
Reincarnated As Mizuki

"Yes! I reincarnated in Naruto! I wonder what kind of unique kekkei genkai or hiden my clan has? Perhaps even a tailed beast" "What do you mean I get none? what kind of fucking god are you even?" "Ok, so who are you gonna reincarnate me as? Maybe a filler character or a member of a minor clan? No?" "Eh? Why am I HIM oh no, nononono, God Damnit, Why did I reincarnate as the fucking tutorial boss?!" How will the Fate of the Naruto World change when the soul of a weeb reincarnates into one of it's most useless characters? Read on and Find out! Current Release Rate: hahahahahahahahahahahha Obligatory Disclaimer because everyone else has one and I don't wanna get sued: I do not own the Naruto Series, nor any of the characters who inhabit it. 2nd Disclaimer: This shit is an AU. I screwed up the timeline bc why not, so if details are really important to you, I’d give this one a pass chief. Ok, so I'm hot garbage at writing summaries ok >.

IWANTMYDINNER · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
114 Chs

Meeting the Big G

Oliver always wondered what happened after death; who was right.

Was it the Catholics?

Was your soul judged to go to heaven or hell?

Was it the Hindus?

Did you get Reincarnated based on your karma?

The answer, like many things in life, was that nobody was right.

After Oliver was able to save that child all that he encountered after the millisecond of pain was a flash of light and then an ocean pitch black.

Oliver: "Was I struck by lightning as I got hit by the truck? Thats a weirdass death"

Regardless of where he went or how long passed, he could not see, or hear, or even sense anything in the large, all encompassing ocean of ink.

Time passed. Minutes. Hours. Days. Oliver had lost track and had all but given up, resigned to be sentenced to eternity in the void.

Until he saw it.

A Bright sphere of light far off into the horizon, burning like a small sun in a world otherwise devoid of anything else.

His sense of sight was somehow restored.

So, like any logical human being, Oliver rushed towards the light; anxious to find his way out of the seemingly all encompassing darkness which had trapped him for so long.

However, along his sprint to this source. He noticed something.

He could feel the sensation of his feet as they impacted the "floor".

He could hear the sound of his deep, fatigued breaths.

He could smell the repugnant scent of sweat pouring off of his being as he rushed towards his only hope.

For the first time in God knows how long, he felt human again.

Continuing to sprint as fast as possible towards the light, noticing it slowly getting larger in his field of vision, as he felt his strength starting to wane.

However, with one final push of strength and determination he was able to just barely reach out and touch the light.

Oliver's surroundings suddenly started to shift.

The new space he was in was the antithesis of what the last one was. This space was a dimension blanketed by a white, calming light. However, there were also some differences.

Here, Oliver had his body and all of his senses.

Although, the most prominent difference would be the fact that there was someone else directly across from him.

The person across from him was easily hundreds of meters tall, and yet despite this Oliver was still able to see the being perfectly.

The figure wore a pair of white, loose fitting pants, which seemed to be his his only article of clothing as he was not only lacking shoes but also a shirt.

His muscles were on prominent display, looking as if they had been developed through many eons of fighting and tempering, with a lean, athletic look accompanied by several scars .

His hairs were silver with bits of black highlighting it, being tied in a high ponytail. He also had a Sect Elder Style Beard.

One which was only there for the purposes of stroking to appear deep in thought or intelligent.

This "person" was sitting at an equally mostorously sized desk filling out paperwork of some kind.

The being glanced past his paperwork as he noticed another figure in the room.

God: "Oh, so it's you"

His voice sounded like that of a bored king, yet behind his eyes held a look of...Amusement? Anticipation?

Oliver: "E-E-Excuse Me?"

Oliver was able to finally complete his sentence after several attempts.

Oliver: "W-W-Who are you?"

The being suddenly had a light smirk on his face, the type of smirk someone gets when they have gotten someone to do something for them.


the being suddenly raised his voice, clearly running off of a prepared speech.


the quick introduction briefly coming to a close.

Oliver: {He sounds like a bit of a chuuni}

Just as Oliver was about to ask a question, The God spoke yet again, off of what sounded like another heavily prepared speach.


As soon as Oliver heard these words he instantly became ecstatic.

Oliver: {Yes! Woohoo! Victory! Time to become an immortal hero and to build a hareem! Lets Go!}

Trying not to sound like a self centered asshole, Oliver inquired about the state of the girl he attempted to save.

Oliver: "Is the little girl alright"

God: "Oh yah, she is totally fine."

God: "She eventually went on to have a family of her own and spread good deeds from being inspired by you. "

God: "She didn't become the president or anything but you still saved a life so good on you".

God: "So..Um, Kid...You Ready to get reincarnated?"

the God asked in a noticiably quicker pace, as if he was starting to get stressed about something.

"Oh yes!" exclaimed Oliver

Oliver: "I want the Uchiha Bloodli-"

God: "Hold on, I never said anything about wishes"

Oliver: "Bu-"

God: "Besides, your advantage is your knowledge of the future. That is pretty much more valuable than any kekkei genkai."

God: "Besides, why the Uchiha bloodline of all things? I get that it is op and all but do you really want to need to slaughter your best friend in order to stay relavent to the plot."

God: "You could have wished for anything! Wood style, a new kekkei tota, perhaps a new forbidden jutsu. But noooo all of you reincarnators are all the same, it makes things so boring."

After the rant, the god quicky refocused his attention to his paperwork. Clearly trying to finish it in a hurry now.

After patiently waiting for five minutes, Oliver noticed the god sigh in relief as he placed the paper and pencil he was using on the desk as he stood up and faced Oliver.

God: "Ready to be reincarnated?"

Olivier: "Y-Y-Yes!"

The God now had a smirk on his face as he faced the human in front of him.

God: "Okay then, but don't regret it later."

Oliver was confused by what the god was saying, although he had no time at all to ponder the thought as he heard the loud booming voice of a woman coming from somewhere else in the space.

Goddess: "HONEY, DID YOU DRINK ALL OF THE BOOS AGAIN?!" The voice boomed.

God now had an immense look of fear in his eye. A primal fear that all being regardless of their shape or form understand. The terror of the wife.

The God quickly materialized a katana in it's sheath at his side as he faced Oliver.

God: "Sorry Kid, but I can't do this slow or else she will kill me, Have Fun!"

As he said that he unsheathed the blade from its sheath to reveal it.

The sight of the blade caused Oliver to freak out.

Rather than being a blade on the other end, there was a massive semi-truck.

Oliver: {That's not a sword! It's an 18 wheeler on a stick!}

Speeding up even further, the god quickly took aim at Oliver with his blade.

God: "behold the legendary tool of reincarnation, TRUCK SAMA: STICK VERSION"

And With that, the glowing truck came down and struck Oliver, smashing him into a pancake.

But rather than resulting in blood and guts everywhere, as soon as the sword touched Oliver he turned into a beam of light and shot down from the heavens, to his reincarnated world of choice, not knowing that he was soon to be reincarnated as a certain someone.

haha I was able to publish a second chapter! honestly had no idea I was gonna do this either but alas, here we are. So as always I would love constructive criticism as I am a first time writer. I might do a third chapter today but I wouldn't hold my breath on that. Anyways, Thanks for Reading!

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