
Reincarnated In a TRASH NOVEL

It's hard for even me to believe but when I woke up one day I was inside a novel that I liked the least. [THE TALES OF 99 SOLES] which was renamed as [THE TRASH NOVEL] by us readers. [THE TALES OF 99 SOLES] was one of the worst novels that every reader in the world would read. Oh and I am an exception. And you would know that exception in next chapter anyway so let me continue . [THE TALES OF 99 SOLES] shot for «THE TRASH NOVEL» ok it's not short but maan it's popular that way. So in this novel...... there is really nothing to say as there is nothing like one main character in this novel. The story goes on having 99 main characters who were the heroes of the world reborn in the same world after thousand years. Hummm as I said the author had a unique story but we can't get his trashed writing style. But the problem now is "I am inside a character that appears only two times in the novel till I have read. So I am just a damn weak man!!"

DOUBLE_V · Fantasy
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16 Chs

10. Contract

Chess, unlike other games chess is a game which need skill more than talent unlike other games where talent is the must. So, a player can grow infinitely making new plans and techniques.

A football player with more talent scores more goals but in chess one's brain and experience make them invincible. So, unlike other players who are world level champions, in chess an unknown player can be more skilled than the known world champion as they might not take their skills serious or they are not too much interested in it.

In my previous life I have played hundreds of thousands of games in chess where it at some point I made a counter move for every anticipated move out of boredom. It may sound awesome for some people but all I did was read novels, mangas, webtoons, comics, play VR games and some indoor games online like chess.

All I wanted was to forget that damn world and live in my own world without getting killed. Some can call me arrogant but at some point, I didn't lose any match in chess. The players I played may not be skilled or they were all playing of boredom, but I started to win many matches that I lost the count of them. At last, I lost all the interest in it and stopped playing chess.

But maybe this old man is pretty tough, I mean he is the world champion in this world who is here to test me upon the request of the #WAR GODDESS#. I should be on my guard! If I lose, I may die.


As <ARIANA> announced the pieces started to appear on the chess board.

I was assigned with the Blacks as the old man was assigned with the Reds.

"Hoho, I think I will be the one to move first young man." He sounded like a Santa.

"Yeah! Bring it on!!" I replied.

"It's check mate!!"

MAAAANNN!!! That was too fast! What the hell did I just witness??

It only took four steps for check mate??!


"!!?" the old man was so shocked that even the soul came out of the Ghost!

Maybe I was expecting too much from someone named 'THE MAGNUS'.

"You were incredible young man! To think that you beat someone who has played hundreds of matches of chess even with some of the gods. You are truly impressive." The old man was having tears in his eyes.

"Yeah?" so he just played hundreds of matches huh? Judging that only royals can play chess in this world, hundred may be too much.

Sigh I won and that's what matters now.

"Give me a hand shake!! That would be the greatest achievement in my life!!" he offered his hand towards me.

"…" I moved my hand towards him... Wait!! Can I even touch someone who came to play with me from heaven?

RUMBLE RUMBLE "!!!!?" "What the?!"

The ground suddenly started shaking?! Is this part of this scenario?


"What!!?" I shouted in confusion. To tell the truth I am terrified!! What the hell is happening? And why is this only happening to me?!

TUK TUK TUK … "!!?" are those sound of footsteps?? Where is this sound coming from!!? I don't even see a door or a window!


"AAK!!" the wall that was in front of me suddenly burst and the whole room was covered by dust. I slowly opened my eyes.

"??" I could slowly see a figure coming towards me from the hole created by the blast!!

"???!!!" damn what am I even looking at.

[HP: 9,999]

[MP: 9,999]

[STRENGTH: 9,999]


[CLASS: ?????]

BA-DAM BA-DAM BA-DAM my heart started beating as if it would rip out of me!! Who the hell is that.


Huh? Why is she in a hurry? What the heck is happening here?


In a blink of an eye, I was teleported to another place.

What was all that about!? I didn't read anything happening like this in [THE TALES OF 99 SOLES]!! Is this also one of the reasons for the change of the scenario?

Anyway, lets calm down. As long as I am here, I am under the observation of the GODDESS so there is nothing to worry now.

My previous outfit was back on me as I came out of the test. Man, I liked that blue cape….

To calm myself down I started looking around the room.

It was a white room which was decorated with various designs and was surrounded with beautiful statues which were probably made from gold. There were diamonds and ruby everywhere shining and glittering light in different colours around the room.

The shining white polished floor was reflecting everything as if I was in different world… I am already in different world so… Anyway, as expected, there were no doors nor windows same as every floor I was in. So, I am still in the realm of the goddess.

That damn trash author didn't tell anything about this place and just went as "The blessing room was beautiful where _____ was awakened and then he went on his path..." bruh. It was like a climax of some kind of drama. What do you expect from [THE TRASH NOVEL]?

As I was in my thoughts a bright light appeared in the middle of the room. Someone started to appear from that light. I went near the light to see what it was.

It was a small girl probably in her 10's wearing a white outfit with blonde hair. She was floating in the air with her eyes closed.

"An angel??" I shouted.

SWOOSH "!!?" she flew infront of me without giving me time to react.

"GULP" why is she smiling?

She had golden eyes which were shining like some jewellery. She was looking directly into my eyes. MAN!!! What should I do?!

