
Reincarnated in MHA with All For One

A Renowned Mercenary in his world got tricked by a client he has been working with for years and has died at his hand's but instead of dying he appears in a all white space and meets God? A/N:No I don't own the MHA verse or any minor references of some movies here and there

Aswin_Shrestha · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
4 Chs

Death & Reincarnation

A/N: This is the first web novel that I have made so give me some slack if this series is shit.

A/N: Also there is the disclaimer: This manga contains gore,swear words no sex scenes or harem but it will contain a lot of gore and blah blah i'm actually sure no one gives a fuck about all that disclaimer shit but better be safe so webnovel.com doesn't hoe me and ban me to the mariana trench.

In a Dark Ominous Room, there stands a man with an ominous presence,slightly blonde messy hair,his body tall in stature, full of scars wearing an army suit, silently reading a manga named MHA.

"Mercenary James Alexander there is another job for you"-Broker

As the Ominous man closes his manga and stands up

"Really, what is the job this time?"-James

"From General Tiger, The job is to kill the head of the opposing mafia gang, the money is big this time 200K if you complete this job"-Broker

"Alright let's get ready"-James said as he readied his gun

The Broker and the laborer's ready a jeep and some guns for James as he is warming up and checking the information for the new mission.

After he got everything ready he went on to the mission.

*In the site of the mission*

"Really? It feels way too easy, he has no bodyguards, no security, absolutely nothing to protect him i have a bad feeling about this"-James

after checking around him to make sure he wasn't in danger and readies his muzzle he carefully shoots and the rival mafia boss dies

"Well I shouldn't think about it much there is nothing here"-James says as he calls the broker and tells him that the job is done.

"Hey the job is done, the guy is dead"-James

"That was fast you really are the best of the best"-Broker

"Enough with the compliments, where do i get the money"-James

"Oh of course! Actually General Tiger want's to give you the money face-to-face back in the usual base"-Broker

"I see okay i'm coming there"-James

"This feels very suspicious, I have been working with General Tiger for 6 years now but he has never requested for a face-to-face meetup he usually sends it through crypto or through the broker. It will probably be fine but just in case"-James though to himself as he hid some pistols in his pants

James got into the jeep and started going towards the base

*In the base*

"Oh you're here!"-The Broker said as he greeted him at the entrance

"Nothing unusual till now, maybe i was just overthinking things"-James thought to himself

"There he is! General Tiger"-Broker

"Oh hello! Nice to meet you mercenary James, thank you for carrying out that assassination for me he was a pain in my business"-General Tiger said in a deep but old voice in a tall muscular figure with white hair and beard.

A/N:Think Ryu Kaioh from Baki

"Yes, you are welcome now let's talk business"-James

"Ohohoho not willing to have a conversation are we? Well it doesn't really matter to me"-General Tiger said as one of his underlings gave him a suitcase full of money

"Here take it"-General Tiger said as he gave the suitcase full of money to James

"I guess i really was just overthinking things"-James said as he took the suitcase but just as he thought that a full team of the army came bursting in.

"Don't move, put your hands up in the air"-A guy who seemed to the team leader said

"What the! how do they know about this place?"-James

"*Sigh* It was fucking tough getting you like this you know that! I had to make a mafia gang, get in touch with your broker, Do buisness with you for a few years, Get your trust it was fucking frustrating but it paid off, You will die now Mr.James Alexander"-General Tiger said in an annoyed tone

"127 Cases of Verified Murder,2061 Cases of Unverified Murder,27 Cases of Kidnapping,7 Cases of arson, 41 Cases of Organized Crime, with these crimes we have judged you to death"-The other team leader guy said

"Motherfu-" *Bang*-Before he could even finish the word he got shot in the head.

Just after he said that he died? or at least he should have but instead of dying he woke up in an all-white space beautiful almost mystical for the eyes but before he could fawn over the space a person with a radiant presence in all-white is starting to talk.

"Hello, My child It seems that you have also died"-Said what could only be described as god

"God?"-James said in awe

"God, I guess you could call me that"-God

"So uh where am I right now? Is this hell? Am i being judged right now?"-James

"Oh wasting no time I see, well you see my child you are getting reincarnated in any world you wish as per your merits and the good you have done"-God

"My merits? You know I'm a mercenary right just as that guy said before i died i have commited a lot of crimes how am i getting reincarnated?"-James

"Well you see child your killings have actually saved more lives than you have killed, kind of like a butterfly effect to say it in terms you would understand"-God

"That's........the dumbest thing i've ever heard but it's good for me so i will take it, so second question what does reincarnation exactly mean

"Well you can choose a world that you have thought of or watched/read of like the MCU,DC,Lord of the Rings,MHA,One piece,Naruto,etc and you will be transported to that world with 3 wishes which will be scaled suitably to the respective universe"-God

"Oh I see I think I roughly get it"-James

"So which one will you choose child?"-God said in a patient, inviting tone

"I will choose the MHA world since it's the only world that i have read and will not kill me in like 5 seconds"-James

"Okay so what about the wishes?"-God

"Hmm... I think will take the all for one quirk for my first wish and as for my second wish please make it so that i can fuse the quirks if i wanted for my third wish make it so that i am born in the same time as the main cast"-James

"Okay you will go to the MHA universe with the all for one quirk and have the ability to fuse quirks and are guaranteed to be admitted to UA keep in mind that your quirk will only awaken after you are 4 year old name after you reincarnate might be different and how rich your household is is random"-After God said that James gets transported into a dark room?

"What the? Where am i now was that all a drea-"-James thoughts get interrupted by the dampened voices of some adults talking?

3rd Person POV-------------------------

"Push Ma'am push it is almost done"-Nurse

"Aaargh"-The mom screamed as she pushed the kid inside her womb to give birth

After about 5 more minutes of pushing the baby got out

"It's a beautiful baby boy"-The nurse said as she handed him over to the mom

A/N:I just made this series for fun so i might stop the series if i don't feel like it

Also this is my first webnovel feel free to suggest some ideas for the story and don't criticize my bad writing too much

A/N: I changed the main character, originally he was a righteous policeman guy but i don't really see a policeman stealing other people's quirk and I thought this character would flow better with the story and the All for one quirk.