto's eyes and smirked.

Guiding Naruto to look at the Kunai closer, Megumi rested his chin on his hands as he looked on, waiting to see what would happen next.

"What is so specia-" Naruto looked at the Kunai and froze in his words as his words got caught up in his throat.

The other children were still laughing but Naruto was not.

He audibly gulped looping in shock with a tense grip on the table until the laughter of the remaining children died down.

A few children noticed Naruto's shocked face along with Megumi's smirk and wondered what was happening so they leaned over the table to see what was transpiring.

Suddenly Naruto's head snapped toward Megumi as he spoke in a horrified whisper.

"No way!!" Naruto spoke filled with disbelief.

"Yes way." Megumi countered.

"No way! I can't believe he taught you this!" Naruto spoke again almost crying.

But Megumi just flicked his wrist and showed the kunai stabbed in the table back in his hands like magic.

Everyone was silent for a second as they processed what had just happened and then they squealed.


The children immediately stood up and dashed toward Megumi wondering when and how he learnt such a powerful technique while Naruto was left a whispering mess as he repeated the phrase, 'No way! Dad taught him the Hiraishin jutsu before me!' over and over again.

"Megumi-kun! Can you do that again? I didn't see it properly the first time!"

'Although I'm going to get flak for it from Minato, since he thinks Danzo doesn't know about my teleportation abilities, it doesn't really matter since Danzo is going to allow himself to get captured either way.'

'Oh! And this can also make for a good excuse to include Sakura in the mission. Since I can reason that she can become the surprise element.'

Megumi did his best to display a few more tricks with the Kunai by teleporting it around a little from one hand to the other, or sometimes even to his mouth, but just when it was getting a little too cumbersome to deal with the students oooh's and ah's the door to the classroom slid open.

The students all looked carefully at who was stepping in and the strict face of their new teacher immediately sent them scrambling toward their benches.

The new teacher walked to the podium and stood in a stiff posture before opening his mouth to speak and introduce himself.

"My name is Fugaku. Fugaku Uchiha."

Immediately the faces of everyone in the class snapped towards Sasuke who was trying hard to pretend to be cold and aloof, like he was above everyone else, as he usually does. 

However, with Fugaku in the class, it was getting hard to maintain his usual edginess.

"I am here to teach you about chakra."

"More specifically, I am here to teach you about chakra control.", Fugaku explained with the same droning lecture tone and stiff stance he had.

After five minutes when Fugaku was still speaking, the prime time after lunch made it so that his lectures were being turned into the perfect bedtime stories for the children in the class.

All in all, he wasn't a good teacher since Megumi could already see students start feeling drowsy and collapsing onto the tables as he droned on and on about chakra.

Even Sasuke was having trouble if his eye twitching was any indication.

Suddenly, however, Fugaku slammed his hands on the desk!


"We will now gauge where you are in your chakra control by performing a practical test."

The word test immediately got everyone nervous as they looked on at Fugaku in full attention and waited for his next words.

"Each one of you, come to the table and pick up one bowl of water from this scroll.", Fugaku said revealing his reason to slam his hand on the desk.

Under his hand was a storage seal that seemed like it had seen better days.

It was old and wrinkled but Fugaku seemed to use it nonetheless.

The students moved one by one as they all stepped up to the podium under Fugaku's strict gaze and did their best to remove only one water-filled bowl from the storage seal on the desk without dropping any water from it.

And for a second when Sasuke removed the bowl, everyone was shocked to see Fugaku smile for a moment before hiding his smile behind the seemingly permanent frown.

'I wonder how the lines on his face have not turned into a permanent frown yet.'

'What are we going to do with the bowl though?' Megumi wondered if Fukgaku would give everyone the same exercise that Mito had given him, standing upside down on the ceiling while keeping the water in the bowl.

"Cup your hands." Fugaku showed everyone by bringing his hands close together until his little fingers touched and the flesh around it sealed off anyway for the water to slip through any gaps.

Everyone followed and then Fugaku slipped his hands into the water bowl he had removed for himself.

'What is he trying to do?' Megumi wondered like most of the class around him.

But when Fugaku brought his hands back out everyone was shocked.

