
Reincarnated in Mummy

MC reincarnated in Mummy with wishes. Please understand this is a wish-fulfillment fanfic also do understand since English is not my first language the writing quality is going to be bad.

Anonymous2000 · ภาพยนตร์
15 Chs

Chapter 7

[A/N:I wrote this for fun please just read it to pass time]

Chris POV

I looked around the jungle is in a dimension of its own only thing I could guess was "Hecate created a dimension just to keep whatever treasure here safe."I was shaken out of my thoughts when I heard Alexis "I can't put my finger on it but I just get the feeling there is something out there."While she looked at the jungle.

I narrowed my eyes and replied, "You are right about that."Alexis now looked at me curiously and questioned"You obviously know something about this don't you."I shrugged and replied, "Well went after the Book of Thoth a sphinx was guarding it and if my guess is right there are monsters guarding Hecate temple."Alexis raised an eyebrow and asked, "You fought a sphinx and came out alive."

I gave a nod and replied, "It was luck, and what about you how was your expedition."I looked at her as Alexis is replied sadly, "My Expedition of Temple of Athena well I didn't face any monster but I lost most of my team during that time."I gave a nod and asked, "So what did you get in the temple."

Alexis gave small smile and replied, "Well I found the Invisibility Cap also that I was legacy of Athena."I acted as if I was surprised and replied "So the blood of a goddess runs through your veins."Alexis decided to tell everything as a sign of trust if they are suspicious of each other this whole quest/Expedition can turn into a disaster.

Alexis gave a nod and replied, "Even if I am her Legacy she is not my favorite goddess."I was really surprised to hear that but I didn't ask any further since we both were walking through the forest every bit of my senses were telling me we are being watched and I didn't doubt that at all since whatever monster is guarding the temple is either made by Hecate or somehow related to her.

I looked at Alexis who seems to have pretty much guessed the same thing and whispered"You also feel it right."Alexis gave a small nod and replied, "Someone is watching us and I doubt they are friendly."

I couldn't agree with her more as we soon started to make the journey to find the Temple of Hecate while I mentally contacted Alexis "Alexis it's me, Chris."Alexis slightly flinched then looked at me and mentally replied "This is telepathy."

I mentally said, "Yes I will answer your questions later but now we will keep in contact like this."As we were making our way through the jungle my senses were yelling danger as I pointed my dual pistols at bushes Alexis who was no far behind as three creature or monsters should I say came out of the bushed growling baring their teeth at us their features that resemble earthly canines and felines, They had scaley armored hides are normally a slate-grey skin tone also their eyes here shining.

I whispered to Alexis with a slight trepidation "Alexis run now."As I started to shoot the monsters only to see bullets ricochet or bounce off them also it only seemed to make them angry while running after us.

Alexis telepathically said, "Those monsters are hellhounds."I irritably replied, "Do they have any weakness since bullets seem to do no damage at all."While I can use [Advaced Elemental Manipulation] or Telekensis to kill them but because of being nerfed when I entered this dimension all of my abilities leave me taxed and tired if I used it on multiple monsters which here is not an option as we don't know how many Hellhounds and other monsters are their in this dimension.

I was running while slightly panting a little while questioned Alexis "What is their weakness."Alexis looked at me and replied "Well they have two weaknesses 1. Greek Enchanted blades, spears, or bullets and 2.If you can pierce their scales and cause enough damage they can die."

We were running as Alexis took out a grenade from the pouch unclipping it and threw it towards the Hellhounds one of them ate it which caused its body to explode into pieces while I smiled and thought "Well it seems their insides are vulnerable But I doubt they will fall for the same trick."

I suddenly senses went off as I quickly tackled Alexis just in time as a Hellhound which pounced on missed her by some inches as we were quickly surrounded by all 2 none of them seemed to have any kind of damage which is irritating unless it is internal.

I telepathically told, "Alexis turn invisible and when I give you the signal aim for the mouth."Alexis who now understood quickly took out her invisibility cap and turned invisible. The 2 hellhounds seeing one of their prey disappear locked eyes as I used [Advanced Elemental Manipulation] stomped on ground as a column of rock protruded out of the ground right below one other hellhound hitting it and launching it into the air.

While the hellhound next to it launched itself at me I yelled "Now Alexis."I doged as Alexis who appeared at distance behind me started shooting the hellhound multiple times killing it as it dropped dead crashing into the ground.The last hellound which had fell on the ground as It tried to recover from it I had already started to change the ground below it to quicksand slowly swallowing up the Hellhound who was barking at us as I quickly shot it and killed it.

I was taxed because of using [Advanced elemental Manipulation] I shook my head and thought "I really need to practice these abilities and increase my stamina."Another thing was my ability [Perfect Body] it seems like the more I push my limits the stronger my Strenght, Speed, Regeneration..etc is getting.

Alexis who was tried came next to me and said "Let me guess you didn't used these abilities of yours because it has a downside."I gave a small nod.