
Reincarnated as the Extra Character with an Epic Comeback

Abigail died in a disease where she gets to reincarnated as Briella Pawn, an extra character of the novel series she finished before she passed away. Briella known as the sacrificial lamb and a great burden to her comrades when it comes to ambush, but that is all about to change since she is the own author of its novel

LeonoreSacrasm13 · Fantasy
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Chapter 1: The Awakening

A painful groan escaped from my mouth as I batted my eyelashes, in a distant I heard laughter and a light, I felt my hands we're tied up including my feet. 

My eyes roamed at the small room that I'm currently held as a prisoner along with the other girls who seem in the age of 16 above, they huddled themselves in the corner

" Looks like the pretties are awake"

My eyes landed at my supposed to be saviors, who we're grinning in a sinister way, but the leader's eyes were staring at me which makes me feel uncomfortable, until one of them has a weird tattoo on their neck where it symbols like a dark skull

" You're no Holy Hunters! You're Slave traders!" I exclaimed 

The other girls gasped after the revelation, I should have known they would show up. In the story, Briella got kidnaped along with the other girls who were proclaimed that they we're rescued by the Holy Hunters, but those men only wear them to avoid any certain dangers or encounter some Holy Hunters that we're roaming by. They abduct young girls to be sell in the Black Market 

Silence fell in the group as the Leader threw his head let out a roaring laughter followed by his men

" Well looks like that you're a smart one " he chuckled with his cold seductive eyes, narrowing at me. I found it creepy and I don't like the way he looks at me at this way

As he turned into his men "Pick any girls except for this one " he eyed at me 

I realized what he meant, in the part of the story where tonight where the nightmare of Balla and the other girls we're defiled by their captors as one by one... the girls we're letting out cries of agony as the scurffying  looking men dragged the poor girls that they will defiled

The room was now empty, which only leaves me and their leader, whose staring with intense lust at his eyes 

" Stay Back you pervert!" I warned, but it didn't fazed the leader who strode his way towards to her. Balla will be rape and fuck I'm in her body! I tried to back away but I was trapped in the corner

I could hear those disgusting men making their victims screams out of their lives

As the leader starts undressing himself showing his large claw mark on his chest, tossing his cloak on the side as he forcefully grabbed my arm, throwing me on the ground where he immediately pinned her with his strong arms 

" Get off! " I snarled, earning an amused expression from my captor as before he could have his way. I won't let him have his way with me, I won't back down.....

" There, there sweetheart...It's already futile to escape from me, but I do like a little challenge " He licked his lips as he leans down, placing disgusting kisses on my neck as his hands were starting groping my breasts

I forced him to get off of me but his size is too much for me to handle, I don't want this....

I gritted my teeth 'I WON'T GIVE IN WITHOUT A FIGHT!'

I felt an overflowing power within me that I couldn't control as a blissful of light devoured me as the last thing I've heard are screams, then I suddenly lost my consiousness..


I was alone in the dark void until I could hear joyful giggles from the children, where I warmed ray of light appeared above me

" She's waking up!"

" Sister Sussana! The girl is awake!"

Wait, are those children voices? damn maybe I got myself killed again and I let some madman take my virginity...damn please God take me now...

Suddenly a beautiful face appeared above me, smiling down with grace, my eyes couldn't help but to shed tears of joy, God had finally answered my prayers..... He sent an angel to pick me up of this place

"Please take me to God..." I muttered out loud

The woman blinked and let out a giggle, as she placed her hands on her forehead

"I fear, that it's not your time yet child " the woman stated

I blinked in confusion where the light suddenly faded slowly where thought the beautiful angel is wearing a nun's outfit and the children we're staring at me

"Wait...I'm dead, aren't I?" I asked the nun who smiled at me as I felt an instant painful sting on my forehead, the smiling nun slapped my forhead as let out a loud " OWW! THAT HURTS!" I exclaimed furiously, glaring at the nun

"Now you believe that you are alive and breathing" She smiled as the children suddenly flocked all over me

"She is sure skinnny" commented one of the children

as the other one sniffed and pinched it's nose " and She reeks too "

I blushed in furiously at them as before I could say anything. The nun told the children to play outside as the children agreed and hurriedly went outside to play, leaving the nun and me alone in the room

" Forgive them for their rudeness, they're are just checking the newcomers. Since you are here in the Sacred Sanctuary of the Holy Hunters "

My eyes widened when she mentioned about the Sanctuary of the Holy Hunters, as everything flashed through my mind about the slave traders and the other girls, I gripped the sheets and my brows narrowed in a frown " I...I was kidnapped by slave traders...."

The nun's attention is now on me as her eyes were staring at me. I wanted to tell her what happened but suddenly my vision suddenly blurred and feeling a bit drowsy" You need to rest, you're not completely heal " she said softly she placed her hands on mine

" Once you recovered, you can tell us what happened, and there will be a servant who will bring your food. Its been a long night for you" with that the nun left me without glancing back

My stomach suddenly grumbles as I turned to the window, where the moon is signing bright along with the star

As my body plopped on the bed after then closing my eyes, hoping everything would be alright, and there would be an end to this nightmare I'm in right now


In the tall dark tower covering with dark mana where a creature was currently imprisoned, voices of woe echoes through as the shackles starts to rattle where it's eyes glows on the darkness, and staring at the opened window where the moon is shining in the dark sky

" The Child of Chaos....is here" it muttered

it's grayish-purple skinned hand with long black claws reaching at the moonlight where a sudden electricity shocked the creature, releasing a loud screech which roared in the tower