
Reincarnated In a TRASH NOVEL

It's hard for even me to believe but when I woke up one day I was inside a novel that I liked the least. [THE TALES OF 99 SOLES] which was renamed as [THE TRASH NOVEL] by us readers. [THE TALES OF 99 SOLES] was one of the worst novels that every reader in the world would read. Oh and I am an exception. And you would know that exception in next chapter anyway so let me continue . [THE TALES OF 99 SOLES] shot for «THE TRASH NOVEL» ok it's not short but maan it's popular that way. So in this novel...... there is really nothing to say as there is nothing like one main character in this novel. The story goes on having 99 main characters who were the heroes of the world reborn in the same world after thousand years. Hummm as I said the author had a unique story but we can't get his trashed writing style. But the problem now is "I am inside a character that appears only two times in the novel till I have read. So I am just a damn weak man!!"

DOUBLE_V · แฟนตาซี
16 Chs

11. Restaurant

Awaking, a concept that is normally found in other fantasy novels. In this 'Trash Novel' one can awaken when they qualify the [TEST] that is conducted by the #GOD# they approach. When one can awaken, they would be given one of the four basic classes from the GOD.

The four basic classes follow as Fighter, Mage, Summoner, Alchemist. Then those classes can be more advanced by training and levelling themselves. Like, for example, one is given Fighter class by the [GODDESS OF LIGHT] then he/she can be advanced to Swordsman, Warrior, Assassin, Damage dealer, Ranger, Berserker…. It goes on. Normally if the user is efficient in using a sword he would advance to Swordsman with light elemental, where it is further divided into S-class, A-class, B-class, C-class, D-class, E-class and I even remember other classes in the novel which are not present in my brain as I was not particularly interested in reading some popular TRASH NOVEL.

Normal people can also learn swordsmanship or magic and other things but the awaken one's will start on a different level. To tell the truth a normal person can never match an awakened.

My plan was to get a contract from the god who is in the worst situation in this world that they are in no situation to refuse help from a human. Normally a contract is something that is made on the name of God, so a contract is nothing to a God. That's the reason I choose [THE GODDESS OF WAR] who was in this situation for some unknown reason.

Normally a God will receive their power by the prayers of the people and the number of followers they have. As the number of followers increases the power of the God increases along with influence. The more powerful a God is the more people they can awaken. They even go as far as to reward some people if they are impressed by his/her performance.

I also had a slight idea on the situation of [WAR GODDESS] as some of the Gods were plotting to make her step down by killing each and every of her follower as far as I read in the novel. The even worst thing was that, that the one who she awakened after many years started rampaging and killing everything with his greedy personality.

Now that I am here, I think the goddess will watch on every of my action as closely as possible to determine if I have the power to increase her followers and along with the question on how I know about the #ASTRA# that no human could ever know about. So, I need to be as careful as I can. I even have to find out how I ended up here. I atleast have to know if I have died in my world or am I still dreaming.

I have to find as many [ASTRAS] as I could before meeting certain someone and become his slave. [ASTRAS] are special weapons that are inbounded with the power of war which the Goddess herself used. They are stronger than any made weapons on land. For some reason she hid all her weapons in the mortal world.

Hmmm… now that I think about it, there are many unknown things than known things in this novel. I mean in [THE TALES OF 99 SOULS] which I have binge read above three thousand chapters I don't even know what a [SOUL] means. Not to forget that there was a new word that I don't even remember reading in the novel. #THE SECOND DISMISSAL OF THE GODS# huh…

"I wanna be the very best. Like no one ever was. To catch them is my real test. To train them is my cause!!"

"Idiot! Stop screaming!!" Dain scolded me while driving the wagon.

"But I am hungry!" I shouted from the inside.

"That's why we are going to the best restaurant in [RAAIL]." He shouted so I can hear.

Whatever… "Gotta catch 'em all!!!" I shouted again.

"EEKK!! You don't look like someone who was knocked out for two days! We even bought a healer just because we were worried. Just bear with it for some time!!" he shouted again.

"Ok." I replied. I mean I am not at fault! As far as I was told, I was in the [TOWER OF TRIALS] for two and half days and as I was back, I passed out in the temple and did not wake up for other two days.

That equals that I have not eaten anything from the past four and half days. So, I was singing to forget my hunger.


"AAAAHHHH! Stop shouting!!!"

Knock Knock "We are here." Dain knocked the door of the wagon as we reached the restaurant.


"Robin?" he slowly opened the door. "AAAAHHHH! A ZOMBIE!!!"

Ye what he saw was me who was nearly a corpse.

"Damn!! We are here! Let's go inside and eat!!"

"Eat?" yes!! There is no time to waste!

"EEK!" I suddenly jumped out of the wagon which surprised Dain.

"Let's go!" I shouted as a newly recruited solder.

