
Chapter 21: Red Kryptonite

[3rd Person POV]

"Nothing says school spirit like a ring that looks like it's jacked from P. Diddy." Chloe teases.

" I think it looks great." Clark replied.

" I think we'll be lucky...if the glue holds through graduation. I wonder if the ruby's even real." Chloe questioned, then leaves and heads for the school paper's office.

"You sure you're gonna do this?" Pete asks Clark while he lines up next to get the school rings.

"I'm here, aren't I?" Clark replied confidently. "What?"

" I believe your dad's exact words were: 'Three hundred and fifty dollars is a lot of money to spend on something you don't need.'"

"I earned that money. Besides, Dad said it was my decision to make."

"Which means that you're really not supposed to buy it." Pete mocks then hands the permission slip to the counter.

As Clark and Pete talked while getting the school rings, Lana Lang was giving the transfer student a tour of the school. Behind them, Ven simply follows, wearing casual clothes trying to blend in and not be noticed. 

One of Ven's favorite function of the symbiote that most media seemingly gloss over was that it can mimic other clothing so he never had to buy clothes, he can simply look at designs and think what he wants to wear. He can even make his own design and combination so he can look whatever he wants like a one man fashion show. 

But right now, he's doing the opposite of standing out and trying to blend in. He's already close enough with only a few meters away.

As Clark was about to wear the ring, Ven immediately steps in and holds his hand for a bit.

"WOAH there boy scout!"

Clark and Pete look to each other confused before asking, "Can I help you?"

"No, but I can help you. Is there any place we can talk in private around here? Trust me, you'll wanna hear this first before you put that ring on. Oh and Pete can come too."

At first Clark was going to ignore the guy since he was really looking forward to getting the school ring but he finds that he can't move his arm. Whoever the guy was, he was really strong. Very close to his own strength. This made Clark curious so he led the guy and Pete to an empty classroom.

As they were moving away, Lana and the new student transfer Jessie saw them from afar.

"Whoa. Who were those major hotties?" Jessie asked Lana.

Chloe then got back to look for her friends but found Lana instead and heard Jessie so she replied. "Who, Clark?"

"And the other guy who went with him and the short one, I didn't know Smallville's got so many major hotties just runnin around the corner!" Jessie said with a slight blush. "I think I might like it here!"

"I don't know, I didn't think we had more than one new student." Lana said while agreeing with the girl as she felt the other guy was indeed quite attractive. 

"Interesting!" Chloe said while she bit her lower lip. 'Gotta ask Pete and Clark later, I'm sure they'll spill the beans.' She thought to herself.


After finding one that's empty. they close the door while Ven proceeded to look for cameras just in case or any electronic devices that could be recording with Xray and Hearing. Then he proceeds to confront Clark.

"Alright so who are you and why'd you wanna talk with me?" Clark asks.

"You can call me Ven." Then he proceeds to shake both Clark and Pete in succession. 

"But who I am doesn't really matter right now as it's more important for you to hear what I have to say. The school rings aren't exactly rubies. Those red gems are in fact Red meteor rocks or to be more specific, Red Kryptonite."

"So they're fake? So what? What's that gotta do with Clark and what's Crypto-night?" Pete asks.

"Oh Kryptonite with a K, That's the meteor rocks that emit sort of a radiation that hurts Clark. You know, the green ones. Except they don't only come in green."

At this moment Clark and Pete's heart started to beat faster. "How do you know about that?" Clark asks cautiously. He understands that denying it would have been pointless since he was beyond normal strong. Something about that made Clark ask more about it. "And how are you so strong, nearly as strong as me?"

Pete looks at Clark surprised to hear someone as strong as his alien friend. But proceeds to ask Ven, " Yeah and why doesn't it hurt him like the green ones?"

"Oh I know a lot about you Clark, about where you come from, who YOU really are. I'll tell you eventually. Right now I want you to understand first about the school ring. First, Kryptonite doesn't just come in green. There's red, blue, silver, black, gold... The point is, there's different colors and each variation affects you differently. These red ones in particular, make you lose control. Your judgement of what's right and wrong, it brings out your desires. But other red ones may bring out different effects."

"Look man, this sounds too... out there to be true! I mean, you seriously asking us to believe these red ones will somehow make Clark lose proper judgement and bring out his desires?" Pete asks skeptically. 

"I mean, You don't really have to believe a word I say you know. You can choose to ignore it. Just saying if you do that, make sure you have green variants handy nearby."

"Why would we want that?" Pete asks.

"Can you imagine Clark not caring about hiding his powers? And doing whatever he wants without thinking of the consequences? You seriously don't even consider the possibility of any accidents with his powers?"

"Oh... yeah, probably not cool." Pete says meekly.

"Yeah so just make sure you have a green one handy in case Clark becomes a bit... out of control. I mean, can you imagine a Clark that doesn't care and only does what he wants in that moment?"

Just the thought of a super powered being loose in Smallville without any regard for safety or any consequences send shivers down their spines. 

"Yep so anyway that's all I came to say... For now. I'm sure you'd want to um.. test this if it indeed changes you so that's your choice, I won't stop you." Ven states.

"Then why DID you come and tell us all this?" Clark asks.

"Because there's a lot of different kinds of Kryptonite, and you need to be careful if you come into contact with these. We don't want a super Clark speeding around using his powers as if he's extremely drunk now would we?"

Ven proceeds to start walking to the door but looks back for a bit.

"Oh and a word of advice, make sure you're not.. under the influence when you're around the Luthors. Who knows what you'll let slip if you do."

Ven opens the door before finally saying.

"I'll tell you about your origins some other time. When I think you're ready. See you around Clark!" Then he waves his hand then leaves the room.

Clark thought for a moment but he decided he wanted to try and persuade him to tell him what he knows, now. But after he hears a woosh sound and looks out the door, the man was gone. 

"Great.. he's fast too."

Pete wakes up from being too stunned to speak then asks his friend. "Think he's from wherever you're from?"

"I don't know Pete...I don't know...."


The rest of the events play out the same as the episode. But Ven made sure and watched from afar. But when Clark and Lionel Luthor meet, at the time, Clark proceeds to shoot three gunshots onto his own hand to scare the other guy with the gun. At the time, Lionel was blind so he didn't see what was happening but Clark proceeded to interrogate the man with the gun and pins him on the wall with the pool table before knocking him out. 

After Clark leaves, Ven made sure to superspeed inside the mansion and obtain the three bullets that Clark stopped and dropped on the ground before speeding away. While this won't remove Lionel's suspicion on Clark, at least he won't have the hard evidence of the stopped bullets. 

Ven then made sure the man with the gun earlier dies as he was supposed to later, shot by the girl jessie's father. When Ven was sure everything went the same, it was time for him to leave for now. 

But he knew he needed to keep an eye for any police reports regarding Luthercorp and the Kawatche Caves discovery. He estimated probably next week or so.


Before going back to Gotham, Ven heard about some auditions for the english localization were going to be held in LA so he decided to speed on over for a bit to take a look. But as he was near the audition site, there was a crime scene being investigated nearby. He was going to ignore it at first but he felt like someone was staring at him from the crime scene area. 

Ven took a look around and saw a female detective talking to some of the witnesses and next to her was a man in an expensive looking suit staring at him with a curious stare. Only one thought went through his head. "Oh SHIT!" 

It was Lucifer Fucking Morningstar.



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