
Reincarnated as the monkey king

Valin, a solitary soul lost amidst the passage of time, grappled with an existential crisis that gnawed at his very core. Who am I? What am I? These questions echoed through the corridors of his mind, a ceaseless torment that haunted his waking hours. Weary of the monotonous cycle of everyday life, where each day bled into the next, Valin longed for something more, something extraordinary. Then, one fateful month, a series of peculiar dreams began to infiltrate his slumber. Like tendrils of mystery, they wove their way into his subconscious, beckoning him towards an unknown realm. The dreams whispered secrets of a different existence, tantalizing him with the promise of a new identity, a fresh start. As the calendar turned, ushering in a new year and a new day, Valin found himself standing on the precipice of possibility. With trepidation and anticipation swirling within his being, he embarked on a transformative journey, transcending the boundaries of his former self. In this uncharted world, Valin discovered the exhilaration of rediscovery. Shedding the shackles of his previous existence, he blossomed into a wholly different person, unburdened by the weight of expectations and the suffocating repetition of his past. It was a metamorphosis of the spirit, a rebirth of the soul. Full Title- "Reincarnated as the Monkey King: A Journey of Self-Discovery"

ThatIsCrazy · แฟนตาซี
56 Chs

Some Peace

In the tranquil embrace of the morning, Sun found himself accompanied by Isaac, their presence like a gentle warmth against the canvas of the day.

Ethan, with a sense of urgency tugging at his words, approached Sun with news that instantly stirred a whirlwind of emotions within him.

"Sun, your grandfather is looking for you," Ethan conveyed, his voice carrying a weight that demanded attention.

"Huh?" Sun's confusion laced his response, his mind struggling to grasp the significance of the message.

"Sun," Ethan's voice grew more insistent, "your grandfather is looking for you."

The mention of his grandfather caused Sun's heart to skip a beat, his breath catching in his chest.

The proximity to his home only amplified the rapid tempo of his pulse, the rhythm of anticipation crescendoing with each step.

Thoughts began to swirl through his mind like a tempest, conjuring vivid scenarios.

As his friends bid him farewell, Sun embarked on a journey that felt like a voyage into the unknown.

The path that led him closer to his house seemed to stretch endlessly, every stride carrying him deeper into a realm of uncertainty.

His heartbeat, once a gentle hum, now reverberated like the pounding of drums, echoing in his ears and matching the frantic cadence of his breath.

With each inhale and exhale, Sun's lungs fought to keep pace, as if mirroring the fervent race of thoughts within his mind.

Emotions, like brushstrokes upon a vibrant canvas, painted the landscape of his imagination.

Anxiety mingled with curiosity, forming intricate patterns of worry and wonder. What awaited him at home? What news would be shared? These questions hung heavy in the air, tethering Sun to the gravity of the moment.

As he traversed the familiar villiage, the scenery transformed into a tapestry of memories and emotions.

Every house, every tree, every corner held significance, stirring fragments of nostalgia and belonging.

The very air seemed to crackle with anticipation, as if the world itself held its breath, eagerly awaiting the unveiling of Sun's destiny.

The weight of his emotions bore down upon him, threatening to overwhelm.

Beads of sweat formed on his forehead, tracing a path down his temple, a physical manifestation of the intensity that coursed through his veins.

His mind, an artist of apprehension, conjured a multitude of scenarios, each one a brushstroke of hope, fear, joy, and sorrow.

Finally, the sight of his house loomed before him, a sanctuary that simultaneously beckoned and intimidated.

Sun's steps faltered, uncertainty momentarily paralyzing him.

Would he be met with news that would shatter his world or would it be a revelation that would set him on an unforeseen path? The answer remained elusive, hidden beneath the layers of anticipation that coated his soul.

Despite the tumultuous whirlwind of thoughts that swirled within him, Sun found an unexpected serenity settle over his being.

The weight of anticipation, though still present, was tempered by a sense of calm that seemed to emanate from deep within his core.

With sweaty palms, he turned the doorknob, revealing a sight that instantly brought a comforting rush of familiarity.

Sun's gaze locked onto his grandfather, who stood engrossed in some task, his weathered hands deftly working on something of importance.

As their eyes met, a profound connection passed between them, unspoken words exchanged within that fleeting moment.

Sun's rapid breaths began to steady, as if his grandfather's presence alone had the power to ease the storm within.

"Sun, why are you standing there? Come inside and help me pack for him," his grandfather's voice carried a blend of love and purpose, the weight of responsibility laced through each word.

Sun's lips parted in a soundless sigh of relief. Primus had not revealed the truth to his grandfather.

The tempest of worries that had consumed Sun's thoughts now seemed momentarily quelled, replaced by a glimmer of hope.

Minutes turned into moments as Sun and his grandfather worked in unison, their shared task becoming a conduit for unspoken emotions.

With every item carefully selected and packed, there was a silent understanding that their actions were about more than just belongings.

Each item represented a memory, a piece of their shared history that would accompany Primus on his journey.

As they meticulously prepared, Sun's senses heightened, attuned to the delicate dance of emotions woven within the room.

The sound of folding fabric echoed with a bittersweet melody, while the rustle of papers whispered secrets of the past.

The air hummed with a blend of nostalgia and purpose, the combined energy enveloping Sun in a tapestry of emotions that evoked both joy and sorrow.

Finally, the preparations complete, Sun and Primus stood side by side, ready to embark on their journey as sun was gonna walk the road for primus.

Silent footsteps echoed through the air as Sun and Primus walked side by side, their hearts heavy with unspoken truths.

The weight of the unvoiced conversation pressed upon them, the silence pregnant with a tension that yearned to be released.

And then, like a crack in the stillness, Primus broke the quietude with words that cut through the air like a blade.

"I know what you said was a lie," Primus's voice carried a mix of accusation and disappointment, the rawness of his emotions seeping into each syllable.

Sun's eyes widened, caught off guard by the sudden revelation.

"Huh?" he stammered, his voice tinged with confusion, his mind racing to comprehend the gravity of Primus's accusation.

"The elder, my grandfather, is not the way you speak of him," Primus continued, his tone resonating with conviction, "but he is very kind and wise."

Sun's breath hitched, his own lie exposed before him. His gaze averted, shame weighing heavy upon his shoulders.

"Yeah, I lied to you," he admitted, his voice laced with remorse. "I didn't tell him the truth because I wanted to let you know... I will return one day."

A flicker of determination sparked within Primus's eyes, a fire that refused to be extinguished.

"And when that day comes," he declared, his voice steady, "I will defeat you in combat and let my grandfather know how you really are as a person."

Sun's lips tightened, a mix of emotions swirling within him. Regret, for the deception he had perpetuated, and admiration, for the unwavering spirit that radiated from Primus's words.

He remained silent, understanding the weight of Primus's pledge and the unyielding devotion that fueled it.

Undeterred by Sun's lack of response, Primus pressed on, his voice infused with determination.

"I will devote myself to making progress until I am strong enough to defeat you," he proclaimed, his words resolute. "And on that day, I will proudly tell my grandfather that I am his grandson."

A surge of conflicted emotions rose within Sun, a mix of pride and apprehension intertwining like a tumultuous storm.

He admired Primus's unwavering loyalty, yet his heart ached with the knowledge that their paths now diverged, leading them into a future fraught with uncertainty.

"I have nothing to say but good luck to you," Sun finally managed, his voice tinged with a hint of sorrow.

His words carried both the weight of his unspoken regrets and the genuine hope for Primus's success.

you know I've been looking out on those windows thinking everyday it is just one story...the oldest

light versus dark..

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