
reincarnated as Nawaki with an odd food system

Our Mc is a 3 star Michelin chef who dies saving a little girl ends up in naruto as Nawaki with a chef template system. first template is Sanji from one piece

RODRIGO_OTTO · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
2 Chs

2 I'm gonna live

So after a hectic afternoon of my new sister bugging me about how I can cook which I just attributed to my genius yeah that's right I'm a cocky kid so it's okay. now let's see this system

Mc- System how do you work

system - well host you must cook good food for people but also with templates such as sanjis you must train to the max with their physical limits however they did in their lives and once you do so you will be able to draw the next templates. When you give people food enough times you get chances to draw recipes, ingredients, and skills from chefs in all dimensions.

Mc- sweet I get all that now let's check sanjis template


Black leg style : beginner

Cooking : intermediate

Observation Haki : unawakened

Armament Haki: unawakened

Holy cow I might actually survive and I actually got Haki this is awesome wait I need to train what kind of food system is this (siiiggghhhh)

well then

SLAM ( Tsunade burst in his room)

Tsunade- alright let's go from now on this big sis is gonna train you so you don't end up almost dead from a fall.

Mc- ha yeah about that I actually have an idea of what I want to so don't worry about.

tsunades eyebrows start to twitch

Tsunade- oh yeah how's that

Mc- just gimme some time

Tsunade- all right you got till you start school in two years if you're pulling my leg I'm gonna train you so hard you'll wish you were dead

Mc nodes really hard

well looks like I'm spending the next two years training either way feeding people my food will be easier in the academy let's do this.

(two year timeskip)

you can see a brown haired kid who looks confident standing in front of a beautiful blonde woman

Tsunade- heh times up kid I let you mess around but now it's time to train for real. [ all I've seen this kid do for to years was kicking exercises and he's gotten pretty good but it won't hold up in a ninja fight better to show him now]

Mc- I will show you I haven't been playing around sis ( looks at the screen in front of him)


Black leg style: Advanced

Cooking: Expert

Observation Haki: Beginner

Armament Haki: unawakened

special skills : Diable jambe

He rushes forward surprising the blond with his speed and kicks forward but she blocks him then throws a powerful punch but he kicks it to the side while switching to offense. This goes on for twenty minutes obviously because the blond is holding back before she says

Tsunade- damn kid your not half bad but why aren't you using your hands

Mc- I want to be a chef when I retire so I'll try to fight with just my legs (tsunade frowns)

Tsunade- the world ain't that easy how are you supposed to defend against swords and the like I admit you could take a genin maybe a weak chunin but that's about as far as your style will get you especially without proper chakra control

(Mc smirks)

Mc- sis in that case let me show you my super cool trump card but before that did you know people say food comes from God (tsunade looks confused) But spices come from the devil

the Mc spins like crazy, his leg was on fire then proceeded to turn a huge Boulder near them into a pile of pebbles before his leg goes back to normal.

Tsunade- well I'll be damned hahahaha as expected if my younger brother with me as your older sister of course you can't be judged by ordinary standards. All right you can keep training yourself but I'll still be teaching you a few useful jutsu. Now go get ready for class I'm dropping you off in an hour so shower get dressed an..

Mc- OK I get it jeez (he makes a pouty face ut you could tell he was actually excited to go to the academy and at the same time as Kakashi)

He goes inside gets dressed in a black shirt with black shorts but before he goes outside he hears a ding

system- congratulations host you accumulated enough foodie points to draw one lottery

Mc- what really it took so long that I actually forgot you had this function

system- since this is this I'd host first draw the system will increase host luck 25 fold now draw (brrrrrrrrr ding) lands on part of setsuno Cooking ability/knowledge also as an added bonus gourmet cells are automatically integrated with the host. bye now and work hard to draw more prizes

Mc- Holy fu.... ow (Tsunade comes and drags him off)

Tsunade- what is taking so damn long hurry up we're almost late.