
Reincarnated in 'How to Train Your Dragon' (HTTYD)

Guy gets got in a grey void... receives message... Instantly enjoys it :D

EATEROFGODS · ภาพยนตร์
4 Chs


Blaze walked deeper into the forge wondering how long this will take him…


*CLANG CLANG CLANG!!! PWOOSH* sounds of metal hitting metal in a forge, God knows here were heard.

*TAK TAK TAK* the sounds of metal hitting stone were heard…

"Damn I look awesome!" Blaze said, admiring his armor, spear and the saddle he made for his dragon.

The armor looked hellish in nature, as Blaze beside metals had found dragon scales in the forge, which he combined with his armor and saddle, which made them both black with red accents.

[Forging training complete… commencing Dragon taming training]

"…" after reading the message Blaze just stood there, awkwardly, waiting for another message.

[Dragon choices:

Armorwing (Mutated)

Bewilderbeast (Mutated)

Common Rockstomper (Mutated)

Deadly Nadder (Mutated)

Death Song (Mutated)

Deathgripper (Mutated)

Eruptodon (Mutated)

Gronckle (Mutated)

Hideous Zippleback (Mutated)

Hobblegrunt (Mutated)

Hotburple (Mutated)

Monstrous Nightmare (Mutated)

Night Fury (Mutated)

Raincutter (Mutated)

Razorwhip (Mutated)

Red Death (Mutated)

Rumblehorn (Mutated)

Scauldron (Mutated)

Screaming Death (Mutated)

Scuttleclaw (Mutated)

Seadragonus Giganticus Maximus (Mutated)

Seashocker (Mutated)

Shovelhelm (Mutated)

Singetail (Mutated)

Skrill (Mutated)

Snafflefang (Mutated)

Snifflehunch (Mutated)

Stormcutter (Mutated)

Terrible Terror (Mutated)

Thornrigde (Mutated)

Threadtail (Mutated)

Thunderclaw (Mutated)

Thunderdrum (Mutated)

Timberjack (Mutated)

Triple Stryke (Mutated)

Typhoomerang (Mutated)

Whispering Death (Mutated)

Windgnasher (Mutated)

Windstriker (Mutated) ]

'Damn…' Blaze looked at the message in awe… this decision is really important for his future.

'I want somebody powerful and cool…' Blaze thought already crossing out dragons in his mind.

'Whispering Death, Screaming Death, Red Death…' Blaze crossed them out instantly, why? Well, he's not a crackhead and doesn't want to get eaten… and no Bewilderbeast, because they can't fly.

'How would a mutated Screaming Death even look? It's already mutated…' Blaze shuddered at the thought of an even spikyer Screaming Death.

After careful thinking Blaze decided on the Night fury… because why not? It's super-fast, very powerful and arguably the most loyal dragon species.

'…and I want it mutated too… please be a good mutation…' Blaze prayed in his mind.

"I choose a Night Fury (Mutated)!" Blaze said to the message screen.


*POP* a red-black Night Fury appeared out of nowhere.

"Damn…" the Night Fury was… quite big, probably 3 times the size of toothless.

"Grrrrr…" as if it was already adapted to this place, it instantly growled at Blaze.

Blaze walked back slowly and dropped all his weapons on the ground, including his helmet.

"Calm down… I'm not going to hurt you…" Blaze whispered, stopping in his tracks.

He walked a bit closer to the Night Fury and extended his hand, closing his eyes and turning away.

'Please don't die please don't die…' even though he had died a bunch of times it was still not pleasant, so he was shitting bricks in his mind.

And then after a moment he felt hot scales on his palm.

Blaze turned back and saw that he was touching the Night Fury's head.

"Hah, hah." He chuckled in awe… and apparently forgot to stand because he fell on his ass.

"MMMM?" the Night Fury tilted its head to the side and flopped on the ground in a sitting position.

"So, um… do you want a name?" Blaze asked, still amazed at its size.

The Night Fury nodded, and blaze started thinking.

"…Drake?" Blaze asked and it quickly shook its head as a no.

"… B O I?" Blaze did his best Kratos voice… the Night Fury blinked a couple of times but didn't like it.

That's when Blaze noticed the scars on its face.


"WOOWOOWOO" the now Scarface laughed, he seemed to like it.

"I'll still call you B O I…" Blaze muttered, but Scarface didn't seem to hear it.

[Dragon taming training complete commencing Flying/attack training]

Now the place they were in transformed into a mountain range, and they seemed to be on the highest mountains top.

Blaze smiled and equipped all his stuff, then he looked at Scarface, holding the saddle and asked, "Let's fly?"