
Reincarnated in gate op

This is a translation of my story, please note that it was only translated by Google Translate. Also feel free to leave your comment. // Well, to begin with, this will be the first story I do so I hope you like it, although I only do it because I found the idea of ​​doing whatever you want in a fantasy world interesting and the idea of ​​reincarnation is something interesting as well. Like the idea of ​​traveling to other worlds, if you have any suggestions or something you want to add, comment as well as how fortunate you got here in the first place so thank you.// // The protagonist is good and bad, you could say his personality is changeable and somewhat strange, as he does bad things, he also does not know the reason why he does them but he does not like the idea that others do them, he thinks that only He has the right to do them, it seems wrong for others to do them, but if he does them, he does not care as well as he does not mind manipulating people or changing people in his favor or taste no matter who he is or because it is his love, If you can do it quickly, that's fine, but you will also take your time to do other things and also to take action in other places and events in the world.// // All credit to the respective creators of Gate: Jieitai Kanochi nite, Kaku Tatakaeri the only thing that belongs to me is my character and this fanfic itself.//

Keisolu · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
38 Chs


(sorry for not uploading many chapters during the week, but I'm a bit busy, I took a job to get my phone so I'm a bit busier right now).

[POV kei]

We already had a good while after we arrived where piña was, the knights were much nicer after the mark appeared, maybe the mark made them be more honest with themselves.

"I'm so sorry.I'm so sorry" Hamilton repeated as she bowed her head in front of me.

They immediately attended to us when they heard the commotion of the citizens, upon seeing one of the people who helped them come back so quickly, besides itami did not have as many wounds as in the canon.

"You idiot, what have you done?!" I heard piña shout as she threw her wine glass in the direction of Bozes Co Palesti, she had introduced herself after getting the mark.

But before it touched Bozes, a pale white light covered her body like some kind of extra skin, so when the glass was about to impact with her, instead of touching her skin it just hit the light covering her, completely disintegrating the glass.

"What?!?!?!!!?" Piña screamed in fear as she watched the cup disintegrate without a trace, in fact even the wine it still contained was gone.

"I can explain it to you princess!!!" Bozes exclaimed and then she turned her gaze in my direction.

I just played dumb as I kept trying to tell Hamilton that she had nothing to worry about, after all they had no knowledge of the agreement.

"Then explain yourself" said Piña, only to realize that Bozes had her gaze in my direction.

"Is something wrong? Why don't you explain yourself?" piña asked again in a louder tone.

"It's just that I need permission from the master to explain" Bozes said in a whisper.

Which I clearly heard, but I feel like making her say it out loud, instead of just giving her permission.

"Can you speak up? I can't hear you" said piña already somewhat annoyed at not getting the answers she was looking for.

*blush* Bozes couldn't help but blush at what she was about to do.

The blush on Bozes' face confused piña, and more confused she was, when she moved from her place and moved with firm steps in my direction.

*clack* *clack* *clack* *clack* *clack*

The sound of Bozes' boots echoed through the place, until she was close enough to kei, so that after a moment's hesitation she lowered her head.

"Master kei please would you give me permission to give a better explanation of this situation to princess piña" said Bozes.

Now piña seriously did not know what was going on, and less so when she turned to see the faces of the other knights who came with Bozes, who were equally blushing.

"fine" I replied.

After that, Bozes explained in a better way to piña what happened.

How they found us on the way to arnus hill and how they tried to beat me and consequently how they ended up becoming slaves, and for some strange reason they didn't talk about how two of their members ended up tied up.

*sigh* "kei-sama" said piña.

It seems she will become more formal "do you need my help?"

"Yes, please kei-sama" replied piña and continued "is there anything you wish...in exchange for my companions' freedom" said piña

"I would like to say yes, princess but... such it seems I can't break the spell ( he doesn't want to XD)"

"Ohh" piña seemed to have received a blow "Could you tell me why you wouldn't be able to do it?" Piña asked.

"You see princess" *smile* "in order for this pact to disappear, you have to recreate the same circumstances in which the master and slave pact was formed" already at this point he was just throwing out lie after lie " but there's only one small problem with this requirement"

"And what would that small problem be?" asked piña believing what he said.

"Well that problem would be that you can't recreate the same circumstances of the pact because it was created based on aggression, you see the master and slave pact makes it so that the master can give any order to the slave and no matter what it is the slave will have to follow it, so with this logic it is possible that the slave will try to murder his master, this is why a mechanism was added to the pact, this mechanism makes it so that slaves can't assault their master."

"I think with that explained, it was more than clear why it can't be undone."

"Yes, that's enough" said piña swallowing the lie.

She understood that it would be impossible to undo the pact with those circumstances, because if the pact was created based on aggression and the pact does not allow aggression, then it would be impossible to recreate the circumstances to undo it.

But while she was lost in thought a maid came to her side and told her that they had everything ready to receive the guests.

"Kei-sama, if it's not a problem she will guide you to your room just like Mr. itami" said piña.

"Sure, it's not a problem, thank you very much for the hospitality" I said cheerfully while itami just walked behind me complaining about his injuries.