"Human! That was a COOL entrance, right?!"


"Tell me! Tell me!!" she started flying in the air circling me.

"Ummm yes?" I smiled rotating my head.

"It was awesome right!" she shouted with a very happy face.

The atmosphere suddenly changed so I just nodded as I was too shocked to speak.

She was just a small child, I was unwantedly afraid of her. Above everything she is acting cute!

"Umm so… who are you?" I asked her as she was flying around the room.

"Oh! right I forgot!" she gently bit her tongue placing her hand on her head while smiling.

"I am the younger sister of <ARIANA>, you can call me <ILARIA>." she introduced herself flying towards me.

I nodded.

"I am here on behalf of my sister who is currently busy."

"Ummm what was happening ther-"

"I know that you have many questions to ask but first you can forget what happened at the end of your {test}. Even if I explain you, it cannot be understood by a human." She slowly explained me in her cute small voice.

"Ok." I nodded. So that was not something that would happen at normal circumstances.

"I am here to give you the message given by the goddess." She said pointing her index finger upward.

"Ok… so what did she tell?" I asked her nervously.

"Human…" she started in a serious voice. "…you have witfully completed your [TEST] in #THE TOWER OF TRIALS#...." I carefully started listening to what she was saying.

"But you are not destined to <AWAKEN>." What??

"It's a miracle that you who was not even destined to <AWAKEN> has cleared #THE TOWER OF TRIALS# but further change can bring a catastrophe on the word."

"So as a compensation I-"

"STOP!!" I shouted. Damn I expected this but still it hurts to hear that.

I mean if Robin was already destined to <AWAKEN> wouldn't he already be strong in the future? Why would he become a slave of that bastard?!

"Can I talk to the goddess??" I asked <ILARIA>.

"Human! Do you really think that it is easy to talk to #THE GODDESS OF WAR#? Of course, you can't. If it was that easy why would we be he-" she suddenly stopped.

"Goddess wants to talk with you."

Yes!! This is why I wanted to impress the goddess! If you want something big you have to show that you are worthy of it!

"!!!?" Ilaria's eyes started to glow.

[Human, you have impressed me, tell me what you want as a compensation that can satisfy you?]

Even if she says that, I know that she doesn't really have anything to give me.

"Oh #GODDESS OF WAR#..." I have to be formal just like I have seen in mangas.

"…I don't want any compensation from you, but I would like you to make a contract with you!" I shouted.

[A contract?]

Yeah, that's what I am here for.

"Yes, I know the current situation you are in and I would like to help you!!"

[What!] yeah as expected she is shocked.

[How could a human know about that?! Who are you?!] she shouted seriously.

"Who am I? That's what I want to know. But this is a good opportunity for you who cannot ask for help and for me who have to change my fate!" I tried to sound as seriously as I can. This is my only choice to change the fate of Robin and live a peaceful life.

[What's the contract about?] she sounded like she was still doubtful on me.

I can understand that. Anyone including God would be surprised to see someone who lived so sincerely for their whole life to act crazy. But still, I need to get this.

"I know you are a god; you are the one who foresee the contracts in human world and punish who do not keep their contract! So please listen to this poor fated human." I bowed my head.

A contract between any living things is judged by the gods but its just a piece of paper for a goddess to take a contract from the human.

"It's just a simple contract where I will help you to find more followers and you give me the permission to use your <ASTRA>."

The second the word <ASTRA> came out of my mouth she started to look at me as if I am a demon.

[How do you know about that!] she shouted angrily.

"I don't know too. That's why I need your help!" I shouted forcing to drop some tears out of my eyes.

"You can cancel the contract whenever you want anyway. I won't even ask your help to find them as they are all scattered around the world in some of the most dangerous places."

After thinking for some time she replied "Kuek…. Ok." Hurrah!! She agreed. It's not like she is in disadvantage.

"Keep it in mind that I will cancel this contract the moment I see you misuse my weapons understood?"

I nodded. This is what I am hoping for. I can see about increasing her followers later. First, I need to survive!


SEEEZZ that gives me chills but still it is worth it!

So, I have to sign right? Soo, where is my pen?

"AAAAHHH!!!" damn that scared the freak out of me. <ILARIA> was confused not knowing that she was the one who scared me by standing beside me without any presence.

"What are you looking human?" she asked me. Wait! So, she is back to normal?

"Umm where is the pen to sign it?" I asked her.

"What?! Pen? You have to put some drops of your blood to form the contract!" she explained me as if I was a small kid.


It's a good thing that I already have a wounded hand, I just loosened the bandage and blood started flowing out. I touched my hand with the paper as it started glowing and disappeared.

Sigh I nearly forgot about this wound as I was in the tower for so much time. Wait! Now that I think about it, for how many hours have I been here?

"Ok, see you again human bye bye!" <ILARIA> cheerfully waved at me as I was surrounded by bright light.

The next thing I saw was I was in the back in the temple.

"Huff that was a long trip." Maybe the longest even taking my previous life into account.

I slowly walked towards the door and opened it.

"Oh you are already here. Sorry for keeping you waiting." I said noticing Dain and the old man.

For some reason I cannot speak loudly. "???" why is everything becoming dark?!

"Huh?" I am slowly going down?...


I won't wake up on hell, right?? Maybe it's better than reincarnating again.