
Reincarnated as the Extra Character with an Epic Comeback

Abigail died in a disease where she gets to reincarnated as Briella Pawn, an extra character of the novel series she finished before she passed away. Briella known as the sacrificial lamb and a great burden to her comrades when it comes to ambush, but that is all about to change since she is the own author of its novel

LeonoreSacrasm13 · แฟนตาซี
5 Chs

Chapter 2: Encounter

" Child of Chaos"

My eyes widened, finding myself staring at the ceiling of my room. Did I heard a voice or is it just part of my dream, it was already morning where the sun has already been risen, and I'm still in the room where the nun left me, the territory of the Hunters.

In the novel the mankind are the hunters struggling to strive against the world where they're facing monstrous enemies that only exist in fiction

A knock on the door disrupt my thought, as the door opens where a young female servant came into the view holding a tray of food

" I came here by the request of Sister Sussana to bring your food my lady" she stated

Now I've encountered one of the characters on the novel. The Wise Sister ' Sister Sussana' she was a former demoness in her early age, but after the revolution that changed the entire world, Sussana lost her father on an ambush of the Winged Devils, after then she decided to join the Holy Hunter and started a new life as one of the party members of the Sanctuary

"Thank you"

The servant bowed her head and left the room, I stared at the meal on the tray. a loaf of bread, corn soup, mashed potato and apple. It was so nice to eat clean and well prepared dish unlike the time that I had on the village, where they we're struggling to find food and water. I won't complain anymore about what food served to me, I stated through my mind

it's been 3 days since I was confined  in the room, Sister Sussana always visiting me with a doctor to check on my health

it appears that the doctor discovered many deep scars on my skin in the day I was brought here

but now my scars suddenly disappeared which left me drowning in wonder so as the doctor whose currently checking me

After this, the news scattered instantly on the Holy Sanctuary, everyone kept their eyes one me, which caused me to feel uncomfortable with their stares

"Is it possible that child is mage?" asked SIster Sussana

My ears perked up when I've eavesdropped at their conversation while eating my meal

"We aren't sure if the child came from the Mage country, since the scars that I've checked was severe and can't be healed without any form of magic elixirs " the Doctor said in whisper, glancing at my direction

I nearly scoffed at his predicament, thinking me as a mage. I also wished so.... I wanted to do some magic tricks like Harry Potter. It seems so damn cool but I was reborn as a nobody extra character that death awaits, it's better to born like this than being reborn as one of the known enemies of the man kind . This is so aggravating for me since they will become suspicious of me. 80% of the human population is a racist to the mage people.

In history they called them witch or devils, burning them and drowning them if they found out that they were using black magic

I need to make up something since I've read the whole novel series so they won't suspect me and burn me alive which is a terrible fate

" I'm not a mage" I said out loud, gaining their attention as I turned to them with a cold demeanor expression plastered on my mouth

" My parents are farmers and I was kidnapped by Slave traders along with the other girls, it order to sell us on the Black market. I forced us to drink something which tastes awful, the traders told us just in case we got attacked or injuries will be healed since their client will pay them a high price if they take us there with no harm. But some of us resist including me" gripping the white sheets as my eyes narrowed deeply at them

" They punished us by whiping, and defiling some us ...'

" Oh Lord Roen" gasped Sister Sussana, the doctor was left out speechless of my revelation which half of it it's true, but about the drinking stuff, I've only made that up. To be honest only our kidnappers drank it after facing a wanderer beast in the area

" the time that they had took us to the forest where we're going to meet the client.....after then I was being manhandled by the leader after then, i don't know what happened next"

I finished, waiting for their reaction as Sister Sussana embrace me in her arms, it was warm and welcoming. I felt that I'm being embraced by my own mother at that time, why did I suddenly remembered her anyways....She wasn't a kind mother...

" You poor child" she uttered 

" My apologies for jumping into conclusions young lady" the doctor bowed in apology

' Phew I managed to escaped from those suspicious eyes' I sighed in relief 

After then  Sister Sussana and the doctor went outside of my room, how funny that they think I'm a mage, as I decided to lay down on my bed where I can sleep peacefully

A sudden explosion boomed outside where the building rattles of the sudden impact

'What the hell?!' I exclaimed

Where a servant suddenly bursted in the room " My lady, we need to evacuate! The Holy Sanctuary is being attack!"

I leapt out of the bed immediately as I hurriedly run to the door where a large shadow cast through outside the window. The large creature with bat wings crashing into the window, landing in front of me. I got petrified of the monstrous appearance as the servant screams in terror, where the monster lunged at her

I covered my mouth and backed away as the monster gobbled the servant. As the winged monster sniffs in the air before turning to me

Tears began form from my eyes, I can't do anything at this point. This ugly shit will going to gobble me up for good and no one here will save me. Well this is really the end for me