"GRR" I grunted a little annoyed by itami's complaints and turned in his direction "take this and shut up" I said and then threw a small white colored sphere that left him good as new, but as a consequence causing him to faint and end up lying on the ground.

'good healing is only for my women and what belongs to me, and also when one of them helps someone.' I thought.

[3rd POV]

"We broke the treaty the day we signed it" piña was sure today was not her lucky day.

"And just add the fact that we lost a part of my order, both of whom ended up as slaves" right now she was wondering if all her training was worth anything, after all six trained soldiers ended up as slaves because they didn't ask enough questions before they acted.

"They could use it as an excuse to start the war, after all it's a classic tactic of the empire and I wouldn't be too surprised if they imitated it" added Grey rubbing salt in the wound.

"If that happens it will be the end of us" said piña as she held her head in her hands, seriously, this was giving her a big headache.

"But, we should be thankful that no one lost their lives" Grey said.

"Yes, we should thank kei-sama since it was because of him that no one lost their lives and that no one was badly hurt." said piña as she remembered a bit of Bozes' explanation.

"Why don't we offer apologies?" asked Grey.

"I guess it's the most feasible thing to do at this point." said piña as she closed her eyes and continued talking "against a force as overwhelming as he is, it's the best course of action" said piña.

She didn't want to keep trying her luck, she had enough demonstration with kei's few acts, and for her to want to try and find if the rumors about the battlefield in arnus and the dragon were true, it would be considered suicide.

And the last option she had, if she didn't want to "humiliate" herself, would be to confront them, which... was completely out of the question after seeing the ease with which they defeated the bandits.

[with esdeath and the others]

Esdeath knew that kei will be fine, but for some reason she felt that her position as maid was at risk and more so when she received a message from ciel making known the fact that kei now has 6 slave girls.

So nervously, she began to tap her foot against the ground, and in time without her noticing she had already created a small crater where she was standing.

"are you sure you're okay?" lelei asked again, she had already asked her several times as she watched esdeath's foot create a crater bit by bit.

"Yes, you have nothing to worry about lelei" esdeath said with a reassuring smile as unnoticed by her the pace at which she pounded the ground continued to increase.

"Are we going to go look for kei?" asked Rory.

"Yes, though I don't think they could have harmed him" Esdeath replied.

Mari and Shino agreed with esdeath.

"Seriously there won't be a problem with kei not returning to arnus hill today?" asked tuka.

"I guess not but I'll have to warn the base so master kei's workers don't go crazy and come looking for him themselves." said esdeath as she sent messages on her phone.

"workers???" x2 asked tuka and lelei at the same time.

"I'll explain it to them!!!" said shino as she raised her hand excitedly.

"see...." and so shino explained everything kei had done in japan. (XD)

"So not only can he control the self-defense force" said lelei.

"but also has a word in his own world" said tuka.

"As well as having an exquisite scent" muttered Rory.

"Yes, master kei is like the king of people" said esdeath, while ignoring Rory's comment, which although it was low esdeath managed to hear it.

And she was right according to some internet forums, the majority of the population would not be opposed to the idea of having kei as the president or as an authority in japan.

"so... should we go??" asked esdeath to which everyone nodded.


"This is your room Kei-sama, the head maid and her companions will come to your aid in a moment" said the maid.

kei just nodded and then pointed to itami who was still unconscious and was being dragged away by the maid "thank you very much for guiding me, but what will you do with him?" asked kei looking at itami.

"You don't have to thank me kei-sama this is my job, and speaking of your subordinate we will take care of him, but piña-sama gave strict orders to grant you the best of treatment kei-sama." said the maid bowing.

"So with your permission, I'll take my leave" said the maid.

*sh**sh* (sound of something crawling)

kei decided to ignore how the maid was dragging an unconscious itami down the hallway and entered the room.

"I guess for a medieval time this could be considered luxurious" kei said to himself as he looked around.

A large and spacious bed, as well as being very fluffy to the touch when kei sat down. A small night table and right in front of the bed three large armchairs of some unknown material to kei, plus some paintings that were scattered around the room.

kei just gave them a glance and then decided to ignore them 'I'll never get the hang of art' kei thought to himself.

*cough* *cough* "Excuse me, kei-sama may I come in?"

Someone's voice and the sound of knocking on the door echoed through the room, kei only raised his voice a little, just enough to be heard on the other side and said "Come in."

After a few seconds, in which kei was sure he heard them sigh and then steady their breathing, they walked through the door.

Four well groomed maids in somewhat conservative maid uniforms entered the room, and although the uniform didn't leave much to the imagination kei could tell that each of them was a complete beauty. But what caught his attention this time was the following 'cat, rabbit, snake, and human' kei thought as he saw them enter.

purple hair in a ponytail with cat ears and an awesome personality, the next one had bunny ears with orange hair and black tips, she seems to lose a little in personality but not that much. Short black hair and with a personality to match the cat ears but the last one was a sight to behold for kei, red colored hair but somehow it was made of snakes which upon seeing him recoiled and looked at him submissively and for the personality, well it was a little less developed than the others but still wouldn't lose.

