
Reincarnated at Level Two Million

Currently injured with two slipped discs on my nerve. will require surgery. will update book after recovery. est spring 2024 *Volume 1 has been completed* Gary's retirement was supposed to be a joyous event. Now he must start over in a new world. The only hitch is God messed up and made him way overpowered. Will he be able to live a normal life with a level of 2,000,000 when the average level of the planet is 15?! This is my first attempt at writing again since my father's cancer was found. I hope that I am able to still write at the level you all find enjoyable. Making you the reader happy has always been one of my greatest joys and I hope it can lift me out of this difficult time. A word of warning before you partake in the tale. This is not a harem. This is not about some edge lord. This is a tale of an ordinary man who was forced into extraordinary events. Its a tale of a journey from being a simple yes man (some would say beta) to becoming more assertive. The main character gets abused a lot in this book, just a warning in advance since that offends some people. That is what is required to push him to become more assertive… regardless thanks for reading, I read every chapter comment and independent paragraph comment, I don’t get notifications about replies. Another notice: Please don’t try to apply the logic of earth to the characters in this book, it is a different universe with different behaviors and rules… Trigger Warning: The MC loses his memory for around 16 chapters. Disclaimer: The gods and goddesses in this book are all made up. Please do not apply your personal religious beliefs on them. They are a set of fictional characters created for enjoyment. As the roman, greek, and norse gods these gods and goddesses have a gender and are not some genderless enigmatic omnipresent being. They behave and act a lot like normal people and should be treated as just another character. Discord: https://discord.gg/ERfXt8w Wow you are still reading this??? There’s a book you can read you know… Okay… seriously the book is just one click away…

Alphachoas · แอคชั่น
252 Chs

A few answers

Donovan saw the fearful expression upon Zell's face and knew he needed to clarify his previous statement. "You misunderstand young man." He said while trying to calm Zell. "When I told you I wanted to study you I did not mean I wished you harm or of any experimentation upon you. I simply want to know more about you."

"Oh, alright." Zell said as he relaxed a bit.

"So, tell me. What are all of your skills?" Donovan asked. "I know you have the skill of limited, which seems amazing, what else do you have?"

"I don't know." Zell said. "I know I have more, but the only one I seem to control is limited."

"Interesting." Donovan replied. "I have the unique skill, Skill assessment. Allow me to use it on you, young master."

"Young master?" Zell sounded surprised. "You are the first person here to show me any kind of respect."

"Aside from the fact that you command more power than anyone else in the world?" Donovan joked. "If you are talking about the fact, you are the son of the duke and thought you deserved something for that, then you would be incorrect. This academy is outside of the constraints of nobility. Inside these walls noble rank is meaningless. It has been this way for centuries. The king who founded our academy felt it was best to raise nobles without politics and influence, to give them a better perspective on life. In fact, it is in our ethos that we treat students with indifference. Of course, some teachers take it a bit further and are quite rude to the young ones. Gives them a power trip. Usually, the higher your noble rank the meaner they are."

"My mother did mention something like that." Zell replied. "Father never mentioned anything though."

"That sounds like Kelbor, he probably thought it would be funny if you were ill prepared for what happens here." Donovan sighed. "He had a rough time when he was here, being the son of the king. I'm sure he thought if you had a rough time as well, he would be able to bond with you more."

"I doubt that." Zell said. "When I told him I didn't have stats in the teens he lost interest in me, of course it could just be that my little sister was born that very day. When she showed up, I became obsolete. What is worse is my father filled her head with how I failed and was not the hero of legend turning her into someone that always tries to prove she is better than me. I think she is just trying to stay relevant to my father, to remain loved."

"I'm sorry your father treats you like that." Donovan said. "What about your mother? Elenore was always the sweetest girl. She was even a student of mine. Believe it or not she is a master of ice magic."

"I had no idea," Zell explained, "mother has not ever used magic to my knowledge, but that would explain why father is always fearful of her. As to how she treats me, it has always been with love. I have never felt alone because I have always had her."

"That's wonderful." Donovan smiled. "I always knew she would be a great mother and Kelbor is the quality of father I expected him to be. I remember the day your mother found out about her engagement with your father. She cried, knowing her life would be different, and she would be unable to pursue her magic dreams any further. She knew she would have to be a wife and mother first and foremost. It broke my heart to see her cry so."

"Poor mom." Zell said with a sad expression. "I had no idea she suffered so much, she always seemed so happy and carefree around us. I had no idea."