"Everyone would have that you are a solder if u were not drooling that much."

"Wha-!?" I wiped my mouth.

"Humm." Now that I see the restaurant, I looks old and shabby and not to mention but is kind of shady too!

I slowly gave a creepy look to Dain.

"What? For your information, this is the best restaurant here. If you want to eat then get in, or else you can leave." I silently followed him inside.

"Welcome Mr. Dain!!" one of the staff welcomed him. Hearing that a middle-aged woman wearing a blue apron which was strained with some ingredients rushed towards us from a room beside the counter.

"Mr. Dain!! Welcome back!!" she shouted with a big smile.

"Huh? Welcome back?" I was confused. Does he already know them? Did he come here before?

"What are you looking at? Let's sit and eat." Telling that Dain sat on a chair and took the menu card that was on paper and started looking into it.

Not knowing what to do I sat beside him "Do you already know them?" I whispered in his ear as the people were looking at him.

"Yeah. What do you think I was doing while you were asleep?"

"So you were going out with wom-"

"No! You bastard! I am a merchant. And what I do is business and expand it while communicating with different people!" he shouted looking seriously into the menu.


"Umm… we would like to order bread with tomato sauce along with fried potato." He smiled at her.

"Not we, only you!" shouting that I snatched the menu card.


"You were looking into it as if there were a hundred dishes!! There are only 4-" he suddenly grabbed my head and covered my mouth.

"Hehe sorry for his insolence, we would like to go with what I have just ordered." He smiled at them and they left.

"Damn you!! Are you planning to get us kicked out of the best restaurant in [RAAIL]?" he scolded while holding back is voice.

"You call this best? Its almost like a haunted hou-"

"UUSSSSS shut up! The women who wore an apron is the owner and the chef of this restaurant. If you upset her, she will poison our food!" he scolded while pulling my collar.

"But eating a bread will not calm my hunger." I drooped.

"For now, eat this. After we move out of this village, we will find something good to eat in the forest." I nodded to what he said.

"Hahaha you both will never change huh?" someone laughed at us who was sitting on a table beside us.

"!!?" Brown hair with adventures outfit. Why is Monica here?

"What the!!" I and Dain shouted at once.

"What? Why are you looking at me like that? This is the one and only restaurant in [RAAIL] you know." She smiled at us.

"Wait!! You you you are alive!?" I shouted.

"What are you talking? I am alive!" she shouted at me.

"Oh I forgot to tell you about her as you were shouting that you were hungry from the moment you woke up…" as Dain was about to start Monica took her plate in her hands and sat on the chair that was before us.

"… About a day after you both went in, Monica came back after accepting her defeat in second floor." Dain explained.


"Huh? What's with that Oo? Don't you want to ask me what happened inside?" she shouted again as I covered my ears with my fingers.

"Sigh… where is our food?" I tried to change the subject.

"Don't act all cocky as if you passed the <TEST> !!" she shouted again. Wait!! Is her voice trembling?

"Um... I am going to get the food!!" Dain hurriedly stood up and ran.

"Huh? What's with hi-!!!! Why are you crying!!???" as I noticed her green iris was all blurry as her eyes were filled with tears.

"Sob sob… I worked so hard for it… sob" she started crying as her tears rolled down from her eyes.

"…" yeah, for her it was a dream to be awakened.

I saw her silently as she wept. I never had a goal in my life all I did was go with the flow and just believed that everything that happens is for our sake. But now that I see her, I don't know what to do.

"Here take it." I handed her a handkerchief which was in my pocket.

"Idiot…" she took it from my hand and wiped her face.

"I am sorry. I didn't intend to hurt you…" I said in a smooth voice looking down.

After some time of silence Dain bought two plates of food.

We started eating silently.

"So… where are we going now?" Dain broke the silence by asking me.

"Umm… [GARAI]. Let's go there." I said while looking at my finished plate.

"[GARAI]??!" Monica shouted.

"Yeah, why do you ask?" I questioned her while licking the fork to atleast get the taste of the sauce.

"Because that's where I live." She said while keeping a piece of potato in her mouth.

That's where she lives?! Then we have to be there at least two days before the incident happens!!

"What? But your grandfather is here, right?" Dain asked her out of curiosity.

"Yeah, but my parents and I live in [GARAI]. I was here to meet grandfather and convince him to allow me to take the <TEST>." She answered.

"Don't cry again." I said while seeing if my plate had anything to eat.

"I wont you bastard!!" she shouted.

"Then when are we leaving?" Dain asked me placing his spoon and fork in the plate as he finished eating.

"Tomorrow." I replied.

"What!! Tomorrow?!!!" he shouted while grabbing his head.


ROBIN: I don't have extra clothes for tomorrow.

DAIN: You were wearing these clothes from four days!! Atleast wash them!!