"It is a pleasure to finally meet you kei-sama" said the four in a chorus as they bowed slightly.

"If you will allow us we will introduce ourselves" said one of them.

"Sure, go ahead" kei replied.

"My name is mamina and I am a warrior rabbit" she said as her ears and nose twitched nervously, as well as blushing slightly.

"My name is Persia and I belong to the cat men" she said as her ears twitched anxiously all over.

"Now it's my turn" said the girl with snakes for hair "my name is Aurea and I am a medusa" she said as they bowed, followed by the snakes she had for hair.

"Aurea you have to be more respectful to our master" reprimanded the girl with short black hair *sigh* "My name is Mohme and I am a human dear master, please forgive Aurea's impertinence." said Mohme as she bowed.

"Forgive me master" said Aurea as she realized her behavior, so without thinking she bowed as well.

"Oh come on, don't worry about such small things" said kei as he lay down on the bed "I'm not someone bad you know?" said kei as he saw that they became tense because of Aurea's behavior.

"Really?" asked Aurea raising her head.

"Sure" said kei still lying down "And just to check, why don't I let them do whatever they want to me?" said kei, although he also wondered that to himself.

'Ciel honey, what do you think about this?' said kei in his mind.

'I don't think there's anything wrong with it' said Ciel 'the cat girl and bunny girl are going into heat because of your presence Darling' added Ciel.

'What?' asked kei, looking blankly at the ceiling.

'Yes, Darling it's because of their breed, and apparently they gave you the go-ahead too, for quite a while now' said Ciel.

'For a while now? what do you mean by that?' asked Kei.

'Yes Darling, from what I can see in the system, half human rabbits and cats have to consciously accept their mates in order for them to come into heat.' said ciel.

'Congratulations Darling~~~' Ciel said cheerfully in kei's mind.

And yes. this whole conversation took only milliseconds, though it wasn't long at all anyway. (XD)

"are you serious master kei?" aurea was very happy about what was said and wanted to be able to get close to kei, so she could take some life energy although she would have to ask for it first, since it seems the snakes in her hair didn't want to do something like that without asking permission first.

"sure" said kei with a nervous smile 'Who cares, I'll just go with the atmosphere.' kei thought.

Right now inside the room, if you pay close attention you could hear gasps which came from Mamina and Persia who couldn't get rid of the idea of pushing Kei and making him have children with them, but they knew that this was not right and even less now that he was their new master (temporary, well that's what they know) but when they heard what Kei said, they didn't hesitate and were quicker than Aurea who was also pouncing on Kei.

Without thinking, they took kei's sides, who was lying on the bed and rubbed their cheeks against his body, while Aurea and Mohmu climbed on his chest, although Mohmu didn't know the reason why she was following what her friends were doing, but she didn't want to be left out of this interaction, so she just let herself be carried away by the atmosphere.

*sigh* letting out a sigh of pleasure at the soft feeling of having four beautiful girls on him, kei felt like he was fulfilling one of his dreams, so he just enjoyed the nice feeling of their soft bodies and the nice warmth they emitted, which wouldn't be so possible if he wasn't so strong since Persia and mamina were using too much strength for a normal human to endure.

And for their part, the girls were sure that they had never felt so good in their life, although this was only about the over exposure to mana but who pays attention to it right?...what matters is that right now they did not want to separate from kei and in fact they were getting hotter and hotter because mamina and persia were very wet, which kei felt but he let it pass while Aurea and Mohmu were starting to feel lighter in the head and as such they were getting carried away by the atmosphere. But just as Mamina and Persia got up the courage to do so.


Someone's cough brought the four of them out of their trance and they quickly turned around, only for them to turn pale and quickly got up from their places, two of them standing on either side of the bed.

"Looks like our maids gave you a warm welcome," said a middle-aged woman who came dressed as a maid only with slight differences.

"Sure, and I was hoping I could take all four of them back home" said kei as he sat on the bed, he noticed when she arrived.

Kei's comment made the girls face flushed slightly because they had already calmed down, return to a crimson red turning them a tomato.

"May I know who I'm addressing?" asked Kei "By the way you are very good at reading people..."

"Ohhh!!!" letting out a sound of surprise she ducked her head a little to speak " excuse my rudeness, my name is Kaine and I am the head maid" said the middle aged woman. "I really appreciate your compliment kei-sama, it is something I am proud of." she said shortly.

"So? what do you say about my request?" said kei.

"mm?" She rambled for a moment and then understood "kei-sama if you wish they can go with you" she said briefly as she looked at the reactions of the girls, who had red faces not believing what kei was asking.


"Kaine-sama, someone is trying to get in" Mamina said, even though her ears were nervous and wouldn't stay still from what she was hearing, she was still alert, so it wasn't hard for her to tell that someone was trying to get into where we were.

"It should be kei-sama's companions" said Kamine "But if it's other people do the usual." she added.

"Be careful girls, if you meet my partner don't make her mad" said kei with a playful smile.

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