"She most certainly is a good woman." Donovan replied. "Now, back to my question. Will you allow me to use my skill on you, young master?"

"Yes." Zell said. "I would love to know what my skills are."

"Very well." Donovan said. He then walked over to Zell and placed his hand upon his head. "Activate Skill: Skill Appraisal!"

A light engulfed Zell's body and Zell could feel the flow of energy exchanging between him and the Sage. "Is it working?!" Zell asked loudly, spooked by the light.

"Yes." Donovan replied. "I can see them clearly now. You have the following skills: Limited, Selective Memory, Master Artisan, Hard Worker, and Shroud of Lies."

"Do you know what they do?" A curious Zell asked.

"Hard worker and Master Artisan I am familiar with." Donovan explained. "You never tire from working, and everything you craft will be a masterpiece. If you were not the son of the duke, you would never have to want for money with those skills. Selective Memory and Shroud of Lies, I have not seen before." Donovan removed his hand from Zell's head. "But just because this old man has not seen them doesn't mean a thing!" He walked over to his bookshelf and began searching his books. He picked them up one by one, opening them and looked through the contents, until he finally found the one he was looking for. "I found information on the shroud of lies skill. Apparently by living a life of deception, it has caused everyone to believe this false narrative about you. I am sure you had events in your childhood that defied all logic and reason, which would have given people a hint or clue as to what you are. This skill must have shielded you, allowing you to remain shrouded in your lies."

"It didn't work on you." Zell said.

"No, I have a counter skill." Donovan explained. "All seeing truth is my skill's name. I gained it from years of study into the truths of magic and mana. Now I can see through lies and deceit with ease. Although I have told no one I have this skill, so please refrain from telling others about it."

"As long as you keep your promise about me." Zell replied.

"Why do you want to hide it?" Donovan asked. "If the people knew of your power you would get reverence and respect. Even your fool of a father would show you affection."

"Honestly, I do not know." Zell answered. "At first, I didn't want to be treated like a freak of nature, but after seeing how my sister is treated…" Zell paused. "I suppose that is an unlikely scenario that I shouldn't worry about."

"No, you may have been right." Donovan said. "Not because of how people would treat you, but because of how people would attempt to use you. You may have noticed everything happening to your sister now that she has been declared the hero of legend. Everyone is trying to curry favor with her. You will also find nobles trying to use her to advance their own positions. Since she is female, I am sure your parents have already been flooded with offers for her to marry their noble sons. Since you are so high on the noble scale she would have been sought after anyway, but now she is even more valuable, and her original purpose is not possible."

"Original purpose?" Zell asked.

"Females of royal nobility are often used in marriage treaties." Donovan said. "A duke's daughter would have been a great asset for a treaty, but as the kingdom's hero she will have to marry someone from inside the kingdom. I am sure all the noble houses are making outrageous offerings to your parents for the betrothal."

"That's terrible." Zell said, worried about his sister's fate.

"Don't worry she's still only five yet." Donovan laughed. "Normally arranged marriages happen around the age of twenty, so she still has time before she ties the knot. That being said, if the king has no children, and your sister is chosen as the successor to the throne it may be the case that you are used in the marriage treaty. That is if you continue to hide your power."

"You just said that it was a good thing I did." Zell said. "Now you are telling me if I don't, I will be shipped away?"

"It's possible." Donovan said. "Unless your uncle gets busy that is. Though it would be a shame if you left the kingdom with your might. Of course, if you did reveal it would be your sister back on the block to be exchanged. Such a complex situation. At least we have years to figure it out right? Let us move on to your other skill now, I am curious as to what it does." Donovan started going through his books again. Throwing one after another until he ran out of books.

"No luck?" Zell asked.

"Seems like it's a never-before-seen skill." Donovan said. "Though I am sure it has activated for you in your life. Perhaps it erases your memory of it after each use. If that is the case it makes since that there is no record of it. No one could remember they had it. Still there is something we could try to discern its purpose."

"What is that?" Zell asked.

"We activate it." Donovan smiled. "Are you ready to try to see what your skill does?"

Looks like they are going to try and activate his Selective Memory skill in the next chapter! I wonder what is going to happen! Leave a comment with what you think will happen and don't forget to add to your collection for updates! Also please consider voting with powerstones to help me win the WPC! Thanks so much for reading! You all are the reason I write!

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