'What!? You can do that!?' Megumi thought shocked as he watched the ball of water in Fugaku's hands as the water inside its boundaries swirled along with the bubbles and jiggled like jello with each smooth movement of Fugaku's hands.

"All you have to do is this simple thing to pass the test.", Fugaku said, shocking everyone.

'When did this turn into a test!?'

Now everyone suddenly regretted not listening to Fugaku's boring lecture about chakra just a few seconds before.

Naruto was the only knucklehead who eagerly tried it out without a care in the world as he shouted, "I'm going to ace this test dattebayo! I will become the Hokage and get Dad to teach me the Hiraishin jutsu dattebayo!"

Megumi and the rest of the class eagerly watched Naruto to see what they had to avoid doing as they all paused their own actions and waited patiently for Naruto to remove his dipped hands from the bowl.

And without any surprise, the instant Naruto removed his hands from the bowl, water splashed everywhere and ruined the entire bench he was sitting on.

"Troublesome.", Shikamaru mumbled under his breath as he spotted the flood of water Naruto had created that was about to reach and wet him and his pants.

"Agh!! Damn it! I put too much chakra into the jutsu!" Naruto cried out loud giving everyone a guideline that they did not have to experience themselves to learn.

Megumi however went one step further and did things a little differently.

While the entire class focused on bringing out a handful of water, Megumi carefully dipped just his index finger into the water bowl.

'If I can do it for one finger, I can also do it for the entire hand.' Megumi thought as he slowly and carefully pulled out his finger to which a small amount of water was attached in the form of a blob.

But before he could go any further the blob was destroyed as it fell back into the bowl when someone *grunted* beside him.

Looking beside him with a little anger, Megumi was about to scold the child beside him but suddenly turned quiet as his mouth was left hanging open when he saw Fugaku standing beside him silently.

'What is he snape or what? Gliding like a bat across the classroom silently? Not even Tsuna-nee's footsteps are so quiet.'

"Good job.", Fugaku said only two words and continued gliding across the classroom.

After Fugaku's rare compliment, the class had become divided into three groups.

Those who still picked up the entire water inside the bowl and tried to turn it into a water bowl like Naruto.

Those who tried to cheat at it by closing their hands together closer so that the water wouldn't fall out easily.

And those that copied Megumi and only tried to work with one finger.

Curiously, both Naruto and Sasuke were in the first category as they dipped their entire hand into the bowl and tried to make a water ball by picking up the water.

Of course, Sasuke wasn't nearly as messy as Naruto but he was still arrogant enough to decide that he would train with the exact method his father had shown him irrespective of it being easier to do with a single finger.

"How did you do it? I'm unable to make a container with chakra, my chakra keeps dissolving into the air and leaving, breaking the structure and the water ball along with it." Shikamaru turned around and asked Megumi as he had nearly perfected bringing out a small ball of water using only his finger.

"Simple really, you just have to dissolve a bit of your chakra into the water and then control that dissolved portion into a sphere. The water will stick to the chakra on its own and do the rest."

"Oh!!!! That's much easier." Shikamaru nodded as he tried exactly what Megumi said and found that it worked easily, making him the second person in the room to complete the task with only a single finger.

Megumi and Shikamaru then moved on to the complicated process of using both their hands and making the bigger water ball as they tried to dissolve their chakra into the water and control it such that it remained inside the water.

The trick was to create a structure of chakra inside the water bowl so that when they pulled out their hands the water in the bowl was carried along with the structure of chakra that was created.

Fugaku watched the two of them and nodded in satisfaction. 

But then when his gaze fell on Sasuke who was competing with Naruto in trying to make the water ball by forming a container of chakra around the ball, he shook his head in dissatisfaction.

'Looks like I need to ask Sasuke to change his friends.'

'The boy under the tutelage of Tsunade-sama is a genius.'

'Perhaps the village will see another genius like Itachi flower soon.'

Megumi on the other hand was busy trying to make a water ball and very unaware that the Uchiha clan head had marked him to be Sasuke's future best friend.

If he had known, he would've at the very least run away from the class and hidden so that Fugaku would never find him again.

He couldn't bear Sakura teasing him about being Sasuke's best friend after all.


Thank you for reading!

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